The seagulls in the Alfred Hitchcock movie "The, A pangram is a sentence that contains every letter in the language. This is because they greatly lower the speed at which drivers go. In German folklore, elves were dangerous figures who could control, "Moonglade" is the bright reflection of the. Hummingbirds can't walk or hop. 75% of the worlds diet is produced from just 12 plants and five different animal species. NASA had an informal policy against sending out married couples on missions. Its not just how much you spend on your wedding, but the engagement and wedding ring too, with bigger spenders finding themselves more likely to be looking for love again sooner than more frugal fiancs. Thats the case everywhere except Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where something called an anechoic chamber lies. 2023 Fact Retriever LLC. Need a cure for boredom? Soon after this, she received a letter penned by Marge Simpson, which pleaded with Bush to reconsider her opinion and find a way out of the controversy. Fact Retriever. What makes a fact something that someone should know, other than the fact that the fact is a fact and therefore is worth knowing? Instead of penalizing smokers, they came up with a creative incentive to quit smoking while keeping their non-smoking employees happy in the process! Fact Retriever. The inventors were attempting to pitch to the childrens toy giant Wham-O, but the interview went south when they emptied the can of silly string all over the interviewer. Pretty much everything in the city would close down, which proved to be incredibly effective at having the peasants demands met. 01 There are 195 countries in the world today. While the characters and plot may be recognizable to those that dare to watch Khraniteli, the special effects (if you can call them that!) This system has since been installed in many coastal communities such as the Marshall Islands. The inventor of the USB has since agreed that they made the mistake of not going ahead with the original idea. You will learn something about everything! This seemingly useless musical instrument, while shunned today, was all the rage back in the Baroque period of the early 1700s. 101 Ultimate Facts Everyone Should Know. In This is quite fortunate, as this phosphorous-rich dust is carried through the skies to the Amazon rainforest, which is surprisingly in need of fertilizer. Even though dragonflies have six legs, they cannot walk. Unable to take public transport because there wasnt enough oil or parts to maintain the buses, citizens resorted to hitchhiking. 8"49 Interesting Knitting Facts." Its possible that they just had tufts of feathers on their arms, head, or possibly all over! Feel free to contact us via phone or online form. Even though the blue whale is the largest animal on. In the U.K., the dish is usually stewed in sauce. To give you a better idea, the deadlift world record is just over 1,100 pounds (500kg). Were not sure why, but its only artificial stripes that set us off, while the irregular stripes of a zebra are easy on the eyes. 2"104 Interesting Cat Facts." Rundle 1993) and are to be distinguished from things, in particular from complex objects, complexes and wholes, and from relations. Researchers have since delved deeper into the issue and concluded that you dont need to drink anywhere near that much, as you get a lot of water from the food you eat. Eminem didnt actually attend the Academy Awards as he thought he wouldnt win, so instead spent the evening at home sleeping and watching cartoons with his daughter. One way to supposedly deter a vampire is to throw seeds outside a door. 02 As of June 2019, the worlds population numbers 7.58 billion people. 6"26 Life-giving Tree Facts." 6"45 Delicious Cooking Facts." If you believe something to be incorrect, pleaseleave us a message below. Ian Fleming was a bachelor of 44 years when he wrote Casino Royale in 1952, the first in a long series about the devilishly handsome British spy. Well, that leaves pretty much everything else! Community calendar for Jan. 13, 2023. They are not just on the tongue but also on the sides, back, and roof of the mouth. July 23, 2020. August 2, 2019. Facts, philosophers like to say, are opposed to theories and to values (cf. Fact Retriever. Fact: Human beings can use only a small fraction of Earths water In school, we were taught that most (specifically, 71 percent) of the planets surface is covered in water. August 19, 2016. 26"Chiweenie." Other than wild animals and a few cats, the animals there are also all male. The weekend the game was released, box office numbers were down 27%, something which Microsoft wasnt even surprised about. 16"77 Interesting Snake Facts." Your nails also follow the same principle hair and nails are both made of the protein keratin. This has significantly increased the world's supply of. He was then later charged for assault, theft, and the illegal possession of an alligator. Read up with our Area 51 Facts. She was so good that she performed better than 6,000 professional Wall Street brokers! The mission finished early, and Ballard was able to use the extra time to discover the lost ship. With that said, it should come as no surprise that half of the top-selling countries for Hiluxes are in Africa, where the true mettle of the cars is tested on a day-to-day basis. In the land of the Kiwis, for instance, you'll find the highest concentration of pet owners on the planet. A man in Florida once threw a live alligator through a drive-thru window. From the weirdest animals on earth to the mysteries of the Big Bang, our list of interesting facts will make you the most fascinating person in the room. This law addresses something which Arizona is all too familiar with flash floods and stupid drivers. Whats the Difference Between Jam, Jelly, Preserves, Compote, Marmalade, and Chutney? ", Due to Covid-19 lockdowns, deodorant sales declined, and. Wikipedia - Heinrich Hertz Electromagnetic Waves, 79. A man in Florida once threw a live alligator through a drive-thru window. The San Diego Zoo entrusted the bison to the base for safekeeping, and theyve done such a great job at it that the herd had grown from 14 to 90 or so! Accessed: July 26, 2020. 8"30 Amusing Laughing Facts." November 13, 2017. August 19, 2016. Fact Retriever. While we cannot see ultraviolet (UV) light, reindeer seem to have developed this ability after moving to the arctic. 20"60 Surprising Facts about the Flu and Pandemics." Accessed: July 26, 2020. Fact Retriever. The Incredible Hulk was initially supposed to be gray, but according to Stan Lee, an issue with the printer turned the Hulk green. The delivery trucks have been adjusted to make them able to use both biodiesel and conventional mineral diesel. Not only does starting a few hours later reduce illness by up to fifty percent, but its been found to boost students grades significantly! Check grades, pay for lunch, and stay in the know on everything going on at your school with FACTS Family Portal. Stan Lee had been playing around with the idea of a businessman superhero for a while and finally bit the bullet in 1963 when he came up with the concept for Iron Man. Fact Retriever. Secessio plebis (secession of the plebeians) is similar to a general strike but proved much more effective as the upper classes almost entirely relied upon the working classes. All rights reserved. While this is far less than the number of members in the US, theres only one Costco store in the entire country! When Albert Einstein moved from Germany to the US in 1933, he was already an internationally renowned physicist. 100 Interesting Facts That Will Amaze You. Their bodies convert waste into protein. Monarch caterpillars breathe through holes in the sides of their bodies. He thought that Shrek would be better off with a Scottish accent to counter the English-accented villain, Lord Farquaad a change that ended up costing about $4 million! Salmon constitute up to a quarter of their diet, with various shellfish, seals, birds eggs, and even whale carcasses making up the rest. By 1786, the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship was drafted and signed by the Sultan of Morocco and Thomas Jefferson. The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its head. A snail's mouth is no larger than the head of a pin, but it can have over 25,000 teeth. Here at The Fact Site, we have a team dedicated to checking our content for accuracy. 29Lane, Barnaby. This is because a different grandmother comes in every day with not just a new menu but a completely new cuisine! Nineteen times out of twenty, I reach our dedicated rep on the first ring. American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun. "Wrap rage" is the anger and frustration felt when you are unable to open packages. 22"Interesting Work Facts." Snow-bones are the lines of snow or ice left at the sides of roads after the rest of the snow has melted. Accessed: July 24, 2020. Back in the days before the internet, video games were much more challenging, and finding the right way to beat them sometimes seemed impossible. Thats right; if you head on over to Kauai in Hawaii, you can pick up a shelter dog and take it for walks on the beach, hikes, or just wander around the island! Facts, philosophers like to say, are opposed to theories and to values (cf. It turns out that theres a good reason these scams are littered with mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. One of the more disturbing yet interesting fun facts: All the hair on your head is dead, except for the follicles. Ripped from the Headlines. When the game was released in 2013, it became the most expensive video game ever made. In 1997 Ethan Zuckerman wrote the code for the first pop-up and added it to a website. 101 Fun Facts. With just under 357,000 people, Iceland is far from being an overly-populated country. Finally, the customer service team for FACTS are the best in the business. Instead, the continent is governed by many of the worlds countries through the Antarctic Treaty. Fact Retriever. For example, he was vegetarian and flirted with being a vegan and a fruitarian at various points for much of his life. When they were first produced in 1941, they came in cardboard tubes, and the colors were violet, green, yellow, orange, red, and brown. Accessed: July 24, 2020. The original design would have been much better but ended up being canned as it would have cost twice the price to make it flippable. Just 30 minutes of daily complaining can physically damage your brain. If you manage to come up with an answer to this soon-to-be age-old question, please let us know in the comments below! When, Feral pigs ate and completely destroyed $22,000 worth of. Because Apollo 11 was launched from the jurisdiction of Bishop William Donald Borders in Orlando, Florida, he became the bishop of the moon. Enrolling students using Application & Enrollment is convenient for both parents and staff and has proven to be invaluable this enrollment season! Scotty, who the late James Montgomery Doohan played, was the lead engineer aboard the fictional USS Enterprise spaceship. Lees second third albums were released in 2013 and 2014, but he also dabbled in several metal-inspired Christmas carol parodies. Elephants also have great stamina, which allows them to swim for lengthy periods. He didnt steal it for any nefarious purposes but a delightfully noble one. It was the first to bloom again after the explosion of the atomic bomb in 1945. Its technically called an "octothorpe." While society rejects those who utilize profanity on a general level, many people still swear worse than sailors if given the opportunity. If you type the word "askew" into the Google search box, the entire page will tilt slightly. Over time the cost price of the deal increased, but Costco countered this by opening a factory to make their own sausages. Reading rewires your brain for higher intelligence and empathy. Updated October 4, 2019. Afghan poppy farmers have switched to solar power to run their irrigation systems. "A Pack of Feral Hogs Sniffed Out a Cocaine Stash in Italy." "Garbage Collectors in Turkey Opened a Library Full of Discarded Books Headed for a Landfill." Studies show that bronze medalists are happier than, The word "swan" is derived from the Indo-European root *swen, meaning "to sound, to sing.". The rainforest loses just about as much phosphorous as it gains because it all gets washed away through streams, creeks, and the Amazon River. 9"49 Interesting Knitting Facts." But they are there.. They likely evolved this ability to assist them in a world that would otherwise be very bright and white. Sometimes people use insults as a way of flirting. Researchers measured how loud roosters actually do crow and found them to be as loud as 140 decibels well over the amount needed to cause permanent ear damage and even deafness. Published February 21, 2017. 12"38 Swimming Sea Turtle Facts." [38] Theyre made from a type of palm called the Toquilla palm, a native Ecuadorian plant that is painstakingly woven together into the iconic shape. 11"38 Amazing Octopus Facts." In 1962, a laughter epidemic broke out in Tanzania. Updated July 2, 2019. This is particularly true for teenagers, whose growing bodies require more sleep than theyre able to get with conventionally early start times. CNN. Its estimated that only one percent of US youths are eligible to join the military and are actually interested in doing so. Dogs evolved muscles around their eyes, allowing them to change their facial expression slightly, commonly known as puppy eyes.. [26] There are no seagulls in Hawaii. The former First Lady seemed to be completely against the show and didnt hold back when quizzed on the topic in 1990. Despite the amount of lost aluminum from binned aluminum cans, more than seventy-five percent of all aluminum produced on US soil has been recycled and is being put to use. It began with the Sultan of Morocco, who officially opened the nations ports to the US in 1777. The only muscles that spiders have in their legs are in their three hip joints. 23"90 Amazing Human Body Facts." August 22, 2017. Ripped from the Headlines. Psychology Today. July 1, 2017. 28Israelsen, James. For example, Kim Il Sung was so crazy about Hennessy that he was the cognac companys number one customer for a few years in the 1990s. 101 Fun Facts. Fact Retriever. The menu at Enoteca Maria is a little unconventional, as half of it is a fixed Italian menu while the other half changes daily. Your nails also follow the same principle hair and nails are both made of the protein keratin. We hope you enjoyed this delightfully entertaining list of facts and hope that you come away from this not just entertained but informed! 15"52 Cultivating Gardening Facts." Many years later, Fleming wrote in his memoirs that he was so terrified at the concept of finally getting married that he wrote his first Bond novel. March 8, 2020. It wasnt long before the three towns union gained a new nickname the Trinity of Tedium. Fun Fact: Each of Tom Cruises ex-wives is successively eleven years younger than the last. Out of a wide range of ridiculous finalists, he ended up changing his middle to his full name and is now officially known as Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin! January 27, 2020. Fact Retriever. Fact Retriever. Masses of impoverished and illiterate fans would each pay a halfpenny (0.25/$0.35 today) to have each of his monthly updates read out to them. National Geographic - Einstein's FBI Files, 56. 21"69 Interesting Dolphin Facts." The Mask, in particular, took the world by storm, grossing $350 million and showcasing Carreys ability to explore a range of roles and emotions. A "glisk" is sunlight that is glimpsed through a break in the clouds, a fleeting glance at a glittering sight, a brief glow of warmth from a fire that's burned low. The dogs also get some much-needed exercise, which, combined with their vest, helps locals adopt them! August 14, 2019. 1"104 Interesting Cat Facts." Published August 19, 2020. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Cuba went through a period of severe economic hardship called the Special Period, and the majority of the countrys vehicles came to a standstill. Fact Retriever. Pratt pinched the costume in the hopes that the film would be successful. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. Beaver eyelids are transparent so that they can see through them as they swim underwater. An estimated 50% of all gold ever mined on Earth came from a single plateau in South Africa: Witwatersrand. He met members of Children of God, a religious cult in California, and decided to join them instead of continuing on the road to stardom. The navy liked his idea but decided to use it to search for two lost US nuclear submarines. Accessed: April 21, 2020. The Eiffel Tower was initially considered to be an eyesore. His full name is Bartholomew Jojo Simpson. Bill and Melinda Gates founded the Giving Pledge in 2010 to encourage other wealthy people like themselves to donate much of their wealth either during their lifetimes or afterward. While there were only 15,000 registered voters, Charles King of the True Whig Party somehow managed to rake in 243,000 votes! Fact Retriever. 36"Unilever: Ice cream In, Personal Hygiene Out in Lockdown." Jackson studied at Morehouse College, where Dr. King and other prominent civil rights activists would often visit and have debates. In the late 80s, George Clooney bought a Vietnamese Pot-bellied pig for his then-girlfriend, Kelly Preston, but he ended up keeping the pig after they split up. When theyre tired, they can just float along thanks to their high buoyancy! [23] While they are hibernating, bears do not urinate. August 15, 2019. Genghis Khan only gained his title by the time he reached his forties, at which point he had more than ten children. Standing while doing work on the computer increases your productivity and will make you more focused. BBC Travel. Updated March 14, 2020. The most popular item at Walmart is bananas. Organizations wishing to include an event can send information by fax to 979-265-9052; by email to; by mail to P.O. Insects and small, A group of goldfish is called a "troubling.". One of his producers ended up accepting the award on Eminems behalf. Accessed: July 24, 2020. Fact Retriever. [4] Even though dragonflies have six legs, they cannot walk. Sometimes people use insults as a way of flirting. July 3, 2019. This should come as no real surprise, considering the absolute enormity that is Russia. This, he believes, was the Internets equivalent of the original sin. DogBreedInfo. Accessed: July 25, 2020. August 15, 2019. Accessed: July 22, 2020. One of the most surprising fun facts about life: All other fears and phobias are learned or acquired later in life. Octopuses and squids have beaks. In the 1950s, Hong Kong found the perfect solution to an overall lack of freshwater and installed a separate water distribution and waste-water management system. By the time the US entered WWII, M&Ms had grown big enough to score a contract exclusively producing the conveniently easy-to-transport chocolate for the military. Between 1886 and 1889, Heinrich Hertz did a series of intricate tests that proved the existence of a previously theoretical form of wave electromagnetic waves. Fact: Human beings can use only a small fraction of Earths water In school, we were taught that most (specifically, 71 percent) of the planets surface is covered in water. Accessed: August 14, 2020. Wikipedia - Moroccan American Treaty of Friendship, 71. He also just wanted kids to have more fun at school, as there wasnt much fun going around back in his schooling days. It was released straight to TV in 1991, and much like the Soviet Union as a whole, it ended up being a complete and utter catastrophe. The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin word "corona," meaning "crown" or "halo." "Nutric" people do the opposite, which is why it is so important to surround yourself with them. This is similar to wearing glasses for extended periods of time. Fact Retriever. "Scientists Discover a New snake and Name it after Salazar Slytherin." [4] Even though dragonflies have six legs, they cannot walk. Nine months before their mission, they got married, and by the time NASA found out it was too late to begin training replacements. WebFACTS Family Portal (formerly ParentsWeb) provides parents one easy place to check grades and homework or to make online payments for lunch accounts or childcare. Updated November 21, 2019. He tried to record all the knowledge he could get his hands on during his life, which really isnt that far from what the internet is a great big collection of knowledge! While scientists have been able to figure out that these vicious hunters used to have feathers, the question of how feathered they were is still unanswered. Fact Retriever. Fact Retriever. Titled Khraniteli (The Keepers) followed the plot of The Fellowship of the Ring, the first in JRR Tolkiens legendary trilogy. Food Republic. The Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) was first introduced in 1987 due to extremely low organ donation rates. American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun. Fact Retriever. Log in to Check Grades Have Additional Questions? February 21, 2013. Why Do Canadians Eat So Much Kraft Mac N Cheese? When it was released, the game was so popular that it broke previous sales records, raking in an incredible $170 million in the first day alone. Accessed: July 23, 2020. August 5, 2018. The Wham-O representative got incredibly upset and promptly asked the inventors to leave the building. February 25, 2019. An estimated 50% of all gold ever mined on Earth came from a single plateau in South Africa: Witwatersrand. Enrolling students using Application & Enrollment is convenient for both parents and staff and has proven to be invaluable this enrollment season! Community calendar for Jan. 13, 2023. March 31, 2014. St. Isidore of Seville may not seem at first to be the best patron saint of the internet, considering he lived all the way back in the 7th Century. The Korean pop superstar didnt even really know much about YouTube when his friends recommended uploading his music video. Boanthropy is a psychological disorder where people think they're. Enrolling students using Application & Enrollment is convenient for both parents and staff and has proven to be invaluable this enrollment season! The owner decided to run his restaurant like this as he had lost all maternal figures in his life and wanted to re-create the feeling of eating in his grandmothers kitchen. This is because during a recession, there is less traffic, cleaner air, and people have less money to spend on unhealthy things like drinking alcohol or smoking. The superstar donned a single latex glove and went about his business up and down the supermarkets aisles, later likening it to a trip to Disneyland. Researchers in the US initially studied data from previous economic crises expecting to find a correlation between mortalities and economic crises. 23Iverson, Carol. The titular character of the instant classic was voiced by Mike Myers, who spoke in an amped-up version of his own Canadian accent. Accessed: July 28, 2020. April 21, 2020. Moonbows have been described since at least Aristotle's "Meteorology," around 359 B.C. Seans Bar is in the middle of a town thats pretty much smack-bang in the center of Ireland. June 25, 2018. 04 18 children are born for every 1000 people in the world as of 2019. Business Insider. Northern Woodlands. What they found was surprising, as harder times seemed actually to reduce mortality rates instead of increasing them. High-ranking officials and North Koreas leaders live very different lives, spoiling themselves lavishly and allowing themselves access to otherwise forbidden imported goods. 14"44 Exclusive Facts about Cliques." Villas Las Estrellas lies on King George Island, one of Antarcticas South Shetland Islands. No matter how badly fingerprints are damaged, they will always grow back in their original pattern. 14"64 Extraordinary Elephant Facts." One of the NBAs top scorers, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar made only one 3-point shot his entire 20-year career. 31Picheta, Rob. 22"73 Expressive Pablo Picasso Facts." Sea otters wrap themselves in kelp so that they don't drift on the. There Are Golf Balls on the Moon. [39] Gummy bears were originally called " dancing bears." Psy felt he would be humiliated with low views because he wasnt very well known internationally. Its suggested that when we keep our phones in our pockets regularly, they become almost like an extension of ourselves. The term "lawn mullet" means having a neatly manicured front yard and an unmowed mess in the back. Accessed: August 14, 2020. Octopuses and squids have beaks. Baked beans are not actually baked. One of the most surprising fun facts about life: All other fears and phobias are learned or acquired later in life. You aren't alone. This never seemed to affect its popularity, as 151 million hot dog combos were sold in 2020. Accessed: July 26, 2020. "What the Heroin Industry Can Teach Us about Solar Power." Nineteen times out of twenty, I reach our dedicated rep on the first ring. Business Insider. Fact Retriever. The # symbol isnt officially called a hashtag or a pound. Pet owners usually have better self-esteem, are more in shape, and are less lonely than those who do not own, Though not commonly used, the day after tomorrow is called "overmorrow.". Scientists believe that early human ancestors used to have three eyelids. "If You Drive an Expensive Car You're Probably a Jerk, Scientists Say." Water is without a doubt one of the most important things on our planet, and since around the 1940s, its been popularly believed that you should drink about 84 ounces (2.5 liters) of the stuff every day to stay healthy. Capitonyms are words which change their meaning if the first letter is capitalized. Accessed: July 23, 2020. Being compassionate to others--as well as oneself--leads to greater. Tolkien was without a doubt a natural polyglot, learning more than 35 languages over the course of his life. WebOur teachers love the classroom management and communication functions in FACTS SIS, and the grade book and attendance functions could not be easier to use. The two highest IQ scores in recorded history belong to. Were still unsure why they have stripes, but scientists suggest it may be some form of protection against predators. They sell more bananas than any other single item they have in stock. This rugged pickup truck is known around the world for its incredible versatility. 16"54 Bizarre English Language Facts." Fact Retriever. Dolphins usually breathe through their blowhole, but, in 2016, scientists discovered a dolphin with a damaged bowhole that could breath through its mouth, Oak trees symbolize knowledge, strength, and loyalty, When the termite queen dies, the pheromone she uses to block reproductives development in other termites is no longer produced, and then a new queen develops, Goldfish are the most popular aquarium fish in the world, A baby giraffe (or calf) starts life with a 5-foot drop to the ground. The vast majority of people in North Korea live rather impoverished lives, and this has been the case under multiple generations of the ruling dynasties now. Fact Retriever. Published August 19, 2020. The octo- means eight to refer to its points. The term "coccyx" (also known as your tailbone) is derived from the Greek word "cuckoo" ("kokkux") because the curved shape of the tailbone resembles the bird's beak. 01 There are 195 countries in the world today. If you know about velociraptors from Jurassic Park, then this may come as quite a surprise. The bee hummingbird drinks from up to 1,500, We throw away enough ribbon each year to tie a bow around the entire. There are facts that everyone knows, like how dinosaurs once roamed the earth, but then there are facts that most people dont know, like how sloths can hold their breath for longer than dolphins. The Fact Site, we have a team dedicated to checking our content for accuracy and. Wrote the code for the follicles seans Bar is in the US in 1933, he was later. Became the most expensive video game ever made but a completely new!! The Google search box, the customer service team for facts are the best in the US 1933. But decided to use both biodiesel and conventional mineral diesel initially studied data from previous economic crises times seemed to... To bloom again after the explosion of the ring, the worlds countries the. 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