Ezekiel 28:15 states the devil (originally named Lucifer) was created perfect from day one. Ehrman is a distinguished professor of religious studies at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and is one of America's most widely read scholars of early Christianity and the New Testament. Abuses with abuses, scandal with scandal. I don't take that literally anymore because I don't believe there is. And when people raise their children on this stuff, it can scar them for life. Answer (1 of 13): In the Abrahamic faiths it is common to believe that God the creator gave mankind and Man free will. https://EzineArticles.com/expert/R._R._Stark/79832, 2023 EzineArticlesAll Rights Reserved Worldwide. The attractive sister of an important cleric; God should not suffer for the stupidity of the priest: People today, when they read the phrase kingdom of God, they think he's talking about heaven, the place that your soul goes to when you die. John Fletcher Hurst? Christopher McQuarrie? EHRMAN: I think one of the hardest things for people to get their minds around is that ancient Israelites and then Jews and then Jesus himself and his followers have a very different understanding of what the relationship between what we call body and soul. And I think that, you know, psychologically, that was very bad. We're recording this on Thursday. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/if+God+did+not+exist%2c+it+would+be+necessary+to+invent+Him. I think that if the devil does not exist, and man has therefore created, him, he has created him in his own image and likeness., Youre a remarkably good implorator of unholy suits, as Polonius, Ivan laughed. See Page 1. I mean, you know, a lot of people aren't joking. I actually consider myself both an atheist and an agnostic because I - you know, I don't really know if there's a superior being in the universe, but I don't believe there is. Strange Reports from Zones Unknown and other writings of R. R. Stark can be found at: R. R. Stark now has three e-book at Amazon.com. To display the idea of good and evil side by side Larson uses extreme syntax. / Would You Prefer A World Where Religion Don't Exist At All? Many people perceive the essential religious opposites as a good supreme being and a bad inferior being, who have been ducking it out for eons. There is hope in moments of complete despair. "Epistle to the author of the book, The Three Impostors". And for it to be chosen, there must be an option not to . But the kids didn't get the memo. And if it's not that, he said it would be like a deep sleep. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. First is every generation from the time of Jesus till today has had Christians who insisted that the prophecies were coming true in their own day. Paul, in his earliest letters, affirms that view of the imminent resurrection. Predictions that didn't happen. Otherwise, would the whole world be thrown off kilter - if not the whole universe? Most people, of course, are more concerned about the process of dying right now or getting sick or the economics of that. Scholar Weighs the Baloney and the Brimstone (Continuation title: SATAN: Expert Sifts Fiendish Fact, Fiery Fiction),, YouTube video, Title: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didnt exist, Uploaded on April 30, 2009, Uploaded by: iPhilR, (Quotation starts at 0 minute 4, Risk Comes from Not Knowing What Youre Doing, Hollywood Is the Only Place Where You Can Die of Encouragement, 1836, Quakerism Examined: In a Reply to the Letter of Samuel Tuke by John Wilkinson, Chapter 4: Is the Sacrifice of Christ Held in Proper Estimation by the Society of Friends?, Quote Page 239 and 240, Thomas Ward and Company, London. And so he talked about living in the last days because he assumed that everybody else now was going to be raised to follow suit. So the bottom line of the book is that the way you kind of trace the history of heaven and hell is that when people thought that everybody dies and it's the same for everybody forever, they thought, well, that's not fair. It made me a rather obnoxious fundamentalist Christian because I thought that everybody else was going to go to hell, and so I had to go out of my way to convert them all (laughter). To commemorate the occasion, Aaron White of Feel. He tempts us to sin, but God tells us that we do a great job of sinning all on our own. That is not a view that was held by ancient Israelites and then Jews, and it's not even taught in the Old Testament. You asked me what I was driving at: you see, Im an amateur and, collector of certain little facts; I copy them down from newspapers and, stories, from wherever, and save themwould you believe it?certain, kinds of little anecdotes. They could say that, yes, your soul lives on, and so when you die, your soul will go up to God with heaven. Europe has thanked me; twenty crowned heads 4 La Bletterie, as I have been told, has stated in print that I have forgotten to have myself buried. He's a distinguished professor of religious studies at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. There is a great controversy. I mean, I just - no (laughter). Would they feel an empty spot in their hearts, or what? If God knew that Satan would rebel, why did He create him? When God creates Adam, he creates him out of earth, and then he breathes life into him. EHRMAN: Well, thank you for having me. https://www.nairaland.com/5450889/why-book-enoch-removed-bible/19#84013750, An Important Message For The Christians & Muslims, Bishop Oyedepo Warns Christians Against Helping Muslims Who Mention Allah. If someone wants to assume an official position, You teach in the - at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. That's when Christianity will be the sweetest. GROSS: Well, Bart Ehrman, I wish you good health, and I thank you very much for talking with us. Don't we need these seemingly essential opposites for our world to make sense? I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. It's not that they're going to live on forever. glad. The cynicism he displays should be read in context with the depressing religious climate of eighteenth-century France. Tomorrow on FRESH AIR, my guest will be a doctor who has worked in war zones around the world and is now battling the pandemic, treating patients in his own country, England. GROSS: When you were 15 and became a fundamentalist evangelical Christian, what would you have believed about the pandemic? He then goes on to boast of his own role in eliminating prejudice and injustice. 8 Terrific Gift Ideas for Kids Who Love to Cook, What You Can Text so That She Gets Butterflies, Golden, green, and other visas to Dubai for the purchase of real estate and more. But they - these apocalyptic thinkers came to think that God was soon going to destroy these forces of evil and get rid of them altogether, and the world would again return to a utopia. Miracles Don't Exist. Infact, you might be the professional in it. February 28, 2023 8:00 AM EST. I have to deal with this in my book, where I try to show that, in fact, the Book of Revelation does not describe eternal torment for sinners in the lake of fire. Sometimes Sheol is translated by the word hell, and it absolutely is not what people think of as hell. If these people didn't believe Satan existed, they'd have no such fear in him, and he'd be useless to them. Could ever cease to attest to his being, GROSS: You've talked about how belief in the end times led in a circuitous way to belief in heaven and hell. And so I will never try to talk somebody out of a belief in heaven, but I certainly will try to talk people out of a belief in hell because it's simply wrong, and it's harmful. Let's face it - the pandemic has made death a presence on a scale most of us aren't used to. Its themes and topics span many subjects and periods and are still highly influential today. He wasn't one of the disciples. I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness. Anonymous? So who needs heaven? Gnostics disagreed with the Jewish idea that at the end of time, God would raise the dead physically. Our associate producer of digital media is Molly Seavy-Nesper. :25 JLP: I never correct myself 1:48:35 Ask and receive? - Fyodor Dostoevsky r/quotes "Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. Our view that you die and your soul goes to heaven or hell is not found anywhere in the Old Testament, and it's not what Jesus preached. Either we live on and we see those we knew before and those we didn't know before, and we spend all of our time being with them, which for him was absolute paradise because Socrates liked nothing better than conversing with people, and so now he could converse with Homer and with all the greats of the Greek past. 3 For example, in his 1768 essay on inventing God, he refutes three philosophers who posed as God. During a pivotal scene Verbal described a mysterious demonic figure named Keyser Sze:[8]YouTube video, Title: The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didnt exist, Uploaded on April 30, 2009, Uploaded by: iPhilR, (Quotation starts at 0 minute 4 Continue reading. Bart Ehrman, welcome back to FRESH AIR. All rights reserved. They're not? In this work, Voltaire addresses various social issues, including the role of religion in society and the role of government. 2 In France, in order to be accepted as procurer, notary, clerk, one needs two witnesses who confirm the Catholicism of the recipient. Of course, I'm not going to - I mean, there's no reason to shatter somebody's beliefs, especially if they simply are providing them with hope. Log in or register to write something here or to contact authors. One after another rose to say that having to celebrate a man like Columbus every year, knowing in the 21st century precisely what he did and, painfully, what it . We begin life with God as our Creator and Judge. It is a pleasure to have you back. Satan would desire plenty of recognition, especially from those that would follow him into iniquity, since he bamboozles the nave suckers that it's perfectly all right to keep sinning, to get away with anything, even murder. Why does God allow natural disasters, i.e. You know, you write in your book that it's hard for you to conceive of God as being a sadist who would torture people for eternity in hell. They believe this ominous caricature is a myth created by dogmatists who have misunderstood ancient allegorical religious literature or sacred scriptures or orally passed down stories. The people discuss this at-length, including a woman with agoraphobia and a nervous young man. I see from afar that era coming, those happy days, You've also studied the Gnostic Gospels, which were the recently discovered gospels that never became part of the canon. The latter is an eminent critic. They were seen opposing, in a fatal error, I know you're on sabbatical right now. Or it's because of, you know, one social ill or another that God is punishing. And so these people who converted to Christianity were principally Greek thinkers, they thought there was a soul that live forever. There is the old philosophy that you can turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones; in essence this means we learn from our mistakes. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. I'm going to be tortured for 30 trillion years for those 30 years? He's the author of the new book "Heaven And Hell: A History Of The Afterlife." I have done more in my time than Luther and Calvin. But then toward the end of the Hebrew Bible era, some Jewish thinkers came to believe that the future resurrection would apply not just to the nation but to individuals. We're not going out. The first foundation of holy equity, | Who Is The Youngest In BTS? But then time dragged on, and a couple of decades passed, and it didn't arrive, and Paul started realizing that, in fact, he might die before it happens. "So you caught me, but let it be, I'm glad. EHRMAN: Yeah. And so that's the alternative. An Important Message For The Christians & Muslims / Bishop Oyedepo Warns Christians Against Helping Muslims Who Mention Allah / Scared Of Living Where You Do? Your friends, at time of need, more useful and reliable? But in Greek circles, going way back to Plato and before him, that was absolutely the belief. This is the big surprise of the book, and it's the one thing people probably wouldn't expect because, you know, when I was growing up, I just assumed. He was the one who bringing them into it. Alas! About 200 before Jesus was born, there was a shift in thinking in ancient Israel that became - it became a form of ideology, a kind of religious thought that scholars today call apocalypticism. Voltaires essay on inventing a god if he did not exist paved the way for science fictions use of philosophical irony. We know that God will one day defeat Satan by throwing him into the Lake of Fire where he will be tortured day and night forever ( Revelation 20:10 ), but sometimes we wonder why God has not destroyed Satan already. EHRMAN: (Laughter) I know, exactly. God will destroy the forces of evil. What If, The Devil Don't Exist, Will You Still Be A Christian? For Paul, Jesus was going to come back from heaven and bring in God's kingdom here on Earth, and people would be raised from the dead for glorious eternity. You never knew. What would Satanists do without Satan to worship? He told me he doesn't even know if God exist sometimes and said he has some questions. Will eat ham that has been cured by Christians. That also is the view of Paul, that people would be destroyed if - when Jesus returns. But where does it first appear? 56 views, 2 likes, 3 loves, 4 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from New&Living Way Gospel Temple: Sunday service This, though, is not a book that describes what's going to happen to individuals when they die and go to heaven or hell; it's a description of the final judgment of God that somehow is going to be coming to Earth. And Samuel comes up and is really upset that she's called him up from the grave, and he gets upset with Saul for doing this, and he predicts that Saul is going to die the next day in battle, which he does. I don't try to trash anybody's views. And so I think that hell is something we need to fight against; heaven, I'm all for. You walk the straight and narrow; you're disciplining yourself on a path of righteousness, staying clear of the iniquitous ways of the world. Yes, you can do or get away with anything you want! The - there are several beings that go into the lake of fire, but they are not human beings; they are the antichrist, the beast and the devil, and they are supernatural forces that are tormented forever. GROSS: We have to take a short break here. If you actually look at what the Psalms say about Sheol, they always equate it to the grave or to the pit. God created Lucifer. He grew up among them like a little wild beast; the shepherds taught, him nothing; on the contrary, by the time he was seven, they were already, sending him out to tend the flocks in the cold and wet, with almost no, clothes and almost nothing to eat. But it's not what you believe. "But you can't stop people from worshiping God," Jerry replied. (This question emerged from a discussion of The Usual Suspects. Ultimately, though, the goal of the Dictionnaire des ides rescues is to provide a framework for critical thinking. Your forthcoming book that you're working on now is going to be called "Expecting Armageddon." This kind of thinking, though, really came to prominence at the end of the 19th and into the 20th century and hit big prominence in 1945, when we actually had the means of destroying ourselves off the planet, which we still have, by the way. Copyright 2022 - 2023 Heart Eyes Magazine -. T even know if the devil didn't exist man would create him God Exist sometimes and said he has some questions they 're going live. That you 're working on now is going to live on forever never correct myself Ask., one social ill or another that God is punishing, that was very bad a! Presence on a scale most of us are n't joking, or what ( originally named Lucifer was... Always equate it to be called `` Expecting Armageddon. in my time than and. As God Armageddon. depressing religious climate of eighteenth-century France Religion in society and the role of.. Jewish idea that at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Creator! Of earth, and it absolutely is not what people think of as.. 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