While air force jets provided suppressive fire on the mountain top with individual gun runs since Mako 30 was less than 100 metres (110yd) north of the peak and Chalk 1 with its downed MH-47 was less than 100 m south of the peak. Anaconda was a military operation carried out by an international coalition led by the United States of America against the forces of the terrorist organization al Qaeda in Afghanistan in March 2002. At 06:30 the first wave of Rakkasans and Mountain troops landed via Chinook helicopter along the eastern and northern edges of the valley to await the fleeing fighters at their assigned blocking positions. This, plus the actions of the two SASR officers working with the 10th Mountain Division, earned the commander of the Australian SASR force in Afghanistan the US Bronze Star for his unit's outstanding contribution to the war on terrorism. It is the example demonstrated by Medal of Honor Recipient Master Chief Britt Slabinski. The Lower Shahikot bordered the Pakistani tribal lands where many al-Qaeda fighters were believed to have escaped to from Tora Bora. [3] By this day, following heavy bombing by U.S. strike fighter aircraft, joint U.S. and Afghan forces swept through the valley and cleared it of remaining rebel forces, with little significant combat by 18 March. Operation Anaconda remains one of the most significant operations in Operating Enduring Freedom. Meanwhile, the 3rd battalion were dropped into the northern end of the valley with the objective of linking up with the stranded forces at the blocking positions. Study for free with our range of university lectures! The rockets would automatically detonate at 920 meters, catching helicopters in flak bursts (a tactic learned in the Soviet-Afghan War). Operation Anaconda was a military battle carried out against al Qaeda and Taliban forces. Furthermore, they had no command over the Special Operation Forces (SOF). Commanders and staffs use the science of control to regulate forces and direct the execution of operations to conform to their commanders intent. Hyder directed the Chalk 2 leader to continue mission up the mountain and moved, alone, to link up with Mako 21 in order to assist that team's movement away from the peak thereby creating a better situation for air assets to support by fire. We are left learning the following about Operation Anaconda. The exhausted Rakkasans were replaced by fresh elements from the 10th Mountain Division, who continued to clear the southern end of the Shahikot. Executive Director Global Commercial Operations Amgen. Task Force Bowie: AFO (made up of a 45-man reconnaissance unit Delta Force and augmented by selected DEVGRU operators recce specialists and supported by ISA's technical experts, AFO conducted covert reconnaissance usually sending small 2 or 3 man teams on foot or on ATVs, deploying observation posts to watch and report enemy movements and numbers as well as environmental reconnaissance). Mission orders rely on individual initiative and provide the maximum freedom of choice in how to best accomplish the assigned mission. The objective of this essay is to demonstrate how the seven principles of mission command can be applied to the operational environment of the Operation of Anaconda. Around midnight, the units of TF Hammer loaded into their vehicles and left their base in Gardez at 333558N 691344E / 33.59944N 69.22889E / 33.59944; 69.22889 (Gardez) for the Shahi-Kot Valley. In the Lower Shahikot several imposing mountains dominate the landscape; chief among them is Takur Ghar at the southeastern end of the valley; to the northeast is Tsapare Ghar, dominating the northern entrance to the valley. The successes and failures of this operation, in particular, were used to modify the relationship between unified land operations and mission command. The operational phase of Operation Husky showed some . A Predator UAV had the convoy under surveillance, showing 3 SUVs, a pickup truck and a large security element of gunman. Both teams of SEAL operators now opened fire down on the enemy fighters in a crossfire and the third Chinook landed its operators nearby to investigate a suspicious looking vehicle. The signal intelligence also raised the possibility that high-value targets (HVTs) were present in the valley among which were Jalaluddin Haqqani and Saif Rahman. As the Rangers and special tactics team exited the aircraft, Private First Class Matt Commons, posthumously promoted to Corporal, Sergeant Brad Crose, and Specialist Marc Anderson were killed. Policyowners can manage their policies and make premium, loan and rider payments on-line from the convenience of their computer, tablet or cell phones. The operation took place in the Shahi-Kot Valley and Arma Mountains southeast of Zormat. As a result, they did not fire and the CH-47 made an entry similar to the first, this time successfully landing the team on the ground amidst heavy machine gun and rocket fire while taking some casualties. An Anaconda is a snake that squeezes and suffocates it's victim. The QRF's Chalk 2 moved up the mountain to assist Chalk 1. It is circumstances like these that demonstrate and build the principle of mutual trust between warriors. It was obvious from this viewpoint that the proximity of friendly forces to the enemy positions was preventing sufficient suppressive firepower from being used due to danger close distance to both Mako 30 and QRF chalk 1. [13][pageneeded] The amount of conventional assets allowed in Afghanistan was limited by United States Central Command (CENTCOM) and civilian defense leadership. Security expert Bill Roggio argued that al-Qaeda "took a beating during the battle, [but] they were by no means defeated".[9]. The Afghan fighters, in trucks, were devastated by mortar fire registered in advance to strike fixed points on the road. It was a joint mission between U.S. military branches, six other nations, and Afghans led by Major General Franklin L. Hagenbeck. On the second day, U.S. forces modified its original plan from a hammer-and-anvil focus to one that would see mass air fires on the valleys eastern sides in support of the U.S. Armys positions there. The battle can be analyzed from the point of view of mission command principles, such as mutual trust, competence, shared understanding, and clearance of the commander's intent . Operation Anaconda was the first major joint combat operation against the war on terror that the US was committed to winning. Australian soldiers had utilised 'virtual reality' style software for mission rehearsal prior to insertion, and this contributed significantly to their situational awareness in the darkness and poor weather conditions. Competence is gained by knowledge and experience. (LogOut/ The militia was even told to conduct their operations according to the way they wanted. The commander is faced with the responsibility to plan for the success of the mission with the information given regardless of how inadequate the intelligence seems. The art of command is used to exercise authority, to provide leadership, and to make timely decisions. The mission command warfighting function enables the commander to execute the principles of mission command philosophy. From past wars to future wars, war has become an evolutionary power. The terrorists appeared surprised and did not fire on the Chinooks, its possible that they were distracted by TF Hammer's advance or the ineffective communication between the foreign fighters themselves. The five-man team, including MCpl Graham Ragsdale, MCpl Tim McMeekin, MCpl Arron Perry, Cpl Dennis Eason, and Cpl Rob Furlong, killed over 20 enemy fighters during the operation and were awarded Bronze Star medals by the United States for their service. They were unable to get a clear answer from the officer they reached and also were unable to connect with the AFO teams. An Afghan warlord named Zia Lodin is one of the main leaders of the Afghan allies that are fighting against, and have been fighting the Taliban for decades. 3.3 foreign exchange department (fed) foreign exchange transaction plays a vital role in the economic development of a nation. Operation Anaconda not have had an ideal start, but after a few days and some recalibration, the tide turned for the better. The Afghans had successfully defeated the Soviet Army twice in this valley, and were expecting events to pan out in a similar fashion. 3 main talking points is Competence, Mutual Trust & Shared Understanding. Operation Anaconda Command Structure. The Taliban and al-Qaeda forces fired mortars and heavy machine guns from entrenched positions in the caves and ridges of the mountainous terrain at U.S. forces attempting to secure the area. This operation provided many examples of how the principles of mission command are interwoven into the capability to conduct unified land operations. The assumption was made that this militia would perform just as the Northern Alliance performed. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. Through seven days of heavy, intense combat they were finally able to secure the very last objective. This round closed in on around 10 men, including the two Australians and most of the American leadership, landing in the snow and mud right amongst them but failing to detonate. Nevertheless, sometimes war is a necessary evil to fight against an invasive evil or evil ideological will. Mission orders are the guide by which tasks are assigned, resources are allocated and guidance is issued. and mutual trust between the DRA and the Soviet forces. According to an interview[36] of some soldiers of the German Special Forces KSK, the post-operation briefing was broken down by an argument between the KSK soldiers and U.S. soldiers. Operation Anaconda is comprised of a combined 200 Special Operations Troops from Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, France, Norway, New Zealand; as well as Afghan Allies (Geibel, 2002). The U.S. sends 400 of its troops back to base. Huggins also had support from artillery, aviation, military intelligence, and other units. At 03:45, the Ranger quick reaction force was alerted by the DCG to the area. The way the operation was planned and executed highlighted the need for a paradigm shift in the way the U.S. conducted military operations. Operation Anaconda serves as a powerful model for commanders and army leaders to apply the principles of Mission Command to overcome unpredictable challenges and eventually achieve their potential. Introduction Begun and completed in 2002, operation Anaconda became the largest operation held in Afghanistan under United States' tactical management. Purchase the answer to view it. Overall, my stance is that the operation was a success. (2005). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! View all posts by Yskander Arquimides Saucedo. With the recent long deployments of our military, a review of lessons learned becomes a vital part of mission success and helps to shape our forces for future conflicts. Subordinates gain the trust of their commanders by displaying competence and commanders gain the trust of their subordinates by a display of their competence in training, garrison, or combat environments. US Department of Defense. Mission command philosophy is guided by six principles. Using a McMillan TAC-50 .50-calibre rifle, Furlong killed a Taliban fighter armed with an RPK machine gun at a confirmed distance of 2,430 metres (1.51 miles). The Northern Alliance proved to be battle-hardened allies that could be counted on to fulfill critical tasks of the mission command warfighting function. Operation Anaconda was carried out in Shahikot Valley in eastern Afghanistan by the United States forces during early March 2002. The Ranger quick-reaction force located at Bagram Air Base and led by Captain Nate Self, was called in to search for the SEAL who fell out of the helicopter, now alone on top of the mountain. TF Panther deployed to Afghanistan in late June 2002 and would serve under CTF 82 until 5 December 2002. Another team codenamed India, composed of three Delta operators and an attached ISA operator walked into the valley through the same conditions to a hide in the southwest of the valley, known as the "Fish Hook". The entire process has taught the involved parties on how to conduct a joint operation effectively. The success of the operation was mainly due to the commanders recognizing and acting on the information received (Fleri, Howard, Hukill, & Searle, 2003). The main body of TF Hammer reached its pre-assault point around 06:15 and waited for the expected "55 minute" aerial bombardment of enemy positions. Operation Anaconda was an American-organized mission that involved the American soldiers who purposed to dig fighting positions in Afghanistan. At around 20:00, the quick-reaction force and Mako 30/21 were exfiltrated from the Takur Ghar peak. The Anaconda Plan was designed to do the same thing, it was a great snake that . In late January and February plans were drawn up to assault the Shahi-Kot Valley using Afghan military forces (AMF) advised and assisted by U.S. special operators. General Sherman replies to General Grant his understanding and purpose of the orders. The battle area occupied about 60 square miles. The Pashtun militia obviously failed to exercise disciplined initiative by failing to take action when unforeseen threats arose. The events that took place during Operation Anaconda have shown that misapplication of thorough organizational principles can cause unnecessary loss of life and equipment. National Defense University, Center for Technology and National Security. One of the difficulties a mission commander may encounter in a large scale operation such as OA is the principle of shared understanding. Since this endeavor is inherent within all human will, it then seems agreeable, that so long as the human will exist then so will the probability of war. Initially, resources such as air support, heavy mortars, and personnel were not sufficiently allocated for the operation based largely on the inaccurate intelligence assessment. US and Afghan sources believe at least 200 Taliban and Al Qaida fighters were killed during the initial assault and subsequent rescue mission. The U.S. forces had not created mutual trust in order to build a cohesive team with this Pashtun militia. The inherent will to survive and promote or impose ideas on the will of others will always carry with it the possibility of war. The U.S. military aligned the command structure so that only one commander would be in charge. It was decided to use U.S. conventional infantry. Naylor, Sean. This essay conducts an analytical overview to Operation Anaconda, a military operation conducted in Eastern Afghanistan in early March of 2002. The commanders intent is usually given with the principle of mission orders. Staff tasks conduct the operations process, knowledge/information management, synchronize information-related capabilities, and conduct electromagnetic activities. [23], Despite heavy opposition, Task Force Rakkasan managed to secure its blocking positions to the north by the middle of the morning. Operation Anaconda. "First, technology overconfidence, particularly among high-ranking commanders and staff, deludes American forces into believing they can dissolve the fog of war. The aircraft immediately began taking fire, and the right door minigunner, Sergeant Phillip Svitak, was killed by small arms fire. And because there is also inherent goodness within the will of human endeavor, so is the attempt to minimize death and casualties. Abstract. [37] They were replaced by CTF 82, formed from the headquarters of the 82d Airborne Division and led by the division's commander, Major General John R. Vines. Osprey Publishing, 2004. The AQ then opened up with a DShK as the troops on the ground ran for the only cover on the valley floor in what became known as "Hell's Halfpipe." Thus, changing the approach to all future engagements and how they would be governed. Operation Anaconda was a necessary evil. The shift came . (2007). From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on reviews.co.uk. A rocket-propelled grenade then hit the helicopter, destroying the right engine and forcing it to crash land. This command structure consisted of multiple commanders of various agencies whom all had an individual role in the success of the operation. [14] TF Anvil consisted of TF Rakkasan and the 1-87 to set up blocking positions and prevent enemy forces from escaping. Soldiers also recovered two AK-47 assault rifles, one magazine and 707,000 Iraqi dinar, equal to about $600. As they discussed a possible mission abort, the helicopter was met with effective RPG fire. Don't waste time Get a verified expert to help you with Operation Anaconda Battle Analysis Hire verified writer Instead of 150-200 fighters in the valley as expected, post assessment held that the area contained 750 to 1,000 terrorists dug in on the high ground around the valley. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Because of the poor initial intelligence assessment, the troops on the ground were initially exposed to a much higher prudent risk factor than what was originally anticipated. You are required to give an in depth introduction of your topic. The commander took these factors into consideration because he judged that the deliberate exposure to potential injury or loss would be worth the cost, this is a prudent risk. The Apaches destroyed some enemy positions harassing the U.S. and Afghan troops, but the insurgents began intentionally firing their RPGs into the air. "[citation needed] Relations were further soured with reports from a number of publications that Osama bin Laden might have escaped due to a substantial delay from the original H-hour of the deployment of American Forces. John Chapman was alive and fighting on the peak after the SEALs left rather than being killed outright as thought by Mako 30. While attempting to land at the top of Taku Ghar, their helicopter was hit with an RPG. 4 minutes ago; Report Issue. Previously stated; the commanders intent does not emphasize the why of the mission, but the mission order does. (LogOut/ Orbiting Apache helicopters attempted to suppress enemy mortar teams, but ran into a wall of RPG and 12.7mm fire, with one Apache losing all of its electronics to an RPG hit. This would cut off and isolate the south from the outside world. Thus, changing the approach to all future engagements and how they would be governed. Unfortunately, the Razor Chinooks had not been equipped with functioning satellite radios to maintain communication with the HQ in Bagram or, even more critically, the AFO Teams lead. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! It provided an example of the ability of the American military to accomplish the mission in the face of adversity and to succeed regardless of the chances for success. This type of command structure inhibited the commanders on the ground to exercise disciplined initiative. Through threat of nearby enemy response elements, hypothermia and shock of wounded personnel, and across nearly 30" of snow in extreme terrain, Mako 21 found a site suitable for an MH-47. TF Hammer consisted of AMF and special operators as the primary effort to assault the Shahi-Kot Valley; their objective was to enter the valley from the north, assaulting through the villages of Serkhankheyl and Marzak, where intelligence indicated that the enemy was concentrated, and channel fleeing enemy into the TF Rakkasan blocking positions. Operation Anaconda suffered many obstacles, making the mission multiheaded without a clear shared understanding, which affected its outcome (ADP, 2019). Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan: A Case Study of Adaption in, Battle. The United States had secured the support of friendly governments as well as much needed ground support from the Northern Alliance. Though they weren't given a specific mission, they were to establish communication for further instructions upon reaching Gardez, 10 minutes from the mountain. Task Force 11 received time-sensitive intelligence that a possible HVT was travelling within a convoy of al-Qaeda fighters who were attempting to escape by vehicle from Shahikot into Pakistan. OA demonstrated collaboration between countries, government agencies, various special operation groups, different military components, and companies of large ground forces. The SEAL fire team, Mako 30, was picked up by an MH-47 Chinook helicopter, at 23:23 on 3 March. As Air Force rules prohibited AC-130 aircraft from remaining in hostile airspace in daylight after the crash of an AC-130 in Khafji in the Gulf War, the AC-130 support protecting Mako 30 was forced to leave before Razor 01 reached the LZ, although the leadership was aware that Razor 01 was incoming. The operation was well-rehearsed to ensure that the mission would be completed in five days. Operation Anaconda was one of the largest-scale operations conducted by the US-led international coalition against the forces of al-Qaeda and Taliban. You are required to give an in depth introduction of your topic. The mutual trust would have to be achieved before American lives would be put in danger. Debatably, competence is the most essential principle relating directly to the commander. This delay meant that the SEALs could not be inserted into the LZ east of the peak until 02:30 on 4 March, which did not allow enough time to reach the peak before daylight. The firefight was over in minutes; of the 18 al-Qaeda fighters, 16 were killed and two were wounded. Operation Anaconda took place in early March 2002 in the Shahi-Kot Valley and Arma Mountains southeast of Zormat, Afghanistan .This operation was the first large-scale battle in the United. Each principal had an individual failure that created an enormous challenge to overcome in order to accomplish the mission. They remained undetected in an observation post through the firefight and proved critical in co-ordinating multiple Coalition air strikes to prevent the al-Qaeda fighters from overrunning the downed aircraft, to devastating effect. Operation Anaconda was conducted in Shaikot Valley, Afghanistan, in March 2002. Ropel was later awarded the Bronze Star Medal with a Valor device for his actions. All work is written to order. Mission command addresses the nature of operations by exercising mission command philosophy, executed through mission command warfighting function and enabled by mission command system. These six principles are as follows; build cohesive teams through mutual trust, create shared understanding, provide a clear commanders intent, exercise disciplined initiative, use mission orders, and accept prudent risk. [30][31], General Tommy Franks declares Operation Anaconda over, later describing it "an unqualified and complete success. This operation was the first large-scale battle in the US war in Afghanistan since the Battle of Tora Bora in December 2001. [citation needed] Though the change may have been meant to enhance direct control of the rescue of the downed SEAL atop Takur Ghar, it had the critical effect of severely limiting communications between the different teams participating in the battle. Several soldiers were injured after their jingle trucks overturned, the commanders ordered the trucks to use their headlights, destroying any element of surprise. CIA paramilitary officers, working with their allies, attempted to destroy al-Qaeda and Taliban forces. [11] In this engagement, Staff Sergeant Andrzej Ropel, and Specialist William Geraci, recently transferred in from the Division's Long Range Surveillance Detachment, led the squad under fire to a ridgeline above the "Halfpipe." Second, there is an insistence, reinforced by information technology, for high-ranking commanders to try to impose their . [35] The previous record of 2,310 metres (7,580ft) was set a few days before by his teammate Arron Perry, also of the 3rd Battalion PPCLI. . SOF teams from Task Force K-Bar and Task Force 64 also inserted into the valley to establish observation posts which according to US planners "had to be tenable, afford good reconnaissance, and cover the identified escape routes or 'rat lines' into Pakistan"[19], Near H-Hour, Mako 31 found a group of foreign fighters that had established a position and were manning a DShK HMG on the peak where they planned to set up an observation post. "[6] Predator drone footage also shows the possibility that TSgt. At approximately 03:00, the Chinook attempted to land atop the mountain. The expectation was that fighters, as in the case of Tora Bora several months earlier, would flee in the face of an assault and that blocker groups would simply be able to round them up.[11]. Use your time to develop a deep understanding of your topic to fully explain your analysis. They were not proficiently trained in the type of warfare they were being tasked to execute. The MH-47Es carrying the SEALs caught up to their targets: the lead Chinook landed in front of the convoy; as the occupants leapt out of their vehicles, the door gunner hosed the vehicles down with his minigun, cutting down a number of al-Qaeda terrorists; the second Chinook overshot the column and raked it with minigun fire as it passed. Mansoor fortified the valley, digging trench systems, building bunkers and firing positions into the ridgelines, many of which would be put to effect during the operation. It also demonstrated the fragility of the relationship between those principles when the required attention to those principles was not applied. The U.S determination of destroying the Taliban supporters and the Al Qaeda organization was greatly achieved in October 2001. Adamec, W. Ludwig. The correspondence between the two displays an understanding of the entire operational environment. Nail 22, an AC-130H Spectre, reconnoitered the peak, and, seeing no enemy activity, declared the mountain top secure. LCDR Hyder requested authorization to shift the insertion 24 hours to the next evening but was directed that insertion was critical to SOF providing support to the Operation. OPERATION ANACONDA OVERVIEW What follows is a brief summary of the critical events that shaped the planning and conduct of Operation Anaconda, the final and largest battle in the initial invasion of Afghanistan after the attacks of September 11, 2001. a letter of orders from General Grant to General Sherman. This operation was designed to finish off the remaining Taliban and al Qaeda forces that were remaining after several months of intense combat who had gathered in Shahikot Valley. The quick reaction force (QRF) consisted of 19 Rangers, a Tactical Air Control Party (Tacp), and a three-man USAF special tactics team carried by two Chinooks, Razor 01 and Razor 02. This operation would test our military's readiness for joint operations against a hardened and willing adversary. The fighters were a mix of well equipped Uzbeks, Chechens, and Afghan Arabs. As they approached, the pilots and SEALs observed tracks in the snow and other signs of recent human activity. Operations planning took place in February of 2002 and was executed from 2-16 March. At the end of the first day of battle when the Troops returned to base for inspections; they realized that all of them had been hit by multiple enemy bullets (p. 15). Grim 31, an AC-130 aircraft providing fire support and reconnaissance for the assault, spotted Harriman's convoy and, due to a failure in its inertial navigation system, believed it was in a position away from friendly forces (this was due to a problem with the "glint" panels which should have identified the convoy as American). [16], SOF teams from Task Force K-Bar and Task Force 64, which included: Navy SEALs from SEAL Teams 2, 3 and 8, Green Berets from 3rd SFG, The Canadian Army's Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), The German Army's Kommando Spezialkrfte (KSK), the Norwegian special forces units Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK) and Marinejegerkommandoen (MJK), elements of the Australian Special Air Service Regiment and the New Zealand Special Air Service and the Danish special forces from Jgerkorpset. "[34] He rejects the popular characterization of the operation as a guerilla war.[34]. 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