They recommend I extract, which Im okay with due to root canal and extraction cost difference. It is possible this tooth can be saved. First, I would like to thank you for the informative article and willingness to devote your time to answer the various inquiries of others. I think I can say for all of us, we really appreciate you answering all our questions. Do you think braces are necessary? Is it cheaper cost/ better benefits? Lets say I need my second upper molar extracted. I am leaning towards extraction for finincal reasons. BEST PLAN! Basically you sleep through the whole thing. Once you're anesthetized, we'll pull the tooth. bone? The bottom one is doing ok. My question is will the bottom one grow out of socket if it has a crown on? I lost my dental insurance so cost is definitely an important factor at this time. HI Jane this block is intended for people looking for dental implant advice not general dentistry. If the tooth is in the back of the mouth just a few weeks should suffice. I live in Jamaica and I lost number 2, 15, 18 and 31 by the time I was 16. It seems that the filling didnt work out well for my tooth because nearly 3 weeks later I have a lot of pain. Is closing #3 with braces or aligners an option or will it shift my smile? The last thing you want to do is spend the money for a crown only for it to fail soon. Pain that flows into your jaw, neck, and ear. I had painful TMJ issues back in the 80s; open-joint surgery was recommended, but I managed to avoid it by having 6 months of neuromuscular therapy in 1992, which successfully eliminated my jaw pain and extreme head tension. If you are not going to have another implant that you do not need a bone graft. She recommends a root canal, which my plan will cover in 2020, but I dont know if I can tolerate the pain for 4 more weeks. When my dentist reopened, I returned to have the final crown fitted, but I informed my dentist I was experiencing some discomfort for the past couple of weeks above the temporary crown. I previously had 8 teeth extracted for braces ( 21,28, 5 , all wisdom teeth and a lower 2nd molar.) The disadvantages of second molar extraction include pain, swelling, bruising, and bleeding. Google what that means. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Stay safe during COVID 19!!!! See an expert for sure. Since then my second molar on one side has become wiggly and a bit sore. What are the post procedures to be taken to avoid this. Respectfully, Dr. Amin, Hello I am 21 years old. Likely do nothing has nothing is necessary but of course I have not seen you. I am 49 yrs old. I only have two molars on the left side of mouth. this is normal. Are you able to do a phone consultation. You may end up cracking other teeth because you do not replace this one. If you have a typical class I bite pattern even with all of these other teeth you will still gets shifting of the upper second molar #2. They usually come in during the late teens or early twenties. How important is this tooth? My dentist warned me of TMJ and potential cracked teeth without the implant. Change in masticatory ability with the implant restoration of second molars. You would probably be better off extracting the wisdom tooth #1 and the wisdom tooth #32. The wound has not completely healed. same day dental implants I have all bottom teeth with a crown on last bottom molar opposite #2. I am 21 years old and I had my tooth last upper molar removed. Keep in mind you might need a gum graft in addition to a bone graft to make the implants last as long as possible. Should it be done now or later implantion is possible as well. In prior years I have had a root canal on #13 and the tooth continue to break within days and I only have the root of the tooth. If anything I would just replace tooth #31 and not worry about 15, 32. Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. My extractions are over 10 years old. Second molar extraction is a common dental procedure. So It cant be saved. Bone graft and implant was also suggested for #30, #29 and #28 (extracted about a decade ago). I am at a loss for words with my dental problems. That developed an infection and I needed advil and codeine to manage the pain for 10 days. Are you wanting to have an implant for your wisdom tooth? He said it was not vital but worst case scenario is the upper molar will eventually come down so far it will need to be removed (and this could take anywhere from 5-10 years but its impossible to be sure). My dentist said implants for that molar are quite challenging, Again my thanks Dr. Amin. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Also if the lower second molar was extracted would I have any difficulty eating given that all my other teeth are still fine? After two weeks it feels as if I tongue is all over the next tooth in succession. When I have my #2 molar will the wisdom tooth come through? Is it imperative that I get an implant for 2? I basically left it untreated and now the right side of my face (jaw) is constantly throbbing and cramping up. I want to know if there is still hope, and I would like you to comment on this for any other parents who are being told to extract all the 2nd molars at a young age for the wisdom teeth to come in. I appreciate any feedback. It's usually less expensive than having a tooth pulled and replaced with an artificial one. no pain or fever. A root canal is always the best option for a tooth that has damaged, diseased, or dead pulp. I told him to skip the pre-implant procedures and just get the tooth out of there. Pain when you chew or bite. Make sure she does not drink any soda of any kind. The Cons of Tooth Extraction Infections Pits may form where the tooth was extracted in some patients. If you have your bicuspid teeth you may be okay as long as everything else is very solid. While I imagine that is expected my concern is the significant swelling that remains which now includes a hard area ptotruding like a small golf ball. It is way more important than #15! The chance if it being your implant is Lower than half a percent or less. It is less invasive than a bridge because you dont need to grind down the other teeth. You can see that the advantages heavily outweigh the disadvantages. Thanks. can you post an x-ray to your google drive and show me? How much more expensive do you think the latter would be compared to the former? Root canal/crown 31 . No blood and no pain. . I tend to over brush and clench. I went for a root canal on number 3 but it was unable to be done because he could reach the end of the root. The oral surgeon also mentioned that 32 & 17- bottom wisdom teeth in either side- are very close to the nerve and probably will consider leaving slight tooth in there to not expose the nerve. So, should you replace your second molar? Problems that I have buried my head about for longer than I can remember. Get well! It is unlikely that the tongue depressor will work long-term. I still have my first molar as well as my lower molars(save for the wisdom teeth). Even when Im talking it fee like Im almost bitting my tongue. Burbank Dental Implants. Thank you!! Correct as long as the tooth wear on the plastic tooth is always replaced/maintained. Are there any additional concerns for an implant that far back? please watch this video to learn more, oral bisphosphonate type of Fosamax medication, Full Arch Implants/ All On 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Botox for Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching & Dental Implants, Subperiosteal Dental Implant Extreme Lower Jaw Bone Loss, Smoking, Vaping, Marijuana and Dental Implants (video & text). I am also in braces which are scheduled to be removed in the next 12 weeks. I have a cracked molar on number 15 Im in so much pain the dentist recommended me to an endo to try to save it but he doesnt know if they can save it and because of corona virus I have to wait to see an endo. I had to extract my 2nd lower molar (tooth 37). I can email you my x ray if thats okay with you? Another dentist may not do a better job. That leaves me with 9 upper & 9 Lower. Assuming you have no health issues, do not smoke and follow the recommended instructions of your doctor, it can be a few days. I hope you are doing quite well, Doctor. I didnt take good care of my teeth during my teens and both sides the bottom 2nd molars are root canal and crown with the warning that they would need to be eventually extracted. Last night sleep was interrupted and the hard swelling has not improved at all with some new pain with opening my mouth (I am exercising my jaw gently to avoid it getting too tight). Kind regards official website and that any information you provide is encrypted If you are missing any of those teeth I would suggest replacing them. Will that negatively impact my ability to get an implant? I was sent to another dentist who recommended re-root canal saying that the artificial roots of the first root canal did not go deep enough. The main disadvantages would be if the other teeth shift in the area or the bone begins to shrink more aggressively. If not, 4 Months is a good timeline. Gauze placed over the extraction site will help absorb any bleeding. Dentist recommends extract tooth 15 & 16. Some people can get away without replacing the upper second molar. the single examiner using a X-ray viewer. Sometimes when you extracted tooth it exposes a bit of the root of the adjacent tooth. I had one of my back most molars pulled a few years ago. If #31 with a crown is hurting and the tooth has substantial structure left then it would be best to have a root canal done to save it if it has a good prognosis. If it just needs a filling I would KEEP it! Thank you very much. I just got my braces off and Im so scared my teeth will shift. The upper second molar is now supra erupting. Hello, your article was very informative question, Im 66 y/o, my 31 molar had a root canal with a crown placement many years ago, but since I had it done it has always bother me, while chewing food on and off. Iam suffering from a Fully bony impacted wisdom ( 90 horizontal) left side lower 7 th teeth They have offered a couple of options: #1-Let #29 come in, file the sides of #20 down just a little to give more room, then put on braces to pull teeth together (her teeth seem to be shifted a little off center from center of face and she has an overbite anyway so she needs them). I dont have insurance and am 70 years old. i dont want to make a braces since its they say i need to remove 4 teeth. Zirconia Dental Implants Pros and Cons Video. My four wisdom teeth have been gone for decades, if that makes a difference. Both an endodontist and an oral surgeon have said it needs to be removed, it cannot be saved. I am 62 years old and have been advised to have back molars 18 and 15 removed. Thanks so much for answering this question! I am going to have the teeth #15 to be removed next week. At Best Dental, we currently charge $1,995 for our dental implants. Nerve damage? Yesterday had an extraction on 2. Im 32 and had my last molar lower left side removed , do I need bone graft and implant? You should! Talk to your dentist about all of your options and ask about payment plans if necessary. At first I was worried that people would notice my missing tooth and my dentist told me that I can get an implant however do I need the implant ? Its a more complicated procedure than a traditional extraction, so its important to be aware of what to expect. I have other dental work that needs to be done that is not as urgent as the extraction ( removal of amalgam fillings in adjacent teeth) but I am concerned about the amount of time for the socket to heal over so no amalgam particles and associated liquids get into the open wound. extraction 2. Dental implants are anchored into your jaw, similar to your real teeth. Is it nessasary to get a dental implant? Would this lead to bone recession or face asymmetry as I have read in some pages? In my own hands, the dental implant complication rate is about 1%, but the average is somewhere between 5-10%. Hi. Not much to chew on,& my face is already sunk in.what to do? I cant do hard chewing on the missing molar side, but other than that, I dont miss it. Extracting the first molar and of course adding bone to . May be you had a deep cleaning done at the same time? The second dentist recommended I do a root canal and crown or extraction but I am absolutely terrified to do any dental work without being put to sleep. I am 24. There are so many anatomical restrictions in those areas and also they do not provide any sort of chewing capability. Is there any way to push it back into socket, or do I need to get it removed? I had #31 extracted ten weeks ago. Dismissed as everything looks fine so I feel that Im left to resolve this on my own. Isnt that what he spends the entire article discussing? The dentist I saw then did a filling with a topical antibiotic or somethign like that - and I remember him telling me the tooth was "not worth a root canal anymore". Accept Its not that big of a deal. About ten days ago I lost #31 molar in my sleep. After several shots of novacaine. Suggestion is to put a dummy theeth in the place of 2nd molar with the help of 6 th theeth with a cap. Thanks for posting your x-rays the right way! He recommends apioectomy and root canal re-treatment. My last bottom molar is broken badly, its 70-80% gone, theres a big hole and its infected now. May I ask if all the teeth are intact, but there is a missing number 18 (lower left second molar). Frontiers in Microbiology. Have your dentist evaluate your bite to see if you really need it replaced or not. It also helps keep the teeth in place and aligned. And how do make implant for second molar lasts a lifetime. I was having problems five years ago with third lower right molar and my former dentist did a root canal. Is that a common occurrence? My wisdom tooth was extracted years ago, so this is the second tooth in on the upper right, labeled $3. Some teeth have extra nerve canals that can not be removed. 1.5 years is already a long time! Can you give me some advice on that? . Typically I would extract/implant and internal sinus lift all at the SAME time. It is possible because of the age that you had your second molar removed. not likely Will having a top molar extracted change my appearance? I had a swollen gum 3 weaks ago over tooth 37. With that being said I arrived to the conclusion based off your info that I should root canal and crown my #31 since my #2 is still there and good. I probably wont do it but wanted to ask. Have a consult done and make sure to have a 3-D scan. Sorry, I know its long weekend and you probably will get to it. What is your recommendation? My wisdom teeth is erupting but Im worried about the space. Pros of Single Molar Dentures: An affordable option in comparison with other types of tooth replacements. I know that bone loss at #31 probably contributed to the loss of the tooths anchor and that bone loss may make me a poor candidate for an implant without grafting. That way you can still get an implant for the second molar. However, sometimes, t Usually after 24 hours you can resume a normal. I just had a filling done on my lower left molar. 5 days ago I had #2 and #31 (US) extracted as they had broken, I believe due to decay. What do you think, could it be like that. If it is confirmed that #15 is the problem then extracting it would be the best idea. My bite got messed up again due to untreated tongue habit after the removal of the braces and not caused by the wisdom tooth. That is a good brand. Sorry . Looks like its concentrated around 30,31. I am only 27 years old so this is a big concern for me. Its a very common implant for me to do. Why take them out!! The dentist recommended extracting, bone graft and implant. Hello, Doctor! However through the x ray, I saw the distance between my implant and natural tooth was a bit far apart. What would u recommend I do? I am 51 years old and the tooth has started to crack. Ask your oral surgeon. My dentist extracted number 17. My 12 year old daughters tooth #31 took over 6 months to fully erupt and when it finally did the part that was covered eventually chipped badly. Thanks. I had a crack in the tooth on the surface that was filled by my dentist and still had pain so was referred to a root canal specialist. I am scheduled for an extraction tomorrow but not I am second guessing my decision because I heard there will be negative long terms affects and possible #2 falling down. All of the teeth can be replaced or implanted on a single day with minimal to no pain. Subscribe our newsletter to stay updated. I would greatly appreciate if your opinion! As I was looking at doing my upper. This means they grow in at an angle and can cause problems with your other teeth. Prevention of future problems. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. The dentist informed me that the wisdom teeth will close the gap in between the 3rd and 1st molars. I am getting my top left 3rd molar extracted, my upper teeth are a little crowded. He said I should get an implant. I have neuromuscular massage every 1-2 months, which keeps my upper body relaxed. Nothing is really permanent including fillings, crowns, bridges etc. There is no need to extract or remove the tooth. She is 30 years old. Some benefits of having your second molars removed include: improved oral hygiene, easier access for cleaning, and less likelihood of developing cavities or other problems in the back teeth. I really care for my teeth as an adult but my teenage years are catching up with me. This means the tooth is likely dying and needs a root canal. To assess the evidence and discuss the pros and cons of replacing a missing second molar with a dental implant restoration, the authors searched the literature for articles that evaluated the following factors: chewing efficiency, tooth loss, super-eruption, extrusion, over-eruption, and occlusal interferences. Fellow-American Academy of Implant Dentistry I have an x-ray of the top and bottom teeth on that side of my mouth and how they meet. (I currently have a permanent retainer on my bottom teeth.). Thank you Dr Amin. Bruising: Sometimes bruising can occur around the extraction site. What exactly should I do? 2017 Jul;26(5):376-380. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12399. I do not want a root canal because I have heard even after the procedure the tooth still holds infection and bacteria so I am considering just pulling the tooth. I am 29 years old. If your tooth is impactedor you're having several teeth removedyou may also receive a general anesthetic to make you sleep during the procedure. It leaves a surface wound the size of half a dollar bill, that can become infected if food is pre Everyone is different - depends on why the tooth has to come out and maybe on the skill of the dentist. The pros of tooth extraction. Will it grow back after an extraction? I recently removed an upper second molar and no third molar behind. 2020, April 9 -, Burhenne M. How to avoid toxins in your toothpaste: 12 ingredients to ditch now. Im 33 years old. Hi, my husband was referred to have an extraction and implant of tooth #18 which is very expensive. Thank you! 2nd molar extraction - pros and cons Dear all. You were not the first 1 I have consulted about this. All Rights Reserved. Lower second molar extractions are one of the most common types of dental surgery. I am a 57 year old male who had the #15 upper molar extracted several months ago. I hope it is not gone already! The margins of socket 14 have maintained their margins quite nicely over the past 2.5 years and teeth haven t moved Would waiting for another 2 years do irreversible damage. I would call it totally elective. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. This high rate of success is what makes it a great option. My question is, do you feel a zirconia (ceramic) implant has a good chance of success in a 2nd molar area like #31? Yes. I am 42 year old female and in great health. If the void is not filled, the remaining teeth may naturally move to close the gap and lead to improper bite. You will probably need some form of bone widening. Thank you! Unless they are loose or decayed do not remove! All of my wisdom teeth are already out. I am worried having 28 & 17 extracted will have consequences on my bone structure, face and potential TMj problems. It is causing pain now and dentist says I should either get it extracted or root canal done. Is it reasonable to consider not having an implant? CT scans What you eat can sometimes have a significant impact on the color of your teeth. Im not convinced since this started after the 3rd molar was removed. I saw dentist for a check yesterday and he felt it was as expected and to let it progress without intervention. i would really appreciate ur advice doc. 1 for #28 and 1 for #30. I went to the dentist who told me I need a root canal on my top last molar. This study including 60 Japanese patients was conducted to reveal the facts on the treatment with first or second molar extraction and identify the pros and cons of the therapy. A low-cost denture can cost $300 to $500 for one arch or approximately up to $1000 for a complete set. 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