The child/woman is always unimportant/prey. I will not recommend that camp, either for campers or potential counsellors. Newmans inappropriate nudity and private sleepovers with boys were not disclosed to the public, including John Doe IXs parents until after Kanakuk was sued by one of Newmans sexual abuse victims in 2011.. Its public record, and that pastor needs to get famous. What does that mean in plain English, please? I guess the appropriate word to use here is grooming. I grew up just the other side of the Missouri state line over into Kansas, about two hours away from Branson; I always thought Branson was a huge deal, nationally and internationally-known. The leadership, that knowingly invites the sick predators near children, has an even GREATER responsibility for what happens as a result. A genuine person will never be invested in making you think theyre so wonderful. Thank you for praying for Former CLCers eye surgery and others needs. but just one of many reasons. Both programs stressed that we would be in legal trouble if we had information and did not report it to the authorities. And Predators have the JUICIEST testimonies! The camp responded with a prepared statement attributed to "Kanakuk Communications," which the News-Leader is reproducing here in full, noting however that victims and former camp employees have disputed the timeliness of Kanakuk's termination and reporting of Newman. is a licensed attorney and a former chief sex crimes prosecutor. They are paid by the organization to do the investigation. @ Jeffrey Chalmers: Maybe he was just thinking about it as he attended. When it comes to the kids, we cant afford not to. Maintaining relationships inside the neo-cal industrial complex is key. Do you get the feeling that keeping women out of power is WAY more important to these folks than protecting them or children? "Its big money. Pattersons group threw out some critically-needed controls on their own power when they attacked (or allowed attack on) diversity and soul competency, I think. Maybe we should really rethink that idea. The victims need justice. Hard to tell whos who and who did what with so many of these clowns milling around scratching each others backs. he has a special place in gods heart, always. Branson is a popular vacation site. They had connections at Kamp Kanakuk and could have easily madea call to learn the issues surrounding Newman. The letter demands Kanakuk admit thatnumerous allegations of sex abuse by people linked to the camp are true. I think that seems to be what has been created. @wartwatch @ThouArtTheMan Would be interesting to see the pay-per-view history from the NAMB guys staying in those rooms. Newman was in the news a lot in this area, as his crimes against children were revealed. The prosecutor's criminal charges allege that Pete engaged in sexually inappropriate behavior with adolescent boys, including some who had been Kanakuk Kampers. Joe Whiteis aspeaker,author, and currentCEOat Kanakuk Ministries. To the spiritual superheroes that think they know better grow up. I think they have good intentions but nothing brings out truth better than discovery. They need to be got out of positions where they can knowingly expose innocents to harm. Lydia wrote: And she looked at me (at the birthday dinner). 2023 There are very few things/people above criticism in my world. Like Hoffpauir, Dygert says he accompanied Newman on speaking engagement trips linked to Kanakuk. Each side loves their insults instead of just dealing with an issue. Why is this so *hard* for churches to get right? Note the highlighted portion. A reporter attempted calls to four phone numbers linked to Staples in public records databases. (Last year, Newman was found liable for more than $5 million in damages in that case, Missouri court records show.) One more thing in one of the articles, another lady was asked to stop being in the choir because she wrote a letter to the church in support of her friend. It is hard to believe we were fooled. We should not be surprised about any of this because, again, Jesus warned us before hand. Some eventually do make it all the way across the Tiber (my alley and some find a refuge in the beautiful eastern Orthodox Churches, which is REALLY a change for them coming into eastern Christian ways of seeing the faith of Our Lord . He saw Newman as a "very popular guy," well-liked, a "powerful, motivated, enthusiastic speaker," a "superstar.". I am sorry for being so cynical! I think this is one reason child sexual predation is played down and people end up feeling empathy for molesters especially Christian ones. NO PARENTS were ever told about any of this. I wish to thank again all of those who have websites and our choosing to shed light on these church scandals. Their son, Cooper, is also on the board of directors, and daughter Jamie Jo serves as the organization . © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 - The Wartburg Watch. And they might not be able to really process everything until well into adult years. No wonder he didnt care. Type Example: North Korea and DEMOCRACY DEMOCRACY DEMOCRACY. And sadly, the followers have to share in the responsibility of creating and maintaining these monsters and their protectors. Im curious. In that sort of situation, the leaders are the keepers of the doctrine, the ones who have been to school and learned what the doctrines are and who can convey that information to those who may not know all that. Im kind of thinking that it got popular after there were some gay pride type activities at Disneyland that offended a lot of conservative people, and they were looking for a vacation destination that would be more guaranteed to be family friendly but that was just my impression at the time. FIFTEEN YEARS of grooming third parties. Ive seen it happen. She drove 4 hours to get them. The most ruinous con men are the most ingratiating, an unfriendly swindler wont get very far. YOU REBEL AGAINST THE FATHER, TOO! @ Jeffrey Chalmers: I can respect that. I never heard the word Holy Ghost as it was said back then, until I was somewhere around 10 or 11 and then I heard it from another child-not parents or church. It is really weird to hear missionaries speaking in tongues labeled as liberal. Dygert said he met Newman in a Branson public school lunchroom. Much like turning the Titanic. Thats why the lawsuits were filed. But maybe I missed it. The other is located near Table Rock Lake in the Lampe area. I have no idea how Mirele understood my original comment to have anything to do with anything else. Pedophiles work in much the same manner with the exception they seem to have much more patience in preparing their victims and their enablers. I guess it comes down to, what did Bryan Loritts know and when did he know it? When I first got divorced I considered joining Second Pres. After all Sandy Willson had more pressing issues! They specialize in educating churches about abuse. One of the new rules is no cell phones at camp. Can you point me to Friedmans writings in which he talks about doing the right thing? I think churches should use a program like Ministry Safe because they show you convicted molesters who look totally normal and give you things to watch out for. We should not be surprised about any of this because, again, Jesus warned us before hand. It cant be easy to have to deal with the cesspool on a regular basis.). Still a better track record than 2012, when Gods Anointed Choice changed at least once a week, the only constant being NOT THE MORMON! HUG, I am sorry that happened. -Kanakuk's cost-saving policies encouraged employees recruiting campers in the off-season to stay with families, providing opportunities for Newman to zero in on potential victims. My wife likes to go but we have not sent our kids to the Sunday school or camp. They thrive on it. It read: The Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him. Its not just religious organizations where the problem lies. Jacobins stage a Coup on the Dantonists. Joe White, the president of Kanakuk Ministries near Branson, Missouri, is a larger than life figure in American evangelicalism. Merrellsaid, "I'm satisfied, but there's always a sense of gravity when someone is sentenced to life. But people go because its pretty or to shop or because its close. Babylon-5. It is a way of thinking from the authoritarian control to dumbing down or hiding heinous sin and selling cheap grace for the most evil of evils. I told him, Well, your 30-something pastors, they have a lot to learn, told him to pay attention to what people do, not what they say, and knowing a person well enough to talk them up takes a lot longer than a few months or years, it takes many years, maybe decades, seeing someone at their best and worst and having them see you at your worst and seeing how they take it, before you can pronounce someone genuine. I will try. Schools and other public agencies used this training material as well. It is a real distinction. ", Hoffpauir said he does not know who funded the counseling by Staples. The Slick Deceiver is Anti in the sense of being an imitation of, and works from the Inside. 2. there is heavy reliance on leadership for interpretation of sacred Scriptures. On top of that, it costs money to sue, and Im not even talking about attorneys fees. Yet fruit has nothing to do with it? OK, talk to you later. ", Kanakuk alsosaid it developed a "comprehensive Child Protection Plan" because of the "tragedy.". Yes. Brian, you are partially getting it but not completely. He worked there from 1995 until he was fired in2009. Alpha Male/Herd Bull/Paterfamilias has absolute sexual rights over the entire Herd. I think that the Church of my Southern Baptist grandmother must have been similar, as she was someone who reflected on the goodness of God and lived her life accordingly. I dont get how anyone could with a shred of decency or understand of morality could think its okay to keep this man on the staff. Its one of the things that bothers me about GRACE that I have mentioned before. When did that go by? I think churches should be much quicker to fire staff who make reckless negligent decisions, like fellowship did though. It is hard to tell, for sure. The difference is there is licensing involved and CPAs risk losing their license to practice. I very much appreciate what Brian has said because I think he speaks for a lot of young staffers who believed in Petes character and his testimony and were heartbroken at a deep level when they learned that Pete had betrayed so many. I do t think this is just a Neo Cal problem. Anyone who works with children is supposed to be fully vetted yet these places use this contract or volunteer status as a way to avoid responsibility. he might have done this but what have you done? I caught this today: Dallas Theological Seminary is adding sexual abuse awareness training as a graduation requirement: Judge Orr retired to his chambers to decide Newman's fate for a little over 40 minutes, when he came back and delivered the verdicts it seemed that both side were a little stunned. What on earth is going on in christian land these days? Thats the hardest thing to understand, but once you accept it things make so much more sense. I also think that many Calvinista leaders believe that God is so with them and their election and awesome leadership that nothing bad could ever happen to them. We must fight the good fight. Before that conversation I would have considered Pete to be one of few examples of what living out the faith looked like. Now I find out its not so, evidently just some provincial little place that merits only an obscure, inside reference on the Simpsons. To say his affect was hypnotic, would be an understatement. How can having a first class pervert not have significant, long term damage to boys??? should be: I had a very hard time believing any of it. Dygert said he wanted to take the case to the public courts, but the settlement process had taken an "unbelievably enormous toll" on a family member "who was really struggling with her mental health." I use my phone to plug into internet on the desk top, it saves money. So, how many points are there on a line? Except it sounds like nobody talked about it??? He was certainly right about that. These folks are not far from where they sat a three year old girl down across from her abuser and exhorted her to forgive him because shes a sinner too. Skepticism is another of the deadly sins in the authoritarian church. (This was posted on the Open Discussion thread.). (my mom came back thinking that was as about as low class and crass as one could getunusual to hear such from her) It is all so much worse today, of course. HA. Its also known for gospel music and country music, isnt it? According to Red Dirt Report inSandusky-like camp director arrested in Missouri what did Kanakuk's "godlike" Joe White know? There is apparently such a thing a being a paedophile by proxy, deriving a sense of power and control through the activities of predators on ones staff, if the leadership was aware, enabling, then hiding, excusing the predator, and blaming and intimidating the victims. The people who knew and looked the other way while the leadership sinned by bringing the perpetrator into the sheep fold (lamb fold), these people ought to be culpable for any sexual abuse incidents that occurred. I mean, really, how dare they? The following is the alleged timeline as best as our informant can remember. It is horrible to hear detailed child grooming and molestation stories.but we must. "It's OK to have that urge and feel it and act upon it, as long as you're not lusting. But for Jesus it did have to do with that temple/ that building in Jerusalem and what he said was My house shall be called a house of prayer. @ Christiane: Any decent person would want to protect children. You cant trust some church leaders to be honest with you these days about those they put in charge of children. Last I heard he converted to Catholism. Perhaps we could use that to make Sacred Cow Sundaes (Gram3s TM). The problem is that some organizations will NOT do the right thing until they know it will cost them. I think every person wants to imagine that the tares, goats, and wolves in sheeps clothing are somewhere else, not in their own circles, certainly not anyone they know personally. Both may rail against the world, but with a different attitude. They are perfect victims. He said he refuses to sue the body of Christ but bring the Watchtower on. Newman was "just a fun dude," Hoffpauir said:"He invited me to hang out with him. Pride. Instead, he feels called to raise awareness of sexual abuse in the church and help equip it. Sorry but no one will truly ever know the impact of abuse on a child until its theirs and the parents live with watching their baby fall apart over it. But I think we, as the church need to have a come to Jesus meeting with our supposed leaders. Ill tell you what. It was supposed to be a place that showed him Godd love. Its vital to their careers. For one thing they think differently about the world. because I was somewhere in the process of incubating my second child and I threw up about every hour or so. Its a town. It does have christian themed shows (Jonah, as I mentioned above, and also Christmas stuff), but it has a lot of other acts too. But here is something which Jesus himself inaugurated and the Presence is understood differently in the Sacrament than if the doctrine of the omnipresence of God. The worst kind of SIN with very severely injured victims left in its wake. And if not dealt with properly their credibility ruined forever. @ okrapod: They used to. Kanakuk developed its Child Protection Plan in 2009 after one of its directors, a man named Pete Newman, was arrested and charged with abusing multiple children he'd met at the camp and through its related ministries. On that first night of abuse, Dygert said Newman told him, "'This would be one of the best bonding things we could do.' The YMCA pays for the service they receive but there is not the problem of the Christian brotherhood. Newman continued his heinous activities and was finallyarrested in 2010. If you mean that a person is personally responsible to God above all else, then certainly that concept was taught, and that is what I see on google. They actually believe they can tell who is elect! Here this is up Sandy Willson of Memphis Second Presbyterian Church was notified in November 2011 that there was am alleged sexual predator on staff. A few heads roll but the culture is still there. I suppose the old people miss a lot more than just their hymns, OKRAPOD. 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