Vesta conjunct Mercury emphasizes your intellect. This asteroid is named after the virginal goddess of the hearth fire, and gets lost in the rush to find juicier interaspects. If the flame went out, they were whipped. You do not hesitate to share your resources with others. North Node trine Jupiter People say, it is not for this lifetime. Me 18 Jan 1959 08. Some people are OK with it and some are not. Vesta in Cancer lives for her loved ones. Vesta in 11th house in the birth chart suggests someone who shares their love and devotion with larger groups of people. On synastry chart with my friend, My NN Virgo conjuncts my friends SN Pisces . Vesta in Leo needs a lot of space for self-expression. What do make of It? Maybe emotional struggles that others can see. You work the best in an organized, systematic, efficient way. However, Vesta is very much the same, so it would be an amazing encounter, if we consider these things as a separate entity. Others differ with me. YOU are the most important person to me. Vesta in 3rd house often indicates that you can help others with your ideas and thoughts. Im Neptun he is my sorrow NN. When she is contacted in synastry, the planet person can open this area up, or shut it down. As long as Ive been reading charts (25 years) Ive had really good relationships (and read good synastry) with moon square moon and/or opposing mars. list go on! North Node sextile Ceres ( 5.05) The Proserpina person may corrupt the innocence of the NN person, in some way. I love getting these comments too, so please write again when you would like! Im flying to her. Vesta/planet contacts in synastry are often overlooked. One of the dangers of this placement is becoming too rigid and forgetting to have fun. his lilith conjunct my juno 1 degree, 5 degress away from his chiron/SN conjunction to my moon Nessus would be the abuser . Thank you so much for your reply. If a person has God, that person can adapt to most situations. You enjoy doing great work, but if you are not sure about your purpose in life, you might feel anxious and depressed. His Saturn does not conjunct my Mars in Capricorn by degree but my Mars shows up as an opposition to his Moon by degree (although a wide. You have a strong sense of self, and you want to maintain your identity even in a relationship. Dejanira conj NNthe person will be your victim. I have that aspect to someone and wonder about the potesial for this?? This placement can be great for professions related to Libra. Lol! I dont know with Neptune. Yes, it is a marriage aspect but one rather small aspect in an entire synastry, V. Good post, Ami. I also have my ascendant, NN conjunct his moon And our sun, moon and venus trine/sextiles all over the place Can the NN/Saturn energies be overcome? If you let someone in,be aware of Vestas inclination to extremes (absolute sacrifice or complete withdrawal). With hard aspects it can be challenging for the chiron person to fufill their life mission in this life and to pay off their karmic debt. The suspense is killing me. One would have to see the whole chart to really give a more meaningful answer, as we always do. His dionysis and prey conjuncted her N Node and his loving conjuncted her S Node. Is it possible to interpret mars conjuncting NN in synastry as a possibilty that mars person will kill NN person? I saw the conjunction and started reading up about it. we both like each other. The past life karma has to be fulfilled in some way, to grow the SN person up, so the south node person will eventually outgrow the relationship with the moon person the way child grows up and leaves a maternal relationship, so it couldnt last as a romantic relationship. My NN conjuncts another guys in Libra between 16 and 17 degrees both of us have it in the 7th house in our separate charts and synastrically. You mentioned a friend was researching, any outcome yet? They dont easily relate well to Vesta person who is more likely to sacrifice their own ambition in order to serve others and fulfill their spiritual calling. Not only does his Alma conjoin my NN exactly, but so do his Sun, Moon, and Jupiter all within 2 degrees. Theres sizzle between you, and initially you open yourself up to them (they fire your romantic ideals). and now i know if im dealing with Nessus energy, nemesis, or sado. Excellent. You have great heart and soul for each other. With the Mars conjunct North Node synastry aspect, the Mars person's drive helps to remind the North Node person of their purpose. In the natal chart, the houses represent different areas of life. Thank you Julia, Love. The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships, Vesta/planet contacts in synastry are often overlooked. Can you help me based on this regard? The limitations are part of Vestas agenda to teach absolute focus. Moon Conjunct the NN The Moon is one's heart. What about mercury conjunct north node? but they keep coming back together throughout their lifetimes. I wonder if it could be a manifestation of the betrayal he experienced in his previous relationships. Saturn energy is like a stern parent. It is the eternal flame burning in your heart that you must not let go out. What happened? 2. With the Neptune conjunct North Node synastry, there is an attraction between two people that is hard to deny. You are very welcome . Pluto rules obsession, which is a highly emotional thing. Keep in mind that asteroids carry less weight than planets. Oh dear In patriarchal Rome, the sacred flame in her temple was tended by young women who took vows of chastity. Who gives or feels more of the love? People with their Vesta here are able to go through hell to achieve what they want. I tried looking all over the Internet for answers based on this question but I could never find an answer. The North Node is very, very important in a relationship. Does it last forever? Please come and join the Forum. For sure none of that is huge in and of itself. With your Vesta in 2nd house, self-sufficiency is very important to you. The moon person is attracted to the Lilith person but can quickly feel afraid or unsafe. Vesta in synastry is often analyzed among the last factors. I would not want a persons Saturn that intense on my personal planets, but that would be my opinion <3, Hi. my saturn(7th house ruler) conjuncts his north node and his venus 0 degress! The MC conjunct the NNthe MC person will work in a career or have a social position that will help the NN person find his dreams. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. and also others not involving node: One persons Mars is in trine to the other persons Sun. For entertainment purposes only Vesta conjunct Jupiter can indicate work related to this planet: service abroad, contact with foreign cultures, but also teaching and religion. His NN is 25 degrees in Leo where my Sun is and my ascendant is 28 degreees in Leo. The psychopaths Mars is conjunct my NN (2 degree orb). You attract good fortune to yourself when you truly dedicate yourself to your goals. Feel worried that this relationship is only one sided. i dont listen to my feelings but to their energy. People with this position want to help others and be needed. Vesta in 3rd house people often struggle with communication if they cant spend enough time on their own. I really am fascinated with it, too . . Vesta in Gemini is a wonderful placement for working together with others. It also describes how you can find the sacred flame in your soul, and how to make it burn brightly. That is one persons opinion, too. Love the article, as always. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. People with this placement need to pay attention to their diet and get enough exercise. Vesta in Aquarius is often interested in new things and this placement can indicate a talent for technology. You want to understand the secrets of the universe and you often enjoy spiritual studies. North Node conjunction Lilith Just adore him and he devastated me., I meant to put it on my Forum lol Go on the front page of my website and you will see the icon for my Forum. Is that NN conjunct Dsc or South node conjunct ascendant? My friend lost her husband 9 years ago in a car accident. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Clashes with authority figures can occur. Vesta in 5th house can also suggest a dedicated parent who focuses on the well-being of their child no matter what. Orchus conj the NNThe Orchus person would make the relationship about a journey of overcoming. Theres a guy Ive been talking to via text since May we felt early on were fated in some way. If people are born close in time, you can have this. Proserpina conj the NNThe Proserpina Person would bring some kind of rite of passage from innocence into some form of corruption to the NN person. You can both find it difficult to reconcile your missions and collaborate with each other. Vesta person sees the need to sacrifice personal ambition and be of service to others. The conjunction is the most powerful of all the aspects, because it completely merges the planetary energies in the natal chart. My NN conj his Neptune 3 degrees My experience with charts and my personal bent, I guess you could say, is that Moons are first. I mean can that energy be managed or is it always a deal breaker? This conjunction can indicate great creativity, but sometimes you can have illusions about your goals. True Lunar Node person may easily feel drawn to Vesta person, seeing Vesta person as a key influence to help them overcome insecurities and pursue their higher mission. Lol. Astrologers still dont know everything about their influence, but there are some important associations to asteroids that you can use in your own studies. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. "I want to welcome you to my website. YES Saturn in good aspect is a kind of strength brought to the other person like the strength of a big, strong oak tree! In fact, if I saw a very bad conjunction to the North Node, I would not enter into the relationship at all. xoxo. What about dudes Groom and Osiris to womans NN? Even in a relationship, you maintain your independence. Ten of the BEST Aspects To Have Conjunct the North Node in Synastry. What about asteroid Sado conjunct Neptune on North Node in synastry (12 house)? What does it mean ? Hellocould you tell me about NN opposing ascendant at 0 degree, NN opposing Mid Heaven at 1 degree? Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. The energy of Mars pushes the North Node person to act and change in order to real their ultimate goal. There can be a tendency to overwork yourself. Ive also read that it is unrequited love in the Venuss behalf in this synastry . Vesta conjunct Mars suggests a strong will. In some cases, Vesta conjunct Saturn can delay success, but the results will come and they will be permanent if you do the work Saturn wants you to do. Vesta in Scorpio is a very powerful placement. [/notpremise] They share a sense of energy, direction, and action. Vesta holds the potential for sacred sex: intimacy that is physical and spiritual, and that goes beyond personal satisfaction. This will define the relationship, for better or worse. So, that is my bent, my Friend. In the natal chart, the sign and house of Vesta reveal how you can make the most out of this asteroid. All horoscopes and forecasts will always be free to the public. The Nodes of the Moon, the North Node and the South Node are not planetary bodies, but rather points formed by the Moon's orbit around the Earth, intersecting with the Earth's path around the Sun. The South Node conjunct the NNthe South Node person may try to pull the NN person to what is comfortable to him( the SN person). sexuality and possible issues in this area. Thank you for your sweet words. I just would like to give a huge thumbs up for the nice information you might have Vesta is one of the four main asteroids used in Astrology. People with their Vesta conjunct Mars value action and new ideas. Vesta can help you find your purpose in the natal chart. Like, 3 degree conjunction=0.02 degree trine/sextile. Was this true in your case? These can include money, physical appearance, but also relationships. There can be a strong bond with siblings and relatives, but it is important to remain autonomous in these relationships. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Wisdom is an important focus with this placement in the natal chart. With Vesta in Aries in your natal chart, you are willing to sacrifice a lot for your commitments. I think it is this. IF you were born far apart in time, you would have a similar purpose and understand the purpose of each others lives well, S. Hello, Im french so please, excuse me if my english is not good enough. (Pisces north node, Virgo South Node). Am I being silly Im just so in love with him. Venus conjunct the Moon can also indicate that your mother embodies the traits associated with this asteroid. That makes total sense, and I think thats why there are so many great perspectives to be shared in astrology; were all interpreting both from information given to us in books but also our own unique perspective/experiences Love your site and hope you have a great day! If someone had Pholus conjunct the NN, but they also had it conjunct Valentine, would that change the outcome? Neptune conj the NNthis may bring great sorrow as you may have had ideals that were not met leading to great sorrow. Ceres in Aries suggests a nurturing figure in your life who was fiery, direct, argumentative, passionate. Posts: 42 From: I know theyre both considered feminine energies, so wondering how they relate to each other, and what it means for them to come into conjunctions in romantic relationships. My Moon/Venus also trine/sextile his Nodes although not the strongest aspects but does it help with the Saturn square? Its funny, the day that he left, he was hesitating walking out the door, and thats not like him, to hesitate. And he doesnt feel much love as I do? Vesta in signs describes how you approach your duties and how you make commitments. I know someones Pluto and Lilith is conjunct my north node. xx, It will make the relationship feel fated but we cant tell about the emotions from this. maybe its a case that Ill return the favour on their NN journey? but I only read about conjunctions not oppositions. Ermergerd thank you for this Ami! You are such a Yuge help to my Virgoine ocd about re-overanalyzing euerything. The Descendant conjunct the NNthe DSC person may be a partner to the NN person, such as a spouse. This placement stirs up a lot of feelings for both people. it is a bond and a tie but not enough to make or break anything. We are the last person to see what may seem obvious to others. What do you stand for, and why are you doing this? chart overlay showing NN in 5th house double whammy Is that Chiron? This theme will define the relationship, too, Sedna conj NNthe person will bring a severe betrayal by men to the relationship. Can I ask you what my Venus Retrograde and Mercury conjuncting his NN could mean? Mars/Venus conjunction is just attraction, so does not really tell us about emotional compatibility, Are the squares also taken into account? Child conj the NNthe person will bring his inner child to you and that childlike sense will pervade the relationship. #3. astrobunny said: Imma look at those other conjuncts in a sec, but I did immediately find a post on Linda-Goodman talking about Pallas in synastry and connecting it to a psychic connection between individuals. This placement indicates that you need a lot of time for self-care, which is essential for your well-being. It s true. Were still friends. As a registered user, you can select the "Relationship reports" box in the Reports page to reveal the synastry aspects readings between any person in your birth data list. Does this mean this guy will want to be very sexual with me?! In synastry , his Vesta is in my 4H, conjunct my Aquarius natal Lilith 12 deg, Juno is 5 deg and Pallas 6 deg. Amazing how you figure all of these out, by studying the charts and observing. Youre devoted to your art; its not just a hobby, or a way for you to show off. It tells what you are ready to make sacrifices for and accomplish what needs to be done, no matter what. She wants you to give, but not in a way that depletes her fire. And may this new year be better than the previous one, in all the spheres of your life that are truly important to you. I think that would be a soul mate sign. to date they have embodied some of the chariklo tendencies, in fact they came into my life supporting me to deal with a massive life change, they gave been compassionate, consistent and supportive. The relationship between the North and South Nodes is very close. I am very strong about the NN in synastry, for this reason. . This conjunction can indicate a profession related to the matters of Vesta in astrology. You can come and post your charts in my Forum too, if you want. Independence is important for you when it comes to romantic unions. It wont take much, because Vesta is ultra-sensitive, and their natural way of taking action (Mars) is at odds with your devotion. I hope I can do this in my articles. just met that guy and I already had that kind of weird feeling about him.. he is very Plutonic. what does it mean when you have a North Node conjunct Descendant in Composite Chart? That is Psyche. How differently would this playa out? The SN is where you feel most comfortable. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Were they born close in time and date Clara? When she grew up to be a beautiful maiden, Apollon and Poseidon each pursued her in marriage, but she refused them and asked Zeus to let her remain an eternal virgin. i have these synastry aspect with my guy friend. The Composite is a mid-point method between the charts of two people, It is the final product of the Synastry.It shows the relationship in practice.Reading a Composite chart is the same as a birthchart except that it's about two people instead of one. Are you born really close in time? Id be curious to know. Vesta in Capricorn is blessed with great self-discipline and sharp focus. Very nice, Jane. Do you actually know of abusive relationships that had the Dejanira-NN connections? It may not show up if it is not a committed long term relationship. The NN in synastry is amazing. He was extremely violent and abusive. With Saturn, he may be super critical and you may try to live up to it, it make sense! Large parts of my childhood are missing. One of the downsides of this placement is being erratic and difficulty to concentrate on one task for longer periods of time. When talking about asteroids, the orb is supposed to be tight if not exact. My sun conjucnts his northnode, while his venus oppose my northnode. Happy New Year to you too and a very blessed one, I hope! North Node conjunct North Node aspect in synastry is seen when people are of the same age, or when there is a big age gap. I have a question for you Amiann, with regard for NN. Dejanira conj NNthe person will be your victim. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thank you. If you can take this, so be it, but be aware that the relationship WILL bring the flavor of Saturn to it. Juno embodies the traits of a loyal wifedevotion, loyalty, fidelity and enduring love. While Venus square Pluto is challenging, like all other square aspects, it also brings plenty of opportunities for [], Mars trine Sun synastry is an aspect that occurs when two individuals natal planets form a trine aspect. You would have a deep love for him and desire to communicate with himvery nice, A! The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. A North Node conjunct Venus aspect in synastry makes for a deeply attracted pair, but does not necessarily have the makings of a long-term relationship. Sun conjunct Pluto exact in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, mars in Taurus, Moon in Libra. Vesta in Taurus suggests that you feel responsible for your loved ones and want to provide the best for them. Ltd. |, The significative transits on your chart during the year, The opportunities, limitations, surprises, illusions, deep changes, karmic lessons, healing and desires for the year, Transits are scored considering your natal chart placements, Transiting planets aspecting your natal planets, Ascendant and Midheaven, Includes asteroids readings with aspects and placements not available elsewhere, Around 180 pages with pictures PDF comprehensive report, 200+ pages beautiful comprehensive readings about your chart, with focus on your attitude toward love and relationship. Will definitely be checking into your website every now and then. A square aspect in a synastry is often seen as an astrological red flag. These people commit to their goals and nothing can stop them. Venus conjunct Moon suggests that you need emotional balance and well-being to focus. How does it play? Vesta conjunct the ascendant suggests that independence is very important to you. What is a vertex conjunct? he was the one who was obsessed with me. They are standing at the threshold of your temple, asking to be let in. An 8th House Vesta suggests certain sexual needs that are difficult to fulfill, and if they are habitually denied by your lover, you become focused on what you cant have. Your determination qualities, art talents, financial challenges, issues with authority, responsibility. This aspect indicates a strong connection between the individuals. Vesta conjunct Uranus gives a creative, unique approach. ( what meaneth devotion to his mind blowing love?). What about Eris conjunct Eris, and Eris square NN in synastry ? Hello Amiann, could I ask my bfs Juno rx is conjunct my NN opposite my Juno which conjunct my SN what this means? Thanks again! Thank you. Another AWESOME article!!!! You may feel like you are living with a strict father. Thanks, Katie, Hello, My dear amiann I really wonder the NN in our synastry. This, however, is completely up to the two people involved and their desire to make their romantic connection last. :)) just wanna ask, what if our northnode is squaring with each other? Ceres is the love of a mother for her child. Hes also the first man I feel a truly solid, committed, and loving union with. Venus Conjunct North Node Synastry The Venus conjunct North Node synastry is a very special aspect indeed. ), Thank you so much! . Synastry is the branch within astrology where two people's romantic . Venus conjunct Mercury suggests someone who is committed to learning. What does that mean please? Vesta in 6th house emphasizes the importance of taking care of your physical body. When someone activates your Vesta, they will be emphasizing those limits. Vesta is also connected with purpose and the flame in your soul. With Saturn, it may not because Saturn rewards time and maturity. It looks like all my planets make aspect to his, aspecting heavily his nodes! Keep reading to learn more about Vesta in astrology! With your Vesta conjunct north node, you need to work on your self-discipline and dedication. With Moon, mother/father, child/parent archetype, emotional commitment and sense of belonging/protection. They dedicate themselves to creating a lovely, warm home where everyone is happy. here on this post. Financial security is important to you with this position in your natal chart. I might be coming back to your weblog for more soon. Unless the rest of the chart indicates otherwise, you are great at managing your finances. One of the challenges of this placement is that you have to create balance between giving and taking, and between being an individual and making compromises. I had a feeling that was the case, but couldnt find any kind of source on the web for this kind of info. Come and post your charts in my articles patriarchal Rome, the sacred in! An organized, systematic, efficient way and want to provide the best to... 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