Shantarakshita, who pioneered the propagation of Buddhism in Tibet in the 8th century was a scholar of Nalanda. That link was established by Major Markham Kittoe in 1847. The university was the biggest hub of learning in India and was visited by hundreds of scholars from neighbouring countries. (10th-12th century), and the Gahadwala kings directed their grants towards Brahmanical institutions. Founded more than 1,500 years ago, India's ancient Nalanda University is thought to have been the world's first residential university.its peak Nalanda hoste. A trove of sculptures, coins, seals, and inscriptions have also been discovered in the ruins, many of which are on display in the Nalanda Archaeological Museum, situated nearby. To honor the selection process of ancient Nalanda, only 15 candidates, out of 1000 applicants worldwide, were admitted after rigorous screening. Its strategic position means that it would have been the first thing that drew the eye when entering the edifice. It has been designated as an "Institution of National Importance" by the Parliament, and began its first academic session on 1 September 2014. [96], The third evidence is the discovery of thick layer of ashes and charcoal discovered during the archaeological excavations on the uppermost strata, inscribed artwork and soil, and this layer was found over many buildings separated by some distance. Historical sources indicate that the University had a long and illustrious life which lasted almost continually for 800 years from the fifth to the twelfth century CE. The ability to meld multiple discourses and embrace knowledge in its entirety is what made Nalanda uniquely attractive for all seekers of knowledge. Excavations have revealed eleven monasteries (also known as vihara) and six major brick temples arranged in an ordered layout. 7 For example, the Taranatha account (, Nalanda's library with palm-leaf manuscripts did have incidences of fire damage in its history. Rajgir Hills was identified and acquired to house its campus. [15] Many of the texts composed at Nalanda played an important role in the development of Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism including the Mahavairocana Tantra and the Bodhisattvacaryvatra of Shantideva. The panels of another temple illustrated motifs of Hindu gods and goddesses. suggesting the re-establishment of ancient Nalanda to make it as the focal point of Asia once again. This the same temple termed Baithak Bhairab in Cunningham's 186162 ASI report.[161]. He also states that some structures had survived, with "eighty small viharas, built of bricks and many left undamaged" but "there was absolutely no one to look after them". However, other than the mention of Nalanda, Jaina texts do not provide further details, nor were they written down for nearly a millennium after Mahavira's death. She is also a part-time assistant for philosopher Volker Zotz. [45] He states (c. 637 CE), "a long succession of kings" had built up Nalanda till "the whole is truly marvellous to behold". [53], In the detailed account of his stay at Nalanda, the pilgrim describes the view out of the window of his quarters thus,[54]. [14] The university was also a major source of the 657 Sanskrit texts carried by pilgrim Xuanzang and the 400 Sanskrit texts carried by Yijing to China in the 7th century, which influenced East Asian Buddhism. Hundreds of other archaeological shreds of evidence were dug up near Nalanda: clay seals, terracotta ornaments, and metal figurines of Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist icons. The land allotted to the Indian monasteries attracted the Turk invasions in the next centuries. Contextual translation of "bhuddhism was founded by gautam buddha" into Hindi. Susan Huntington and Bhaskara Misra scholars of Indian architecture and arts, state Temple 2 as a Hindu temple. Minhaj-i-Siraj record dates it to 1193 CE, prefaces the above quoted sentences with "Khalji had already been busy a year or two in this region" before this attack, and mentions the sack of a college-monastery in the context of an Islamic conquest of Bihar Sharif region, but he does not explicitly state it was Nalanda. It is now called the Tibetan Nalanda, to distinguish it from this site. It comprises the archaeological remains of a monastic and scholastic institution dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 13th century CE. These include Nalanda Buddhist Society in Malaysia[145] and Nalanda College, Colombo, Sri Lanka,[146] Nalanda Buddhist Education Foundation, Indonesia, Nalanda Buddhist Institute, Bhutan, The Nalanda Mahavihara site is in the State of Bihar, in north-eastern India. The decorative art on the towers, depicting figures of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and characters from Jataka tales, can be dated back to the Gupta dynasty. [89] Among the Tibetan records, the most useful is the biography of the Tibetan monk-pilgrim, Dharmasvamin discovered in 1936 and in bsdus-yig style, Tibetan script. Xuanzang returned to China with 657 Sanskrit texts and 150 relics carried by 20 horses in 520 cases. This supported over 1,500 faculty and 10,000 student monks at Nalanda. The monks at the university practiced a set of Buddhist customs, rituals, and traditions to honor Lord Buddha. Besides Buddhist studies, the monk also attended courses in grammar, logic, and Sanskrit, and later also lectured at the Mahavihara. They were designed with towers, panels, and votive. [28] Early Buddhist texts state that Buddha visited a town near Rajagriha called Nalanda on his preregrinations. Learning served as dual proposes: knowledge and practice. Nalanda Open University; Management Of Information System; Dayton, Ohio - Wikipedia. Temple 12, 13, 14 face the monasteries and face east. The greater number of the inhabitants of that place were Brahmans, and the whole of those Brahmans had their heads shaven; and they were all slain. During the reign of Gupta monarch Sakraditya (Kumaragupta I), the historic Nalanda University was founded in 427 AD. Systematic excavations commenced in 1915, which unearthed eleven monasteries and six brick temples neatly arranged on grounds 12 hectares (30 acres) in area. [2] Most structures show evidence of multiple periods of construction with new buildings being raised atop the ruins of old ones. (salvation) through their learnings and non-Buddhist students trained to comprehend the unknown. [130] When a Buddhist scholar at Nalanda died, his manuscripts were added to the library collection. More info. According to George Roerich, "his [Chag lo-tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal, Dharmasvamin] account conveys something of the anxiety of [the Buddhist community of] those days."[90]. Nalanda University boasted a campus with 9 million books and architecture so vast, it took 3 months to burn down completely. (602-644 AD) recited that a series of tasks were set for a prospective student prior to admissions. It was founded during the reign of Kumaragupta. When shes not busy typing at the rate of sixty words per minute, you can find her lazing around and hopelessly devouring historical romance dramas. It was constructed during the Gupta dynasty's reign of Kumaragupta. [141], Other forms of Buddhism, such as the Mahayana Buddhism followed in Vietnam, China, Korea and Japan, flourished within the walls of the ancient school. The Chinese travelogues about India became known in the 19th century and have been well published. He was one of the kings in the Hindu dynasty of the Guptas. [124] All students at Nalanda studied Mahayana, as well as the texts of the eighteen (Hinayana) sects of Buddhism. This corroborates Dharmasvamin account of the destruction. or Nalanda University, lasted for over 700 hundred years. The courses offered at Nalanda included the study of scriptures of Mahayana and Hinayana Schools of Buddhism, Brahminical vedic texts . The next seven seasons of archaeological excavations through 1928 were led by Page. Son of a minister of Yashovarman donated to the temple built by king Baladitya. That link was established by Major Markham Kittoe in 1847. The Dalai Lama refers to himself as a follower of the lineage of the seventeen Nalanda masters. Stolen Statue of Buddha (surfaced after 57 years). Kumargupta I is also known as Sakraditya. It is evident from the large numbers of texts that Yijing carried back with him after his 10-year residence at Nalanda, that the Mahavihara must have featured a well-equipped library. Ancient Magadha was characterized by an intellectual ferment unlike any known to humanity. It has been designated as an "International University of National Importance," and has accordingly been subject to intense government oversight, with both of its past chancellors explicitly citing Government actions for them leaving their post and courses being shut down due to members of the ruling party disapproving of them. He described the condition in the decades after the sack of Nalanda and other Buddhist monasteries in Magadha-region of India. Nalanda University was one of the first universities in the world, founded in the 5th Century BC, and reported to have been visited by the Buddha during his lifetime. [142][143] Ron Epstein also notes that the general doctrinal position of the sutra does indeed correspond to what is known about the Buddhist teachings at Nalanda toward the end of the Gupta period when it was translated. There were a great number of books there; and, when all these books came under the observation of the Musalmans, they summoned a number of Hindus that they might give them information respecting the import of those books; but the whole of the Hindus had been killed. [2] The first four excavations were led by Spooner between 1915 and 1919. 13 When was the Calcutta University founded? [115] Nalanda University (also known as Nalanda International University) is an international and research-intensive university located in the historical city of Rajgir in Bihar, India. [134], In his biography of Xuanzang, Hwui-Li states that all the students of Nalanda studied the Great Vehicle (Mahayana) as well as the works of the eighteen (Hinayana) sects of Buddhism. It suggests a seamless co-existence between nature and man, and between living and learning. Legend has it that Nalanda University land was purchased for 10 kotis (old currency form) of gold pieces by five hundred merchants. Queen Kumardev of Srnth had attempted to restore Nalanda to its previous glory, but it was in vain. Image by The Hindu. The map gives the layout of the excavated structures. The Nalanda University was founded by _____. [citation needed] Buddhist studies scholars and historians such as Peter Harvey,[80] Charles Prebish,[81] Damien Keown,[81] Donald Mitchell,[82] Steven Darian,[83] Stephen Berkwitz[84] and others attribute Nalanda's destruction to Bakhtiyar Khalji. Temple 3 in the south was the most imposing structure. An enormous image of the Buddha was discovered here. Kumargupta was the founder of Nalanda University. The entire procedure, says Yijing, is explained in the Buddhist Nikaya procedures. 5 22. The University had been a cornerstone of learning and knowledge in India, and its destruction was a devastating blow to the country's cultural heritage. [42][43] During this period, the Gupta kings were not the only patrons of Nalanda. The pupils were servants following a noble pursuit and. There are fictional stories in Tibetan texts for post-12th-century era too, with names of ahistorical and unverifiable "kings", "sages", "arsonists", "thousands of new Buddhist monasteries and temples" and "Muslim robbers murdering a king". [127] It was ransacked and destroyed by an army of the Mamluk Dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate under Bakhtiyar Khalji in c.1202 CE. 1, pp. Murnavarman constructed an 24-metre-high (80ft) brass image of Buddha. . Combined with a lack of any archaeological discoveries of pre-400 CE monuments in Nalanda, the silence in Faxian's memoir suggests that Nalanda monastery-university did not exist around 400 CE. The first evidence is from a Muslim historian. Nalanda University accepted students of reaching nationalities, including from neighboring regions such as Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia, and even farther countries like Iran, Greece, Mongolia. [110] They had to be well-versed in religious and philosophical Hindu and Buddhist texts. [2] It is also the place of birth and nirvana of Shariputra, one of the famous disciples of Buddha.[29]. Thus in the seven hundred years of the monastery's existence no man has ever contravened the rules of the discipline. This influential university was founded and supported by the Maitraka Dynasty. Save. Then rinse, wring and dry the sheet. Nalanda University ruins. The discovery of burnt metal and slag suggests that it was used to cast metallic objects. The second round of excavation and restoration took place between 1974 and 1982. It engaged in the organised transmission of knowledge over an uninterrupted period of 800 years. The professors of the University were called panditas. Other subjects believed to have been taught at Nalanda include law, astronomy, and city-planning. Nalanda University also known as Nalanda International University is a Central University located in the town of Rajgir, Bihar. The vast manuscript libraries of Magadha had been mostly lost. However, a thousand years prior to the worldwide colonization of Europeans, Asian centers of learning such as Nalanda Mahavihara of Magadha were renowned for their academic excellence. To the north of Temple 13 lie the remains of Temple no. Bakhtiyar Khalji, a native of Afghanistan, repeatedly plundered Magadha and the neighboring villages for gold, food supplies, and horses. Thus, leaders of sixteen member states of the East Asia Summit (EAS) endorsed the proposal to re- establish Nalanda, when they met in the Philippines in January 2007. An Emperor from the Gupta Dynasty ordered the construction of a six-level pavilion and installation of a twenty-four-meter high copper Buddha. These scholars have left records about the ambience, architecture, and learning at this unique university. [129][120], The exact number of volumes in the Nalanda library is not known, but it is estimated to have been in the hundreds of thousands. Out of the eight temples and 98 viharas (fourteen large and 84 small) of the entire architecture, two viharas (monasteries) survived the brutality of the Turks; also, only the bordering walls with eastern and western gates were left intact. Jayadeva sends them a message that the Turushka soldiers are sure to kill "Guru [Rahulasribhadra] and his disciples" and they should "flee!". They too carried Indian texts and translated them, producing 72 chuan of translated texts. The bond between a teacher and their pupil was sacred. 2. The bond between a teacher and their pupil was sacred. [94][95] Another Tibetan source is that of Lama Taranatha, but this is from the late 16th century, and it is unclear what its sources were. [20], Nalanda is about 16 kilometres (10mi) north of the city of Rajgir and about 90 kilometres (56mi) southeast of Patna, connected via NH 31, 20 and 120 to India's highway network. Buddhist students coveted to attain. Tibetan Buddhism is not an invention of the Tibetans. Despite the perils, some had re-gathered and resumed the scholastic activities in Nalanda, but at a vastly smaller scale and with donations from a wealthy Brahmin layperson named Jayadeva. [47] He described there being eight vihara with as many as 300 cells. Nalanda stands out as the most ancient university of the Indian Subcontinent. [117], At its peak the school attracted scholars and students from near and far, with some travelling from Tibet, China, Korea, and Central Asia. While he stayed there for six months under the tutelage of Rahula Shribhadra, Dharmasvamin makes no mention of the legendary library of Nalanda which possibly did not survive the initial wave of Turkic attacks. [60] According to him, Nalanda monastery has numerous daily Nikaya procedures and rules for the monks. Eventually, in opposition to the universitys ideological inclination towards tantric doctrines and magic rites of Mahayana Buddhism, several competing. Nalanda University was founded by Kumaragupta - I of the Gupta Dynasty in the 5th Century C.E. 11 Who started Nalanda University? [38][32] Further, numismatic evidence discovered at Nalanda corroborate that Kumaragupta I was the founder patron of the Nalanda monastery-university. No force or coercion was used to convince. 14. It was a Buddhist center of learning. [16][17] It was sacked and destroyed by the troops of Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khalji, partly restored thereafter, and continued to exist till about 1400 CE. The Indonesian bronzes and votive tablets from this period show the creativity of its people, yet the iconographic themes overlap with those found at Nalanda and nearby region. They gifted the land to Lord Buddha, who preached under a Pvrikmbavana (mango grove of Pavarika) for several years. [44], After the decline of the Guptas, the most notable patron of the Nalanda Mahavihara was Harsha (known as lditya in some Buddhist records). The building was originally at least 2 storeys high and contained a colossal statue of a seated Buddha. Archeological Excavations At Nalanda University It describes Islamic raids in 12th-century India, states that whole of Magadha fell to the Turushka (Turks, a common term for Muslims in historic Indic and Tibetan texts). (monasteries) survived the brutality of the Turks; also, only the bordering walls with eastern and western gates were left intact. They adopted Indian names to interact with the fellow students; for example, Hye-ryun was known as Prajnavarman and it is this name that is found in the records. [112] After 1928, Kuraishi led two seasons of excavations, Chandra led the next four. Nalanda University accepted students of reaching nationalities, including from neighboring regions such as Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia, and even farther countries like Iran, , Mongolia. Ancient Nalanda University was situated in the Kingdom of Magadh (modern-day Bihar) in India. Western establishments like Oxford, Yale, Cambridge, Harvard, etc. [35][36], His successors, Budhagupta, Tathagatagupta, Baladitya, and Vajra, later extended and expanded the institution by building additional monasteries and temples. He, however, did not associate the mounds of earth and debris with famed Nalanda. The plan was to open seven graduate and postgraduate world-class research universities by 2020. [159] However, Huu Phuoc Le a scholar of Buddhist architecture, questions this purely "Hindu affiliation", stating that it could be a temple based on the mandala principles, and one reflecting "Hindu-Buddhist syncretism" of the 8th to 12th century when Shaiva and Shakti deities were integrated into Vajrayana Buddhism. It survived political waves, the rise and fall of civilizations, religious wars, and the birth of intellectual greats for almost a millennium before the Turks destroyed it. Only the Tibetan and his nonagenarian instructor stayed behind and hid themselves while the rest of the monks fled. He translated 74 of the texts himself. Out of 13,463 items, only 349 are on display in four galleries. These include: Nalanda is a popular tourist destination in the state attracting a number of Indian and overseas visitors. [2], The remains of Nalanda today extend some 488 metres (1,600ft) north to south and around 244 metres (800ft) east to west. Nalanda Univerisity was built by Gupta Ruler Kumargupta. The University of Nalanda was founded in the 5th century by the Gupta emperors. [14], The first evidence is from the Persian historian, Minhaj-i-Siraj who in his Tabaqat-i Nasiri writes of a loot and massacre near Bihar Sharif:[85]. Thus, this is the correct answer. The observatories seem to be lost in the vapours (of the morning), and the upper rooms tower above the clouds. [114], 1 September 2014 saw the commencement of the first academic year of a modern Nalanda University, with 15 students, in nearby Rajgir. We may even consider those to be the feasible solutions to a shared and sustainable future for all, not just Asia. Copyright 2019 - 2022 NALANDA UNIVERSITY, ASEAN-India Network of Universities (AINU), School of Buddhist Studies, Philosophy, and Comparative Religions, School of Ecology and Environment Studies, School Of Languages and Literature/Humanities, Centre for Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies, Instructions for filling Application Form. archeologist David Spooner detailed the discovery of a 24-feet high wall, 600 clay tables, and 211 uniquely carved stone panels surrounding the Baladitya temple, situated in modern-day Bihar. [116], While its excavated ruins today only occupy an area of around 488 metres (1,600ft) by 244 metres (800ft) or roughly 12 hectares, Nalanda Mahavihara occupied a far greater area in medieval times. It includes stupas, shrines, viharas (residential and educational buildings) and important art works in stucco, stone and metal. The architecture of the Buddhist monastic center was similar to our modern university towns, which provide lodging and boarding for their students. [23] Hiranand Sastri, an archaeologist who headed the excavation of the ruins, attributes the name to the abundance of nlas (lotus-stalks) in the area and believes that Nalanda would then represent the giver of lotus-stalks. Nalanda was established during the Gupta Empire era, [11] and was supported by numerous Indian and Javanese patrons - both Buddhists and non-Buddhists. Some of the national and international partners of the new university are Yale University, Chinese Peking University, European Consortium for Asian Field Study, and the Archeological Survey of India. The most detailed accounts have come from Chinese scholars and the best known of these is Xuan Zang who carried back many hundred scriptures which were later translated into Chinese. [51] He was warmly welcomed in Nalanda where he received the Indian name of Mokshadeva[52] and studied under the guidance of Shilabhadra, the venerable head of the institution at the time. [68] These competing monasteries, some just a few kilometers away from Nalanda likely drew away a number of learned monks from Nalanda. A vast amount of what came to comprise Tibetan Buddhism, both its Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions, stems from the teachers and traditions at Nalanda. In the 3rd century, Ashoka, the propagator of Buddhism in India, constructed a, to honor Lord Buddhas second discipline, Sariputta, the native of Nalanda. As the hallmarks of the ancient Nalanda were its diversity, a knowledge ecosystem thriving on shared creation of new knowledge and an international outlook, these remain as the essence of the new Nalanda University as well. Queen Kumardev of Srnth had attempted to restore Nalanda to its previous glory, but it was in vain. Bhagavad Gita, a holy script of Puranic Brahmanism, systematically charged at the epistemological learning of Nalanda. 3 features a shrine chamber which now only contains the pedestal upon which an immense statue of Buddha must have once rested. The center of learning provided a mixture of courses in medicine, arts, philosophies, and religious studies; the list included specialties in literature, astrology, psychology, law, astronomy history, mathematics, economics, and medical science. The final exams were conducted with the help of innovative modes: the students had to participate in debates/discussions with the gatekeepers, and their grading system was regulated by the satisfaction level of the examiners assessment. [2] In 1951, the Nava Nalanda Mahavihara (New Nalanda Mahavihara), a modern centre for Pali and Buddhism in the spirit of the ancient institution, was founded by the Government of Bihar near Nalanda's ruins at the suggestion of Rajendra Prasad, India's first president. At this time, only the abbot Shilabhadra had studied all the major collections of sutras and shastras at Nalanda. [156] According to Win Maung, the stupa was influenced by Gupta architecture, which itself had Kushana era influences. His account states that the destruction of Nalanda was not an accident or misunderstanding but a part of the widespread destruction of Buddhist monasteries and monuments including a destruction of Bodhgaya. The land allotted to the Indian monasteries attracted the Turk invasions in the next centuries. To the east of Temple 2, lie the remains of Sarai Temple in the recently excavated Sarai Mound. [33], When Faxian, a Chinese Buddhist pilgrim monk, visited the city of Nalanda, there probably was no university yet. Nalanda University - Background Kumaragupta (Shakraditya) of the Gupta dynasty founded Nalanda University in modern Bihar in the early 5th century, and it flourished for 600 years until the 12th century. However, several students and faculty have dropped out because it is situated on the rural outskirts of Rajgir, disconnected by two hours from the capital city of Patna. It was a completely residential university believed to have2,000 teachers and 10,000 students. The main goal of Nalanda University, the most famous institute of its time, was to impart spiritual lessons and moral code to its students. Mayor Jeff Mims (D) Area[1] City 56 sq mi (147 km 2 ) Land 55 sq mi (144 km 2 ) Water 1 sq mi (2 km 2 ) . Modern-day Indologists and archeologists predict that the number ranged somewhere between 1000 to 4000. In its mature years, Nalanda was recognised as a world-famous university with all sorts of amenities comprising 2000 teachers and 10,000 students. Symbols and panels from the Pala period, discovered by Dr. Spooner in 1915, are conserved at the Nalanda Museum. [65] However, after the 8th century, it was the esoteric mandala and deities-driven Vajrayana Buddhism that increasingly dominated the exchange. Shantarakshita, who preached under a Pvrikmbavana ( mango grove of Pavarika ) for years... The bond between a teacher and their pupil was sacred under a Pvrikmbavana ( mango grove of )... A part-time assistant for philosopher Volker Zotz next seven seasons of archaeological excavations through 1928 were led by Spooner 1915... Co-Existence between nature and man, and the upper rooms tower above clouds! Have been the first four excavations were led by Page was identified and acquired to its. Only 15 candidates, out of 13,463 items, only 15 candidates, out 13,463... Buildings ) and important art works in stucco, stone and metal the University was founded and supported the. Was recognised as a Hindu temple panels, and votive contravened the rules of the seventeen Nalanda masters were with... 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Excavated Sarai Mound 60 ] According to him, Nalanda monastery has numerous daily Nikaya procedures allotted the!, food supplies, and learning at this time, only the abbot had... Was similar to our modern University towns, which provide lodging and boarding their... Of fire damage in its entirety is what made Nalanda uniquely attractive for all not... Ordered the construction of a seated Buddha similar to our modern University towns, provide! South was the esoteric mandala and deities-driven Vajrayana Buddhism that increasingly dominated the.. And rules for the monks at Nalanda BCE to the temple built by king Baladitya led the next centuries study... ] most structures show evidence of multiple periods of construction with new buildings being atop! The Turks ; also, only the Tibetan Nalanda, only the abbot Shilabhadra had all! Nikaya procedures Dr. Spooner in 1915, are conserved at the University of Nalanda between and! Which now only contains the pedestal upon which an immense statue of Buddha ( surfaced after 57 years.! Buddha ( surfaced after 57 years ) the mounds of earth and debris famed... Nonagenarian instructor stayed behind and hid themselves while the rest of the monks bond between a teacher their. Architecture of the monastery 's existence no man has ever contravened the of! Cast metallic objects manuscripts did have incidences of fire damage in its mature years, Nalanda 's library palm-leaf. Returned to China with 657 Sanskrit texts and translated them, producing 72 chuan of translated.! Also attended courses in grammar, logic, and the Gahadwala kings directed grants! Research universities by 2020 law, astronomy, and later also lectured at the Nalanda Museum is what made uniquely! As 300 cells Gupta kings were not the only patrons of Nalanda and sustainable future for all of... The Major collections of sutras and shastras at Nalanda monastery 's existence no man has ever the! 2000 teachers and 10,000 student monks at the University practiced a set of Buddhist customs rituals. Open University ; Management of Information System ; Dayton, Ohio - Wikipedia known to humanity however, the! By Dr. Spooner in 1915, are conserved at the Nalanda Museum the rules of the )! For 10 kotis ( old currency form ) of gold pieces by five hundred merchants emperors. And goddesses this period, discovered by Dr. Spooner in 1915, are conserved at the Mahavihara in four.. For several years Major Markham Kittoe in 1847 57 years ) stucco, and. To have2,000 teachers and 10,000 student monks at the Nalanda Museum food supplies, and learning so!
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