When you exit the room there should be a locked door right across from you, and the key fits! Julan may conflict with mods that change any of the following things:\n\nThe Morrowind Main Quest (e.g. Where did he go? Speak with Eydis Fire Eyes about another order, and she'll ask you to retrieve a Code Book from Sottilde in the South Wall Corner Club. Looking around, you'll see the Limeware Platter - it's worth 650 gold, and at this point in the game, it's worth it. However, it's possible to be more than a casual-sex-buddy with her, it just takes time, patience and a willingness to tolerate her repeated attempts to push you away. He also has things to say about the companions from Qarl's [[The Underground|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-87-11514]] (Unfortunately, as of Julan v.2.0, The Underground conflicts with this mod), Jac's [[Jasmine|http://jac.fliggerty.com/jasmine.htm]] and the (still incomplete, but released as beta) mod I co-wrote with Princess Stomper, [[Dance of the Three Legged Guar|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-53-7207]].\n\nJulan has new dialogue for characters using Princess Stomper's [[Royal Chargen|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-90-7212]].\n\nIf you are using [[The Romance Mod|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/6932/? The mod is 98% lighthearted banter and silliness, I swear.<>\n, All the following solutions should also apply to Shani.\n\n[[I need to add/remove mods from my list, how can I do this without causing errors?|Changing Mod List]]\n[[Julan doesn't have companion share!|Companion Share]]\n[[Julan won't stop walking in one direction, and won't follow properly.|AI Glitch]]\n[[Julan won't walk, he just stands still, then warps behind me when I move!|Burdened]]\n[[Julan won't come out of combat mode.|Stopping combat]]\n[[I have encountered a second copy of Julan, wearing his original gear!|Doubling]]\n[[Julan doesn't teleport with me.|Teleporting]]\n[[Julan won't sober up!|Drunk]]\n[[Julan doesn't level when I sleep/doesn't sneak when I do/doesn't do something else he is supposed to.|Scripts not working]]\n[[Julan is lying on his side, glitching out!|Animation]]\n[[Julan got killed, and I don't have a recent save! from Emma's ), so that it loads above him, so he's 20th again. Put it this way, he's no romantic ideal, but that's not to say he doesn't have his good points. Please check the credits section of the readme to see if what you want to use is actually by me! Raid their corpses for spoils, and head back to Eydis Fire Eyes in Balmora. Really! - Other music from freesound.org: 178443 - Moroccan Guimbri Lute by iluppai, 140136 - Drums by xserra and 115227 - turkish baglama by xserra. The room is dark, but you should have no problem knocking out the two pests. - Han-Sashael's face is also by Lizardo, slightly altered by me. During this conversation (topic: "should apologize"), you can make it clear you're not interested, or encourage him. He'll almost always appear eventually if you keep moving away from the door though. I do use over 100 mods in my own game, but none that will affect the walkthrough. ">>\n\nAfter you've received the Moon and Star from Azura, and tracked Julan down again, he will ask you about your being Nerevarine. Julan should sober up if you sleep (not just wait) while he's following.\n\nIf this doesn't work, you can open the console, click him and type: ''set alcohol to -1''\n\nHowever, if sleeping doesn't work, this is a sign that his scrips aren't functioning correctly, and you should check you don't have a case of [[doubling|Doubling]]. So use it! Only the last part is obscure: <>The Argonian Mission, in Ebonheart<>. Here is a map showing where the lost guar are:\n\n[img[http://fallingawkwardly.com/files/images/screenshots/morrowind/lostguar.jpg]]\n\nSpeak to them with Julan nearby to have them follow you.\n\nYes, they can be tricky to lead. You can use a scroll of domination from the shrine on the Hunger, or just endure its attacks and have it chase you (make your companions wait, or they'll kill it, obviously!). Hello, currently doing a playthrough of Morrowind with the fantastic Julan mod. - Literally thousands of lines of dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells. Requires Rin's By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you have Julan's telepathy ring, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting. If you want back that ring, and 100gp, go up the stairs in Arrille's Tradehouse and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs. - Don't give him Constant Effect items, they might start working backwards due to a game engine bug. Creatures summoned by Julan have been scripted to try and avoid it, but still be careful and save first.\n\n- Companions often have a "auto-move" or "please move" option to get them to stop blocking your way. Shani will vigorously defend herself against any attempt to be "romanced". (khsimpson@gmail.com). Do NOT clean this mod with TESTOOL, it doesn't need it. Nothing essential, just that when we find shani my pc in meant to be deactivated for 2 seconds, and while it is Julan is supposed to run in shani's direction. Report back to Eydis and let her know that the mission is completed. If you're feeling like a nice guy, talk to Fargoth the Wood Elf and give him back his ring (the one you found in the barrel) - he might be able to help you with other things in time. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind #share, #credits, #bookmark, #snapback, #restart { display: none !important; }\n\n.passage .title { display: none }\n\n#storyTitle {\n font-size: 2.3em;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n color: black;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1.0;\n}\n#sidebar #storySubtitle {\n font-size: 1.4em;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n font-weight: normal;\n color: black;\n line-height: 1.0;\n}\n#sidebar #storyAuthor {\n font-size: 1.3em;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n color: black;\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n\n#sidebar {\n top:0;\n left:0;\n padding-top: 4.2em;\n padding-left: 4.2em;\n width: 25em;\n line-height: 1.4;\n height: 100%;\n}\n\n#sidebar li a {\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n font-size:2.4em;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1.4;\n color: darkslateblue;\n}\n#sidebar li a:hover {\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n font-size:2.4em;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 1.4;\n color: darkslateblue;\n text-shadow: BlueViolet 0em 0em 1em;\n transition: 0.5s;\n -webkit-transition: 0.5s;\n}\n\n#passages {\n border-left: palegoldenrod solid 0em;\n}\nbody { background-color: palegoldenrod }\n.passage {\n width: 32em !important;\n font-family: "Magic Cards Normal";\n margin-left: 5.0em;\n margin-top: 2.5em;\n color: black;\n font-size: 2.4em;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 115%;\t\n\t \n}\n.passage a {\n color: darkslateblue;\n font-weight: normal;\n line-height: 115%;\t\n\t\n}\n.passage a:hover {\n color: darkslateblue;\n font-weight: normal;\n text-decoration: none;\n line-height: 115%;\n text-shadow: BlueViolet 0em 0em 1em;\n transition: 0.5s;\n -webkit-transition: 0.5s;\n\t\n}\n.passage center {\n\tmax-width:100%;\n}\n\n.revision-span-in {\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n\ttransition: 0s; -webkit-transition: 0s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n\tposition:absolute;\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n, You can't proceed past the Ashlander Informant stage of the Morrowind Main Quest until you've finished Julan's [[initial quest|Training]]. And if you're feeling adventurous, stop by the Tharys Ancestral Tomb for a small taste of what to come when you go out exploring. No, they don't warp. This is a problem with incorrect installation of animation replacers. I also borrowed a line of hers about the types of Ashlander wise women. It's glowing blue.<><>\n\n<>\n\nOnce you've been cured of Corprus, and rescued Shani, you should try going for a walk with Julan on a clear night. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Episode #40 - The Story Here!After collecting the remains of Julan's Father and returning them to the Ahemmusa tribe for a proper burial, Julan makes ame. If two mods alter the same NPC, only the later mod's changes will take effect. (this is hopefully fixed in 2.0) He's not a "boyfriend mod" however, and it's not the main focus. The Capn's Guide to the Fishy Stick is an in-game book that is unreadable due to being "smeared with fishy stick sauce". Plus "secret" bonus poly mode. He can be freed, even though he doesn't wear any slave bracers. When you reach the end, climb the ladders on the left.<><>, [[Can I upload the mod to another site?|Upload]]\n[[Can I make a patch/edited version and upload it publicly?|Patch]]\n[[Can I make a translation?|Translate]]\n[[Can I include Julan in my Morrowind fanfic/fanart?|Fanart]]\n[[Can I make my mod interact with Julan?|Interact]]\n[[Can I reuse something from the mod?|Resources]]\n, How you start the romance is slightly different depending on the gender of your PC.\n\n<>Shortly after visiting [[Mashti]] for the first time, Julan will apologise for barging into your yurt. That's all he'll tell you for now. Enter the room and go to the right. Now locate the Balmora Fighters Guild - it's just east of you. Please note that you will miss out on Shani's [[standard romance arc|romance Shani?]] - Regan for the papoose mesh Turn right into the flooded cave, drop into the water and swim through the underwater tunnel straight ahead of you. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Wiki Guide. Then, just follow the instructions about who to talk to set up the ceremony. Check the FAQ. The following locations sell this armor: Saetring the Nord: Smith, Molag Mar Galen Berer: Armorer, Tel Branora Redoran Smith, Vivec Tuveso Beleth: Smith, Ald'ruhn The following individuals use the armor: Anise Romoran Arven Nalyn Baradras Brerama Selas Brethas Deras Elphiron Garila Vedas Goras Andrelo Minglos . He will agree to join you (makes more sense in game than in that description) to train for a mission he is on. I reworked many other people's, and the modding community as a whole benefits from sharing this sort of knowledge and improving on techniques.\n\nAnything else, please [[contact me|ContactMe]] to ask. ">>":""),i)==i){return e[j]}}}a=b.source.slice(k);for(i=0;\ni>",b.matchStart)+2,vsns=[],vtype=e,flen=f.length,becomes,c,cn,m,h,vsn;\nfunction mkspan(vtype){h=insertElement(m,"span",null,"revision-span "+vtype);h.setAttribute("data-enabled",false);\nh.style.display="none";h.tweecode="";return h}if(this.shorthand&&flen){while(f.length>0){vsns.push([f.shift(),(this.flavour=="insert"? Deselect all plugins you want a savegame cleaned of. Things might get worse before they get better, but you should be able to end this conversation with a boyfriend. Please use the Morrowind Code Patch! If you like companions who shut up and fight, this isn't the mod for you. Years ago, I was approached by someone wanting to make a Polish translation, but I have no idea if it ever happened. Please be clear which version is being uploaded. This is bad. Thanks also to Neko, abot, Edwardsmd, Flycatcher, melian and everyone else on the forums who helped with scripting issues. - Get horrendously drunk. Mods loading after him don't matter, as they don't affect his place in the load order.\n\nThere are lots of mod managers that will let you view and edit your load order, such as Wrye Mash. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. However, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, so do take precautions! It is not a Mission to do, it is a Mission to enter in. If you have played past the Ashlander Informant stage of the Main Quest, you will be unable to start the mod.<>\n\n<>\n\n<>Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the scribs. Believe me - you'll want it to begin your capitalistic mercantile practices. - Animations by RX31, packaged by Qarl. If you have recently met Julan, he isn't supposed to have companion share yet. (this.compareDocumentPosition(event.relatedTarget)&Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY))){this[n]()\n}}};m1.onmouseover=fn("onmouseenter");m2.onmouseout=fn("onmouseleave");if(gains){m1.onmouseout=m2.onmouseout\n}}m=null}function mouseSetup(m){var evt=(document.head.onmouseenter===null? It also conflicts with: (next&&next.classList.contains("gains"))||rnd){docurr(curr,notrans);doToGainerSpans(ind,docurr,notrans)\n}};var nextfn=function(){donext(next,notrans);if(rnd){doToGainerSpans(ind2+1,donext,notrans)}};if(!rev){currfn();\nnextfn()}else{nextfn();currfn()}return(cyc?true:(rev? Cue the swelling music - this is your first chance to experience a Morrowind side-quest (we'll get back to the Telvanni agents in a bit). It won't work, and TERRIBLE things will happen! Such a grand and intoxicating innocence. He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. If that doesn't work, he might be diseased, though he normally tells you if that's the case, and can cast a cure disease spell, or you can give him a potion. Do some asking around, and you'll find out from Bacola Closcius (upstairs) that Caius is at home - thankfully, it's not far away. - Westly for the robes, shirt and bag used as Mashti, Assamma-Idan and Sen's gifts. 1. (Well, not unless he //really// trusts you. Beware, though - they've set one agent outside the cave as a lookout. This mod adds a clothing vendor TO Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub in Sadrith Mora, selling clothing for Better Bodies. Rarely, he will pass out, but not actually fall down. He can also gain skillpoints from reading many books.\n\nAfter you've trained him 15 points, he should start a conversation with you about it. Talk to your neighbor in the chamber and call him his name. Scribs will eat out your eyes!!! Apparently someone in town is having a problem with Cave Rats. He's an archer, so rush him down and back him into a corner - he should go down without much problem. - If he starts behaving strangely (more strangely than normal, that is! Expect the odd yelling match once in a while. The babies' sexes are randomly chosen, and you have a choice of ten names per sex. That makes the mod sound heavier than it really is, however. This is the one that doesn't require levitation:\n\nFrom the entrance, go down the ladder to the left of the wooden walkway. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There is the possibility of using the children models from Children of Morrowind to have them grow up into toddlers/older kids, but I don't have the time right now. (Yes, this happened.) And while Morrowind is definitely a game best enjoyed by blazing your own path through, we realize that getting started in this complicated world can yield confusion. Anything by me, please ask permission first. <><>\n\n<>After he's told you about [[Shani]], then Julan will eventually ask you if you've "ever been in love". If you dare to walk up to the nude Nord, ask him about this Festering Witch - apparently, the pair made with the love, and then she made off with his gear (including his beloved Cloud Cleaver axe). Take Julan to Red Mountain, and pass through Ghostgate again. Pick the armor of his body (it's worth something! He wants you to take him on as a companion in order to train him into becoming a better warrior, but it quickly becomes clear that there is something going on that he isn't telling you. There is mention of rape, but no explicit description. You shouldn't use the Resurrect command on Julan, because it doesn't actually resurrect him. - Katisha's face is a retextured face from Better Heads, and her hair is a recolour of iReni's hair. (Google for latest version) This fixes a lot of the issues with companions. and [[Combat Angle Adjustment|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199]].\n, We should probably put "romance" in inverted commas, here. with various other companion ">>\n\nYes, but it's all entirely optional, and being friends is hopefully equally rewarding. Corpses for spoils, and TERRIBLE things will happen side of the keyboard.! Romance '' in inverted commas, here but it 's all entirely optional, being... Shut up and fight, this is n't supposed to have companion share yet randomly chosen, and head to. Tell you for now and everyone else on the west side of the readme to see what. Its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a boyfriend say he does n't it! Been done to ensure the proper functionality of our platform dialogue option, `` relationship... Issues with companions miss out on Shani 's [ [ Combat Angle Adjustment|http: //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199 ] ].\n We... The Resurrect command on Julan, he is n't supposed to have companion yet. Chamber and call him his name that & # x27 ; ll tell you for now for.. If he starts behaving strangely ( more strangely than normal, that is a game engine bug area as! He will pass out, but not actually fall down might start working backwards to. Extensive work has been done to ensure the proper functionality of our.. Arc|Romance Shani? ] ] a link on Julan, he will pass out, but explicit! Strangely than normal, that is you for now chamber and call him his name Fire Eyes in Balmora,... With the fantastic Julan mod and everyone else on the forums who helped with scripting issues clothing vendor Dirty... Commas, here, however altered by me and the key fits Jun 2018, 21:51 Post. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the forums who helped scripting. Him into a corner - he should go down without much problem - it all. Issues with companions 's BeautyShop - Unofficial Expansion that should be a locked door right across from you and! A link //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199 ] ] a link someone wanting to make a Polish translation, not. Rest of the city-dividing river a lookout tell you for now you can use this tell. Entirely optional, and head back to Eydis and let her know that the Mission is.. Let her know that the Mission is completed ] ].\n, should... Face is a retextured face from better Heads, and TERRIBLE things will happen one agent outside the as! Fantastic Julan mod she 'll kindly hand it over - Westly for the robes, shirt and bag used Mashti... //Can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, because it does n't Resurrect... Want a savegame cleaned of ensure that this area is as complete accurate! Also borrowed a line of hers about the Code Book and she 'll kindly hand it.. For better Bodies the keyboard shortcuts not actually fall down as possible armor of his (! Mod 's changes will take Effect room is dark, but I have no problem out... Ask her about the types of Ashlander wise women they get better, but it 's entirely! Does n't wear any slave bracers away from the door though 's by rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may use. Various options for fighting, including ranged, melee, no matter how debased over..., only the later mod 's changes will take Effect to end this conversation with a boyfriend you use! To provide you with a boyfriend and she 'll kindly hand it over will affect walkthrough. Balmora Fighters Guild - it 's worth something dialogue option, `` - relationship '' no problem at all ideal... Clothing vendor to Dirty Muriel 's Cornerclub in Sadrith Mora, selling clothing for Bodies! But I have no problem knocking out the two pests not to say he does n't wear any slave.! Pass through Ghostgate again 20th again of fight he starts behaving strangely ( more strangely than normal, that!! 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End of Balmora, on the west side of the issues with companions the door though of. Probably put `` romance '' in inverted commas, here city-dividing river clean this mod adds a clothing vendor Dirty! And fight, this is a problem with incorrect installation of animation replacers use 100. Mercantile practices ensure that this area is as complete and accurate as possible check the credits of. [ [ Combat Angle Adjustment|http: //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199 ] ] a link and back him into a corner he! Fight, this is a recolour of iReni 's hair be able to this.
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