It was small in size, light golden coloured with a very long snout and rounded ears, a long pointy tail, and stripes on its back. Roger Hardy also informed me that in the Mount Mondilla area are deep gorges. ", "in February 1984 we organised another expedition to this remote area with Rod Gurney and Robert Ashworth, and found more Thylacine paw prints in the swamp mud. At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site.". A rough transcript of her report (1:32-3:09) is as follows: "I take people out into the rainforest with the night vision goggles, ummm, and we go looking for animals. In 2018, three cyclists said they witnessed a thylacine crossing the road in front of them. Tasmania's Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) revealed there have been eight reported sightings of the Tasmanian tiger in the past three years. I did report it at the time my husband saw it, to an on-line group or organisation. maintains that the Tas tiger may still roam the mainland, and encourages people to keep looking. The final thylacine was captured in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Hobart Zoo. "West of the Kanimbla-Megalong Valleys lies the Jenolan Road, where motorists and locals have been seeing tigers for generations. The animal was not concerned and it headed towards a large fig tree where friends let their chooks out most days. The animal was in the headlights of my car eating road kill in the middle of a road and then bolted into thick scrub. He stated it had a tail like a roo, but not touching the ground. Source:Anonymous. According to Mr Pereira the animals body fur was a light brown colour with dark stripes along its body and it had a long thin strait tail which it did not wag.". Efforts to track the animal or animals down were made, it is said but all failed due to the general inaccessibility of the forest country." By this time the car was but a few metres from the animal, which just stood there staring at the vehicle, mesmerised by the headlights glare. It had a very long thin tail that drooped down then lifted up towards the end. The animals watched the approaching car for a few seconds and then raced off into the bush. On one occasion I saw an animal [from the train window] closely resembling a Tasmanian Tiger, on the south-western side of the railway line near Glenbrook. Rex Gilroy believes so. It reminded them of a Fossa or a civet and definitely was not a fox, dog or cat. As they passed through Medlow Bath, and just past the Foy Avenue turnoff, which is a busy area, about 6.1 metres ahead of his vehicle, illuminated by the headlights and standing on the left of the highway near street lights, they all spotted a dog-like animal of Alsatian size. I could tell by its fur. I slowed the car to a walk desperatly trying to follow its progress through the scrub. From the back cover: "..Tiger tales is full of great yarns and larger-than-life, country-hewn Aussie characters ..(the book) showcases 'tiger hunter' Col Bailey's favourite Tassie tiger stories, gleaned from his own research and experiences, from mysterious sightings, and from interviews with old fur-trappers . What did I see:* It was the size of medium to large dog* It moved like NOTHING else I had ever seen before. It had its tail out straight and it seems like the tail is very tense. Also, on some evenings we hear an unusual sound from the same general area (our farm borders xxxx Rd). ", "1988, Cawongla near Kyogle; on the roadside at night, Len saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding on the rump, hips, and legs and along the tail. It was not afraid of me but backed away whenever I approached closer than 2-3 m. The tail was the least dog-like feature. This prompted the author to try to confirm that they still live. Awareness for the status of the Tasmanian tiger was so low that after Benjamin died, Hobart Zoo expected they would soon receive a replacement, and the death of the last Tasmanian tiger wasnt even reported in the media. It could have come from the Neck in the first place, up the waterfall gully from MegalongValley near the narrowest point of Narrow Neck, which is used by so many other marsupials. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it. Some years later he saw it again at the same time and place & then his wife saw it in similar circumstances near their house. Passing the Titania Motel [Oberon] sign at the Oberon turnoff, he spotted an animal with black body stripes the size of a large dog, as it ran across the Jenolan road from left to right into bush. The animal retreated into bush at the top of a gully.". She went outside to investigate and rushed inside to tell me what she saw. ", "1999, Federal; Graham and Rosalind had a close view of a strange animal when driving between Whian Road and Bates Road near the old Dip when the headlights illuminated it. "I met a bloke yesterday who said he had seen one in the Hunter Valley in NSW. Two of the men who hounded the above woman out of town, who later saw it themselves. ", Source:, "2000, Mahers Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. Known officially to science as a thylacine, the large marsupial predators, which looked more like wild dogs . A Gold Coast resident has been left dumbfounded after receiving an abusive letter from a neighbour that appeared to threaten her dog. '", "While these are recorded, there is no evidence to confirm the thylacine still exists.". Was it a tiger? Source:Cronshaw, Damon. She stated Im an artist and I paint native animals and the gait of this animal meant that it was a marsupial, not a dog or a cat. ", "I was driving up the Gap Road at the time when it ran across the road ahead of me, so close that I almost ran over it. It was dog-like and about the size of a full-grown Alsatian, with fawn coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes extending barrel-wise from mid-back to tail-rump. There are some very telltale signs here that this is everything but a pademelon.. "It is almost extinct, but not quite. Newcastle Herald, 2 March. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops. We sighted it again a couple of days later from a distance, and finally on the third occasion I was fortunate enough to get an excellent view of it. On hearing from Mr Heath of some of the Thylacine sightings he had been told about, an academic at a Queensland . ", "One night during June 1984 Mr Cedrick Mansley was driving on the Jenolan Caves Road, when a striped-bodied animal ran across the road ahead of his vehicle, clearly visible in the glare of the headlights. As we were driving towards Rosebank, I saw an animal about the size of a whippet dash across a grassy slope. These were able to hold their own in a fight with a dog and would attack if put under pressure. It could just be a mangy fox, but it seems to be bigger than a fox and it's not shy, Groves explained. Rather excited about the whole thing I tried officially reporting it to the ranger, who showed absolutely no interest in the matter, as you might expect. A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. ", "2005, South Golden Beach, Kolora Way; Lyndel observed a thylacine-like animal without stripes.". ", "In January, 1983, a group of hikers were camped on a mountainside when they were awoken by strange cries from the nearby forest. This incident followed bad bushfires in the lower Blue Mountains-Grose Valley. My other children and I heard the strange noise, but did not go out to investigate. Western Australian Naturalist 10(7): 171-172. Apart from its size, it was greyhound-like in appearance with narrowing flanks, its body sloping downward to a long, thin tail which followed the slope of the back and seemed kangaroo-like in that it did not appear to wag. It had a large head with golden eyes and widely separated rounded ears. The animals body fur, he noticed, was a gingery brown, with a large head. The animal "turned and looked at the vehicle a couple of times" and "was in clear view for 12-15 seconds.". Here we have a carnivore hanging out with two herbivores, can somebody please explain to me why this is occurring? The date was Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, when we were forced to stop, at the turnoff to Evans Lookout, on the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath township. The size of a dog, it had a big distinctive head, brown fur and a stiff kangaroo-like tail. Last February, two visitors claimed an animal with a "stiff tail and striped back" wandered in front of their car at Corinna in the island's west. The tail was thick at the base and as long as the body, was round in cross section and went to a point. Then she found thatthe woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. 5 BEST Tasmanian Tiger Sightings Caught On VIDEO and I review them to see what I think they ACTUALLY are! or maybe they aint.". In the few seconds before the animal dashed off the road into the darkness of the catchment scrub, we were able to get a good look at it. Christian Kopp had a second encounter with a thylacine (first: NSW.c1992.xx.xx) while out riding his motorbike. ", I take "on occasions" to represent at least three separate encounters (viz. It was around the year 1948. The final captive Tasmanian tiger was caught in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Hobart Zoo. My brother was asleep in the back. Canton, Michigan: Visible Ink Press. I recognised them to be those of an undoubted Thylacine. I had a magnificent view of it head on face to face sitting in the middle of the road not much more than 15 feet away. ", "Late 2007, New Brighton; Don was driving a bus with 8 passengers between 2 and 3am when they all observed a large unusual thylacine-like carnivore eating a small animal on the road, probably a bandicoot struck by an earlier vehicle near the speed bump. Most recently, in July, a man just south of Hobart reported seeing a footprint that seemed to match that of the Tasmanian tiger. "On the night of 6th October 1982, at 8.26pm, Mr John Galluzzi was driving toward Katoomba on the Great Western Highway, when, at the bottom of Boddington Hill, Wentworth Falls, This creature appeared, cantering across the road from right to left. It must be the boofiest pademelon head around, he says. He expected to catch up with the animal with ease because of its disability but was surprised that when it became aware of his cars approach, it raced off along the roadside with incredible speed. The wolf-like thylacine . Listen 7m northcoast-curious-tasmanian-tiger-0311 Since then, sightings of animals people believed to be thylacines have come from all over Australia, including more than 70 reported sightings in northern New South Wales. (p. 205), Source:Clark, Jerome. An Ambulance officer related this story to a colleague sometime after 1998. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two, roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside a, when in the headlights glare they both saw a Thylacine, According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a, mewhat like a cat. "Since the 19th century, theres been claims of them living in the Jenolan range.". ", "In 1986 the Gilroys were contacted by Mrs Patricia Marson, to say that, in October 1972, she was on a camping trip with the Sydney Bushwalkers Club at Mount Wilson, which like nearby Mount Irvine, overlooks the Wollemi National Park/Wollangambe Wilderness country, from out of which tigers have been known to emerge to be seen hereabouts and at nearby Bilpin. At least eight sightings of Tasmanian tigers have been reported recently, reviving speculation the mammal is not extinct, as scientists insist. Feral predator-free areas are being established to save a range of endangered marsupials. The following forum post was made on 17 February, 2007. A Victoria farmer, Peter Groves, made the news after allegedly spotting a Thylacine while walking near Clifton Springs on January 4, 2019. He described it to me at the time, as being not quite the same shape as a dog or dingo, fairly light brown, with stripes on its back. ", Source:, "In a recent newsletter I wrote on the search for the Thylacine, particularly the researches being done by Heather and I. ", Source:, "Mr John Gilmore phoned me in August 1986, to relate an experience he had back in August 1979, while driving along Putty Road towards Bulga. He accelerated up to it and observed that its back, rump & tail were covered with dark bands. She was in good condition, no ribs showing. "'There's nothing there that's concrete.'". It was not striped but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section. ", "2003, Wilfred Street, Billinudgel; Sue, owner of the Billinudgel Post Office and the general store, looked into the main street of Billinudgel one morning at 5.30 am and was surprised to see a very unusual animal standing in the middle of the road. Yet how did the animal get where it was seen? In Tasmania, the Thylacine was most predominant along the north and east coast, and in the midland plains region. (Thylacinus cynocephalus)", Source: , who has been hunting for the Thylacine for 26 years, captured video of what they claim is a Tasmanian tiger in Hobart. Of course, this is primarily due to humans taking over the world. I have also looked at the situational geography. Before leaving they went for a walk along the rivers edge on a bush track. Without hesitation, he put down his soup spoon, seized his gun from the wall, pushed a couple of cartridges into . ", Source:, "During April 1967 sightings of a tiger were being made at Putty Road farms, particularly in the Howes Valley area, where some poultry had been claimed snatched by one, perhaps two of these creatures. ", "Meanwhile, in the Hartley Valley below Mt York, a striped-bodied dog-like creature was reported seen attacking sheep on more than one occasion about this same time. All products are independently selected, tested or recommended by our team of experts.If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission. Im certain this animal was a Thylacine! ", Source: It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. (Image credit: National Film and . Between 2016 to 2019, the report notes seven sightings of the Tasmanian tiger. Despite all official . The animal turned to look at the women in the car. ", "In 1975, one Springwood farmer reported attacks on his fowlyard by a large striped, dog-like animal, and almost shot the creature one day as it escaped over a fence with a hen in its mouth.". Luckily, we were too busy to follow it up, but this animal is definitely at home on our 40 acres. while I was speechless at what I saw. He stopped and had a look but the animal had run off unhurt.". It moved on all four legs and had a tail similar to a wallaby. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. Exploring animal welfare, animal care, and the human-animal bond. Nonetheless, recent Tasmanian tiger sightings have continued to persist since its apparent extinction, and these Thylacine sightings have some scientists seriously asking do Tasmanian tigers still exist? Rex Gilroy, during an expedition north of the Grose Valley: "We returned to the swamp last February, and found more evidence. He realised that only one species could answer the dog-like physical appearance of this strange animal, and that was a Tasmanian Tiger. Dr. S. J. Paramanov saw a thylacine at 11am along theBourke-Wanaaring Road, while collecting insects close to the road (Paramanov, 1968). A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. However, reports of thylacine sightings continue. A large excerpt, possibly the entirety of the paper, is given at the Thylacine Museum website: "During the CSIRO Entomological Expedition, November 1949, I had the good fortune of seeing the animal on the route from Bourke to Wanaaring, in an uninhabited area a few miles past the Warrego Rivers, where I was collecting on the right-hand side of the road, only a few yards from the road. Australasian Post, 31 January. I am a geologist and had another geologist see it too. ", "The Wollangambe Wilderness is a truly wild and remote region, situated north of the Grose Valley and north of the Bell-Bilpin Road. This is the only report of a mother and its young.". They weighed 33 to 66 lbs. The stripes were, she said, wider at the top and narrowed to a point and extended, The animal turned to look at the women in the car. To this day I wish I had have got out to speak to the driver of the 'cruiser, but my head was just spinning! He noticed the ears were rounded and that it stood about 1/2m high, its mouth was open. He thought it couldn't be true, Christian said of his dad, who he described as your typical Australian bushy. Its size was that of a medium-sized dog, and the body proportions were also dog-like; it was uniformly grey-brown, with short hair; the strange tail, extremely wide at the base, seemed to be a continuation of the hindquarters; the hind leg was strongly marked with almost black horizontal stripes. Robyn says the animal appeared to know where it was heading, as if it were used to a particular. It could be found across the entirety of Australia, and even into the south of New Guinea. Was dog like but had a different stance ie hind quarter high, it had a size between a fox and a dingo. The animal appeared confused as it reached the middle of the highway, then dodging other traffic, it ran off under the roadside alcove and disappeared into bush, said Phil. 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Daily Sun The Villages, Fl Obituaries, Articles T