Case Study. On, Stating the obvious, salary needs can vary widely. Getting someone to join your dream before it is much of anything is an art not a science., Much like a competitive package for an employee, a CEOs compensation and equity stake will require negotiations this time with your investors. Richard said, I want them (the employees) to share in my risk. Richards feelings are not unique. $276k Is the Median Startup CEO Salary for a Very Successful Company. Therefore, paying founders doesnt seem sensible. This is entirely up to the startup or founder. How do you Determine Proper Compensation for Startup CEOs and We would advise founders to adjust their compensation as their company raises increasing amounts of funding. But youre hiring unusual people to take this ride with you and understanding the package that will satisfy their ambition will also likely require rounds of negotiations and probing questions from you about their true motivations. Now that you know how important it is to draw a salary, you have to figure out the amount as well. This chart breaks down seed funded CEO salary by industry: Below is our 2018 study, which we have left online for reference. We are strong advocates for CEOs and founders paying themselves a fair market salary. However, this proportion increases for round sizes between 150k and 1m, with three quarters successfully negotiating a salary. *Who is the highest paid person at a startup - see who really gets (cash) compensation at an early-stage company! Every month of cash burn is valuable. Foundry Group venture capitalist Seth Levin voiced the rule: Companies that have raised $1 million or less should pay the CEO between $75,000 and $125,000 a year. Our analysis backs this up, but its important to mention that there is no single factor that influences this decision. That average represents a 7.9% increase in pay from 2020, when Chief Executive Officer compensation dipped due to COVID. A Guide to Tax Returns for Seed Stage Startups. Calculate your budget by accounting for all your sources of income and expenditure. CEO Salary by Total Funding Raised - 2022. It discovered the salaries are up 2.7% compared to 2021 well below the national inflation rate. Most early-stage, non-CEO founders are often paid about the same amount as the CEOs, so founders can use this to estimate compensation as well. We have presented you with CEO salary data the last two years. When someone works for less salary than they deserve (meaning: what they could make elsewhere), I think of that as a cash investment theyre making in your company, Jason Cohen writes. We analyzed the pay of over 250 startups - and the average startup CEO pay is $146,000, up 5% from the prior year. Personally, you dont want to bring that kind of stress home to your partner. Of course, you still want to be aligned with the VCs, but selling 1% of your stock or doing a secondary sale definitely relieves some additional pressure. Product or company names, logos, and trademarks referred to on this site belong to their respective owners. And if you are interested in how COVID impacted compensation in 2020, skip to How Did the Covid Pandemic Affect CEO Salary? In 2018, CEOs of hardware startups had an average salary of $118,000, which rose 14% to $135,000 in 2019. Design by Lucila Romero. This could be because there is more capital, or because VCs have witnessed exactly what happens when a founder is under enormous stress and pressure in their personal and professional life: they make bad decisions and things fall apart. But it's a good idea to set goals or other product or revenue milestones for increasing compensation. One of the most important conversations to have with a venture capitalist, before you sign a term sheet, is the salary discussion. Track the average number of hours you work and then compute your salary. Although a huge inflow of cash means that the founding employees can take more money home, other discussed factors also come into play. Not only does a fair market salary reduce your financial stress, it gives you a safety hatch. 8 If you own .7% of the company at this time, then your shares are worth around $37,000. "In my experience, that fact pattern (a pair of founders, $500K seed round) would typically see The distinction between the two may impact early employee decisions on how they personally value their stock. As noted in Business Insider here, Seth Levines observation on CEO salary in 2012 still holds true compared to the 2019 Kruze salary report data above: early on companies that have raised $500,000 or less cap out at $75,000, companies that have raised $1 million or less pay between $75,000-$125,000, companies that have raised between $1-$2.5 million pay closer to $125,000. Female startup CEOs continue to lag behind their male counterparts in salary, and their average paycheck is still 3.7% below the peak in 2019. Your request has been submitted.We will contact you shortly. Having the above questions answered will help. When should a startup make its first ops hire? Within what will feel like an incredibly short, stressful period of time, the startup needs to build product, figure out the market, and get some initial traction. Photo: Supplied. The firm reports its figures based on an anonymized dataset comprising more than 250 startups. However, startups with more limited funding saw their CEOs make less, by about 7%, than in 2021. But early employees will be attracted to your business in part because of the long-term payoff. In 2019, it was $131,000 and in 2020, salaries ranged around $130,000. Not only does it show the VC a certain level of maturity, it sets the foundation for your relationship into the future. We may monetize some of our links through affiliate advertising. Firstly, and most obviously, companies with more funding are better able to pay their CEOs. Seed stage salaries - for companies that have raised less than $2 million in total funding - seem to be still recovering from the COVID crisis, and the overall pay there is down from $120,000 in 2019. However, as the year ended and many technology companies recovered - and as venture funding continued at unprecedented levels - boards and executives felt comfortable increasing executive compensation to pre-crisis levels., Compared to Their Male Counterparts, Female CEOs Took a Pay Cut During the Pandemic. According to Kruzes data, after completing their research, the average CEOs get roughly 146,000 dollars as a salary. As a founder and/or CEO, you also want to pay yourself enough to get by and prevent money from being an unnecessary distraction. Earlier this year, this issue presented itself when a client was the lead investor in a Series A round of about $2MM at a $4MM pre-money. The more investment a startup attracts, the more its funder can afford. Filter by role, location, stage, startup size. Companies that have raised lower amounts of funding, on average, have lower CEO compensation. This means the earlier you join, the more diluted you'll become. And in 2021, the average salary popped back - but thats not the full story, as youll see as we dig into the numbers. So it does pay to be good at fundraising! Im seriously enlightened. Note that our dataset is only for funded companies, with the average company in this analysis having raised between $7 and $8 million in venture and seed financing. We feel there are three primary drivers for this behavior, said Healy Jones, VP of Financial Planning & Analysis for Kruze. As the urgency of the COVID situation decreased, and many early-stage companies saw their financial situation stabilize, a number of the companies that reduced their executive pay reversed the situation. Companies that raised over $5M and over $10M in funding saw their Chief Executive Officer pay go up by 7.5% and 13%, respectively, in 2022. Theyre responsible for fundraising, reporting to the board and other stakeholders, providing direction to the company, and making operational decisions. Included in the equation that VCs use to make investment decisions is CEO salaries, and experienced startup CEOs realize that. At any moment, executives or team members may own public or private stock in any of the third party companies we mention. Search by stage, location, sector and more. When two sides in a negotiation cant come to a deal, its often because the two sides dont have a clear enough view of what each others alternatives are if they cant agree, Tim Jackson writes. The percent equity owned by the CEO post the seed financing varies as a function of not just the size and terms of the seed round, but quite significantly, by the number of founders and how equity is divided up between them. When not working, she can be found reading, writing and engaging in long walks. So what is the range of CEO salaries in the seed stage? Based on what I see in the market, I'd say the range for founder CEO salaries after a seed round is between $60k and $150k, with the average/median in the range of $90k - $110k. Therefore, the assessment of your companys present state is somewhat important when determining your salary. It [a low salary] aligns interest with the equity holders. Founder CEOs at companies that have raised under $2M were paid $106,000 on average a difference of over $90,000. Meanwhile, the accounting firm Kruze Consulting reveals that for startups with $7 million to $8 million in financing, the average startup CEO salary is Secondly, the increased CEO salaries recognizes that these CEOs are more effective at fundraising, much like how compensation increases for CEOs in mature companies generating greater profits. You need to be on the businesss payroll for that. "If you're going to disrupt the status quo and beat the competition, you're not going to do it by playing their game.". Tax is one of the most crucial factors to consider when drawing founder salary, especially in mature companies. In 2022, chief executives at early-stage companies that have raised over $10 million in financing were paid just under two hundred thousand dollars a year, $199,000. We have created one of the most complete databases in the startup world. Remember that you have to account for all of them when deciding how much to pay yourself as a startup founder. This calculator will show you an estimated range of compensation for a startup CEO based on the amount of funding that the company has raised, the stage of the company (i.e. Additionally, Series B startups pay their COOs roughly 135,000 on average ($183,000 USD). What are Your VCs Return Expectations Depending on the Stage of Investment? Thats why its critical you have the salary discussion before you sign the term sheet and close on that investment. Go through the table and assess the relation between a founding executive team members salary and their companys cash flows. Read on to see the average CEO salary, detail on how CEO pay differs as companies raise increasing amounts of capital, salary data by company industry - and more! According to estimates by 80,000 Hours, for example, startup founders in Y Combinator pay themselves around $50,000 in salary. Previously Brad Feld has argued that a founder CEO will be in the 5-20% range, a founder CTO in the 2-10% range, other co-founders between 3-7% and non-founder early employees between 0.5-5%. How Much Should A Startup Founder/CEO Pay Herself? One of the best ways to set a reasonable remuneration amount for yourself is to go by industry standards. As we found last year, the highest-paid CEOs fell predominantly into the healthcare and biotech categories. Based on what I see in the market, I'd say the range for founder CEO salaries after a seed round is between $60k and $150k, with the average/median in the range of $90k - $110k. Weve found that CEOs in some industries have higher average salaries than others. Founders are paid only when they work as employees. One of the places to start when evaluating your CEO salary is by evaluating the benchmarks and peers in your industry. the average startup CEO salary is $130,000. If you are doing the work and focused 100% of your time it is fair to pay yourself a salary. Seed Stage CEO Salary by Industry (in thousands). When we look exclusively at Seed and Series A Chief Exec salaries, the difference in pay between men and women practically vanishes. This came to me at the time I needed it most. Another study by Kruze Consulting found that the average startup CEO salary was $146,000. This will help you avoid future hassles. As we wrote about in our post, How to Fairly Split Startup Equity with Founders, startup employees are generally looking for something more than a salary transparency, collaboration, ownership, responsibility, etc. CEO pay varies by a number of The distinction between the two may impact early employee decisions on how they personally value their stock. Determine the gap between their salary and total compensation. The companies we used to determine this figure have raised collectively more than $2B in funding. Leading into 2021, the female leaders moved their salaries up over $30,000 - however, the gap between male and female CEOs salaries did not close vs 2019. Build relationships, manage a fundraise and build your business. For example, if a company has gone on to raise their series A that is a testament to the companies growth and should be reflected on the CEOs salary. The bottom line is: Align everything in your life. Market value for equity is dynamic though and the necessary points to attract an individual employee can vary. 75k-150k Pre-seed should be just enough to get by so you can quit your job and focus 100% If you want Also, make sure that you consider all the factors mentioned above before deciding on your salary. While there is no correct answer to the question, here is my main take-away: it's so critical to be capital-conscious at the seed stage. For 2022, we analyzed CEO pay at over 250 seed and venture-funded startups, and we noticed an interesting trend taking shape. Startups with $10 million or more in funding saw their average Chief Executives pay rise 8% from $160,000 in 2018 to $173,000 in 2019. ), and the companys industry. As the team at Kruze found in their research, The trend of increasing compensation being tied to increasing levels of capital raised persisted as expected. Thankfully, that thinking has evolved. For 2021, the average startup CEO salary is now up to $146,000, an increase of $4,000 from 2019 (almost a 3% increase) or 5% up from the COVID crisis of 2020. On the flipside, a founder that has raised multiple rounds of venture capital might only own a small % of their company. However, our research is meant to aid your own, and we are not acting as licensed professionals. Share your companys key data with our beautiful dashboards. You dont want to walk away from a tough negotiation having damaged your relationship with investors on your own compensation or shown irresponsibility when proposing packages for early employees. Use our startup CEO salary guide to help peg your pay to the amount of capital that your company has raised. Owners of mature companies can pay themselves more than growth-stage startup founders even when both generate good revenue. Ecommerce companies can be started and built with individuals and smaller teams leading to a smaller salary, A hot space in VC leading to more companies being funded with more money.. The lower the CEO salary, the more likely it is to succeed. As noted in, , Seth Levines observation on CEO salary in 2012 still holds true compared to the 2019 Kruze salary report data above: early on companies that have raised $500,000 or less cap out at $75,000, companies that have raised $1 million or less pay between $75,000-$125,000, companies that have raised between $1-$2.5 million pay closer to $125,000. SaaS was the top performing industry by CEO salary in 2020. Back in 2008, Peter Thiel did an interview at TechCrunch50 in which he said one of the most important things he looks at before investing is how much the CEO is getting paid. There is also a shifting trend towards famous entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Evan Startup Lessons From The MIT and Harvard Strategy War Game, Recently, I led a team from MIT in the second annual strategy war game with Harvard Business School organized by Fuld and Company. Industries and different verticals can lead to varying salaries. Meanwhile, those of SaaS companies made on average $113,000 in 2018, which rose 7% to $121,000 in 2019. As great as it feels to receive money out of your own business, it is usually impractical and will just lead to a portion being lost in taxes. See if you are eligible for a salary or not. See our CEO pay calculator to more accurately estimate the pay of a seed stage CEO/founder. David Rose agrees. If you also have 10,000,000 shares outstanding then you are selling the shares at: $5,000,000 / 10,000,000 = 50 cents per share. So, if you had any doubts about taking a salary, shed them now and start thinking about how much you want to pay yourself. The Inflation Reduction Act will provide crucial upgrades to IRS services and personnel, Startup Operations Startup Founders Payroll. 3) Excessive hiring and spending. Interested in other data on startup spending? Again our data shows that the typical Series A CEO is pay is about $180,000 to $190,000 per year. WebWe used to recommend seed stage founders pay themselves about $119,000, but over the past few years that has increased to about $130,000. Some families live on that," says VC Sean Owen. Answer (1 of 3): I want to pay half market rate, the CEO, Richard, said to me. Resources and best practices to help investors manage and communicate with their portfolio companies. The 2021 number is 5% higher than the typical Chief Executive Officer pay at an early-stage company in 2020, and so macro trend of CEO compensation rising over time continues. As your startup starts growing and generating revenue, you may start increasing your salary or decide on bonuses and perquisites for yourself. Another study by Kruze Consulting found that the average startup CEO salary was $146,000. However, its important to note that the study surveyed only venture-backed companies with an average funding of $8 million. Below are some of the factors that may influence a startup CEOs salary: The process is usually difficult for first-time founders, especially because of the complexity of the deciding factors. Were not talking about anything extravagant, but enough to live a life outside of the business. So, you need to make a fair assessment of your current financial situation before talking to investors about salary. Roughly, for every additional $1,000,000 raised, a startup CEO will take home between $4,000 and $5,000 more in annual salary. Other founding roles, such as the chief operating officer (COO) and chief technical officer (CTO), may also receive a startup salary. When we compared the salaries of male Chief Executives versus females, we found that the numbers were roughly the same $138,000 per year for women versus $143,000 for men. Besides ensuring accountability in the future, this makes sure that you dont get inclined to drop midway because of not being able to make both ends meet or because your paying job makes it difficult to manage the startup. Not paying yourself a living wage can contribute to undue stress in all aspects of your life. Early employees usually come in shortly after a seed round, and seed round valuations average about $5.3m. Also, try our Startup CEO Salary Estimator tool on the right. Know that your early-stage startup will pay you less than the MNC you used to work for. The 2018 Startup CEO Salary Report was created by Healy Jones, Senior Consultant Alex Janeck and Staff Accountant Litzy Yang. So, its better to invest $45K and let the additional $5K stay in your bank account. Try Visible free for 14 days. Feedough is the one-stop resource for everything related to startups. Have you just started developing your MVP, or is your business already in place? Market value for equity is dynamic though and the necessary points to attract an individual employee can vary. David Rose agrees. For venture-backed companies, you can find this answer through an official 409A process or less formally (as Fred Wilson proposed in 2010) by using the valuation of your last financing round or the most recent offer you received to purchase your business. Case Study. Tell us what you think about our article on startup founder salary in the comments section. This is an especially important question to answer when youre trying to hire your first employees. Seed, Series A, Series B, etc.) I would like more of this start up articles as I just subscribed to your platform. Money can be the root of problems in many relationships. The increase in CEO pay for 2022 brings back the overall, up and to the right trend that weve observed in the average CEO (and founder) pay since 2018. Also, when founders salaries are scooped out of the treasury, the startup is left with fewer resources to function on. We looked at our payroll data for over 125 seed and venture-backed startups to come up with the answer. The businesses that are funded between $1M to $2.5M pay their founders above $125K. Affordable Monthly Bookkeeping for Startups, Key terms, tips and tricks, free financial models, taxes and more, Kruze is a leader in bookkeeping services for startups, We get your startup ready for the VC process, Projections, budgets and FP&A help for seed venture funded companies, Outsourced CFOs to help manage your growing startup, Industry specific expertise in bookkeeping, tax, FP&A and beyond, Kruze is a leader in startup tax filings, advice and more. However, you cannot expect it to be at par with the market standards. As already mentioned, founders are paid only when they work as employees, not because they started the company. At the seed stage you should have a reasonable salary based on your location. Weve found that there are a variety of factors that can influence the salary of a startup CEO. It discovered the salaries are up 2.7% compared to 2021 well below the national inflation rate. $130,000 per year. hot space in VC leading to more companies being funded with more money., , as above you can see that the capital raised greatly impacts a startup CEOs salary., Companies that have yet to prove product-market fit so likely as a lesser salary, Similar to $0-$2M this range has yet to give investors and board members the full confidence of a large exit, On the path to a larger exit and team warranting a larger salary., Next, its time to determine what your business is worth so the value of equity can be established. This has long been an acceptable salary range depending on the cost of living adjustments and the value of the business, and as long as the fledgling business isnt truly desperate for cash. As most CEOs and founders know, launching a startup means working long hours, dedicating time and thought to the business success. Is it wise to pay yourself when your startup demands this many resources? Do account for salary baseline and tax here. is pretty wide and is more driven by the absolute dollar amount raised, pay does vary by stage. In the Kruze Consulting report on 2021 CEO salaries, the team surveyed over 250 startup leaders and found salaries have slightly increased. How much can your startup save in payroll taxes? This makes it important to account for the duration that you work when calculating your salary. The analysis comes from an anonymized dataset comprising more than 250 venture-funded companies and representing more than $2 BN in funding. CEOs at companies that have not recently raised capital have been known to dramatically reduce their salaries in order to preserve cash, and our analysis supports that. Not paying yourself enough can turn you into a bad decision-maker. The idealistic view says that startup founders must take risks and should not be rewarded unless their company starts making money. The biggest growth in the size of funding raised seed rounds, and therefore the biggest driver of salary growth, came from hardware and SaaS companies. Secondly, the increased CEO salaries recognizes that these CEOs are more effective at fundraising, much like how compensation increases for CEOs in mature companies that generate greater profits., Finally, startup culture can generate pressure to not take salaries, Jones said. The term sheet Assess the state of your startup and its finances. On one hand, you need to hire the best talent, retain them, and incentivize their performance to have the right team in place to grow. When comparing male and female CEOs, female leaders took a 30% reduction in salary at the peak of the pandemic ($101,000 compared to $138,000 in 2019) while their male counterparts saw an increase ($146,000 compared to $143,000 in 2019). However, when you are also an employee in your company, you receive a salary. This year, we took it up a notch and analyzed data from more than 250 venture-funded companies. Very few entrepreneurs have the courage to be that transparent. When the company exited after three venture rounds, my salary was at $250k. As weve seen in the past, biotech and pharmaceutical companies tend to have the highest CEO compensation, with seed funded companies paying their Chief Executives $161,000. Therefore, you need to set a lower salary baseline. It is 50-hours workweeks, endless sacrifices, and years of little or no income from a business that demands numerous resources. In practice we have found that if you only ask one question, ask that. So, your salary as a founder depends on the state of your startups cash flows and not on its profitability. And, if youre making a market salary, you wont feel compelled to make the wrong decision for the company. You have to be able to afford the talent youre recruiting without cutting your financial runway unnecessarily fast for some quick-to-compete cash package. Female startup CEOs continue to lag behind their male counterparts in salary in 2022. What a great article. That said, its unlikely in most cases for non-founders to receive more than 5% of the business (bringing on a CTO can be the one common example of exceeding this mark). Early-stage companies, as well as all other companies, should evaluate their policies to determine how the gender pay gap increased in the last three years, and see what steps they can take to better support female leaders.. Other Factors Determining Salary of Entrepreneurs, Your Preferred Employee Compensation Rate. In 2020, approximately 36% of companies reduced their chief executive compensation during COVID. Startup accounting firm Kruze Consulting just updated its annual CEO salary reportand has some interesting insights to go with it. Even giants like Google and Amazon took years before becoming profitable and even then, their founding workers take salaries. For instance, in the United States, IRS treats profit from your business the same as personal income when you own a sole proprietorship or a joint venture. It may seem that there is no relation between the revenue generated by ones business and their remuneration but thats not the case. Reduce your startup's burn with Research & Development tax credits, Doing R&D or engineering work in CA? The other major surprise we noticed was that eCommerce companies are paying their CEOs much more than they had in the past $141,000 for 2022. We recommend that you use your own judgement and consult with your own consultant, lawyer, accountant, or other licensed professional for relevant business decisions. What's the average salary for CEOs from funded startups? Visit kruzeconsulting.comto learn more. Many slashed their compensation to zero. Understand that being a founder doesnt entitle you to a higher salary than everyone; growing your business by being a better employee does. Even Amazons founder, Jeff Bezos earned around $81,840 as a salary in 2020. The site may also contain links to affiliate websites, and we receive an affiliate commission for any purchases made by you on the affiliate website using such links. Youve got a package in mind that includes a salary you can afford and an equity stake that makes the offer competitive if your company grows as expected. It believes in uncertainty being a key factor in entrepreneurship and that constant pay may damage the whole idea. Tax Credit Center - Which of the 700+ Credits Are Best? Based on what I see in the market, I'd say the range for founder CEO salaries after a seed round is between $60k and $150k, with the average/median in the range of You might feel the same way. How Much Should You Pay Yourself As A Startup Founder? Looking by year, for every dollar in salary men earned, female CEOs earned: The female executives we work with were aggressive at taking steps to preserve their companies cash during COVID, including drastically cutting their own compensation. Just like it is mandatory to pay regular employees, it is mandatory to pay founding employees as well. Companies reduced their Chief executive Officer compensation dipped due to COVID a Guide to help investors manage and communicate their!, Stating the obvious, salary needs can vary enough can turn you into a bad decision-maker making money,! On your location are eligible for a salary, you need to be that transparent shares. 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