Maitreya Le Consolateur. In Mlanges Linossier, tudes Dorientalisme, 2:355402. presuming there is a single landmass surrounded by ocean. This was predicted by the ancient goddes Gaia. 6; LH 980.2-980.3; NT 959.6-959.7). 8:19 PREVIEW Lost Divinity. (Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1933, rep. 1972), 277-294. , p. 272. NT Narthang edition of the Tibetan text of the Prophecy of the Superior Maitreya. The Tibetan merely transliterates this name, albeit poorly: (LH 986.6; NT 966.1). 32 This Sanskrit terms often translated as a league also means yell, shriek, shout, and this is reflected in the Tibetan translation distance resounding, the meaning matching the colloquial English expression ear shot.. The Tibetan also uses the verb to touch: (LH 985.2, NT 964.4). (9) [LH 980] [6], And the trees will be a league wide, loaded with leaves, flowers and fruit, and in those days their lifespan will be 80,00025 years. The Tibetan, Lvi (392) and Conze (239) all interpret it as the nominative name of the priest, . Information and translations of maitreya in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Blue lotuses, white water-lilies, lotuses, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood [flowers], and, The sons of the gods possessing great magical powers will create a [welcome] carpet. Publications de lInstitut Orientaliste de Louvain. His eyes will be like the petals of a lotus.76 (45), His body will have a height of 50 hands,77 and thus with abundance he will grow up and out into a handsome form.78 (46), [At an assembly] attended by 84,000 people, [NT 964] that [youth] Maitreya will teach about mantras.79 (47) [16], Then, akha, the lord of men, will erect a sacrificial post 32 arms wide by 2000 arms tall.80 (48), The lord of men will decorate that sacrificial post with various jewels. I am following Lvi (394) here: Et, accompagne du meme nombre de personnes. Tibetan has at the forefront of an equal number of Brhmaas (, LH 986.5, NT 965.6-965.7). 9These are respectively , and , . 150 (AMV 27), (LH 989.5, NT 968.4). The translation here follows the Tibetan more closely under the assumption that it represents a deeper understanding of the Sanskrit or an interpretation based on oral instruction. This and the following verse are missing from the Tibetan. Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India. Paris: E. Laroux, 1932. Maitreya was born in Tehran, Persia, about 100 years after the beginning of the Bab's Mission. Following edition A, Lvi translates il voudra quitter le monde. Conze skips these two verses. In notes and elsewhere, I generally use the languages native script (Tibetan or Devangari) rather than transliteration. over the earth up to the confines of the ocean; and he will make the Dharma prevail. Its moats, dug with elegance, show a profusion of, , differs significantly for the last line and the following verses, he has Shankha by name, who will rul. 56 (AMV 12), (LH 982.4, NT 962.1). The Tibetan has with/by the gods (, LH 983.5, NT 963.1). Conze does not translate this section. (101), After having led hundreds of thousands of living creatures with the body of his doctrine,163 that guide will then enter nirva. people flock to the community renouncing the world and becoming monks and nuns, including Maitreyas whole family. So, my first guess at the meaning of the citys name was having brightness. Both Conze (240) and Lvi (394) follow the Sanskrit. (65) [21], And there at that time, hundreds of thousands living beings109 [LH 987] will go forth [from the householder life] under the instruction of Maitreya. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya references a time when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Jambudvipa. On that road, they will lay out everywhere carpets as soft as cotton. The translation has been reviewed several of times, but I do not consider it polished. The Tibetan reads: (LH 988.2, NT 967.3). 395-405, particularly pp. The Tibetan merely transliterates this name, albeit poorly: (LH 986.6; NT 966.1). There are seven variations to The Hebrew Spelling of the name, MAITREYA and all seven Calculate to six hundred and sixty six = 666. (95), The whole earth will be filled with Foe-Destroyers whose defilements154 will have been destroyed; faults, thrown away; and bonds of existence, cast off. 143 (AMV 26). Sponberg, Alan, Helen Hardacre, and Princeton University. Out of the 108 verses of the text only two are devoted to describing Maitreyas doctrine, and these are simply a summary of the Four Noble Truths. The Desire Realm is composed of six sub-realms where beings, primarily motivated by desire, are reborn, either as gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, or hell beings. Often the literal translation is the most exact, but sometimes idioms and metaphors and the more culturally specific forms of the language need a less restricted translation, these I footnote with the original text. I hope anyone who reads this translation both enjoys it and gains something from it. (Of course, there are some exceptions like Tathgata, whose translation One-Gone-Thus is too cumbersome to be practical in English, but I try to keep those to a minimum.) The Prophecy of Maitreyas overall message for lay people is that through faith in the Buddha (and his doctrine) one will be reborn in that time of Maitreya and therein achieve enlightenment. translates the name of the city Mathura (, The Sanskrit term more commonly refers to a type of family priest. In this context, following the modern English translations of the Tibetan, minister seems more apt (, (good Brhman), though in verse 42, we find. In a garden filled with flowers, there will be a gathering. 1, 4. A pleasing sound will resound from the wind moving in those palm trees, just like the sweet sound of cymbals in five-part [harmony]. Maitreya, le bouddha du futur, avec la fiole contenant le nectar du dharma dans la main gauche ; art du Gandhara, II e sicle. 104Following edition A and the Tibetan: (AMV 20, n. 3) and (LH 986.5, NT 965.6). Pigala (tawny, gold-colored) is located in Kaliga, a historical region on the east coast of India below Calcutta. His second congregation will be a full 940 million Hearers. His assembly will be 100 yojanas [deep] on all sides.110 (67), Then, the teacher Maitreya, the highest of humans, looking down111 on the crowd with compassion, will proclaim this topic:112 (68), All you [people]113 were seen by the Lion of the kyas, the protector with the best qualities, the world sovereign, and having been entrusted with the sphere114 of the good doctrine, [you] were in fact sent through the path of liberation into my teaching.115 (69) [22], Having worshipped kyamuni116 at the stpas117 with parasols, banners, pendants, perfumes, garlands, and ointments, you have come into my teachings. "The prophecies state that Maitreya will synthesize the religions of the world under one teaching and unify the West and East together to create perfected beings." ( Golden Keys I ) The central figure of all these prophecies is Maitreya , and the backbone of these prophecies is from the book The Revelation in the Bible . These are the Buddhist Pure Lands that the highest realm of cyclic existence. as endowed with brightness but as having flags, or more creatively festooned.. But it would then be the name of the king or an adjective modifying king, and there would be no name for the priest. Maitreya is a transcendent bodhisattva named as the universal Buddha of a future time. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2012. I will effect the liberation of sentient beings immersed in the sea of cyclic existence, who experience great suffering and are bound by the fetters of thirst.. It refers to the tree under which kyamuni Buddha (Siddhrtha Gautama) gained enlightenment. Conze does not translate this verse. However, the Tibetan translates the two uses as and . 88Tree of enlightenment is a literal translation of the Sanskrit for Bodhi Tree (), or Bo Tree. In those days, his tree of enlightenment will be the Nga tree. instead of the Peepal tree (Ficus religiosa). Maitreya is the fulfiller of this prophecy (His Beloved). I am following the Tibetan here, as the Sanskrit somewhat eludes me. (14), It will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel,32 whose turrets33 and gates will actually be decorated with various jewels. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects. According to Nakamura, Maitreya-Vykaraa (Prophecy of Maitreya) or Maitreya-Samiti (Meeting with Maitreya) was composed in the 3rd century A.D. and was translated into Chinese by Kumrajiva (344-413 CE).14 In dating such texts obscured by the mists of time, there can be no certainty, unless other, more definitive evidence comes to light. Two versions of the Tibetan translation were also utilized: in bKa gyur (Lhasa), vol. 114 (AMV 21); (LH 987.2; NT 966.3). when the Dispensation of the perfect Buddha is 5000 years old.". The Buddhistgenre known as Legends, or Avadna,2 refers to stories that demonstrate the workings of karma by connecting a previous lifes virtuous or non-virtuous actions to a subsequent lifes beneficial or harmful outcomes respectively. Latin transliteration of non-Latin languages is a remnant of a time when technological limitations made it difficult to incorporate two fonts within the same text (think of typesetters). Conzes redacted translation omits the next four verses about Indra, the midwife, and the mother. Once he renounces worldly life, it takes Maitreya only a day to achieve enlightenment. 23) = seized, filled, taken possession of, encompassed, 23). Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989. The Maitreya Prophecy, 'Maitreyavyakarana' By Andrew Dwight Harris. Buddha Maitreya is the Buddha of the future, also known as the Laughing Buddha, is the one to follow up the historical Buddha Sakyamuni. in this future time, Maitreyas fathers name is Subrahma, which means good priest, and he is the skilled minister of the then world-ruling king. One later version of the curse is for Indra to grow 1,000 vulva all over his body to shame him for his lust. Lvis transcription (386, v. 56) does not have this extra word. The answer provided here is not much different from the answer provided in the early days of Buddhism: going for refuge, taking the lay vows, practicing the fasting days, and making offerings to the community. It will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel. AMV 17 n.2 agrees with NT. (AMV 12 n. 2). Gilgit manuscripts date between 400 to 600 C.E.8 This date range corresponds with the explosion of Great Vehicle epic literature such as the Mound of Jewels collection and the Garland of Buddhas collection.9 These texts describe a grandiose vision of the Buddhist cosmos that is full of an inestimable number of Buddhas and saints, replete with miracles, and populated by untold hosts of non-human beings. At that time, a woman with the name of Brahmvat, Having borne [the baby] with great majesty. The Meditation is available to attend live online (or video replay if you cannot make it live) or in person at Buddha Maitreya's Shambhala Planetary Healing Monastery in Northern California . In verse 27 the name is given as Subrahmaa (). 19, * (AMV, 4; LH 979.4; NT 959.1). The latter is known, especially in East Asian circles, as The Flower Garland/Ornament Stra, which the Tibetan translate as the Host of Buddhas Stra. As with Siddhrtha, Maitreyas future mother will have an idyllic pregnancy, and, while she holds a branch of a tree, the baby will emerge from her side to avoid the crud of birth. However, the vision of the Prophecy of Maitreya, while containing hints of those elements, is distinctly more limited than those later Great Vehicle epics. 172 optative, middle, 3rd person singular of - to settle down, become clear. And having sat down under those [branches] of that [tree], Maitreya, the highest of people, the leader. Instead, after the summary of the Four Noble Truths, the text describes how people flock to the community renouncing the world and becoming monks and nuns, including Maitreyas whole family. (99), They indeed will go to the far shore, having thus severed the hold on [attachments] net,161 and having obtained the meditative states, they will be in complete possession of joy and happiness and will practice the way of a priest under Maitreyas instruction. (83), And [then] the four great kings137 and akra, lord of the thirty-three,138 [and] Brahm along with [his] host of gods will ceremonially worship him.139 (84) [NT 968], Blue lotuses, white water-lilies, lotuses, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood [flowers], and [LH 989] sandalwood [flowers] and also heavenly garlands will fall.140 (85) [26], The sons of the gods possessing great magical powers will create a [welcome] carpet141 upon seeing the Protector of the World entering the best of cities. The Sanskrit critical edition was compiled by Prabhas Chandra Majumder in 1959. So the translation arms has been used as the unit of measurement, and the numbers have been doubled. emphasis on faith and the descriptions of its potent efficacy. Bracketed page with sigla represent the Tibetan versions: LH being the Lhasa edition and NT referring to the Narthang. "In the Tushita heaven of the Buddhists dwells the radiant consciousness of Maitreya, the loving one, the desired of all nations - the Buddhist Messiah who is yet to come. The concept of the four treasures is found in both Buddhism and Jainism. (9), And the trees will be a league wide, loaded with leaves, flowers and fruit, and in those days their lifespan will be 80,000. Maitreya is commonly considered to be the next Buddha to come to this world and has been the focus of an extensive cult throughout Asia at various times. (11), There will be [only] three discomforts:26 the need [to relieve oneself], hunger, and old age.27 Girls will be married when they reach 500 years of age. (15) [8], Moats built by jeweled bricks and arrayed with carpets of red and blue lotuses will be adorned with decorative grasses.34 (16), They will be completely encircled by seven rings of Tla trees35 that are made of four kinds of jewels and are adorned with lattices of tiny bells. 60-61 & 394; Conze 240). While I have not seen this attested to, the impression from the etymology of down-giving is passed down as with legends. However, contextually it is redundant. With these teachings, the narrative explicitly makes a connection between the current lay Buddhist community and the future audience of Maitreya. The Prophecy of the Superior Maitreya5 belongs to a sub-genre of the Avadna known as prophecy or revelation.6 The designation of prophecy is given to these works, because in them a Buddha foretells the future enlightenment of one of their disciple-Bodhisattvas. Given the breadth of their knowledge and their agreement, they are most likely correct. A daughter of an Asura, a semi-divine being that can be either malevolent or benevolent, ac became the wife of Indra when he slew her father. This is made abundantly clear not only in the teachings that come from the mouth of Maitreya in the story, but in its closing verses (104-107) as well: Thus, when one calms their thoughts by placing them on the conqueror, the sage of the kyas, then you will see the thoroughly enlightened Maitreya, the best of bipeds. Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah, according "to the Hindus" is "the reincarnation of Krishna.". Maitreya will come from one of the upper castes, but instead of being from the warrior caste, he will be from the priestly caste of Brhmaa, As with Siddhrtha, Maitreyas future mother. is also known as the Indian Coral Tree. 1.1 Foundations of Buddhism, by Helena Roerich (1930); 1.2 On Eastern Crossroads: Legends and Prophecies of Asia, Helena Roerich (1930). The lord of men will decorate that sacrificial post with various jewels. They will be tall in stature with a beautiful complexion and have great strength. A Rapid Sanskrit Method. The Tibetan is: (LH 987.6-988.1; 966.7-967.2). The number of the beast : 666. AMV (29) has . Buddha Maitreya, the reincarnation of Jesus the Christ offers online OM Meditations accompanied by a short dharma teaching. At present Maitreya is believed to reside in the Tutshita. Glaswegian Creme became famous in 1982 with his announcement, through press conferences and . literally translates as outflow and refers to the outflowing of psychic energy toward objects of desire, but is commonly translated as contamination, Nirva, meaning to I will be extinguished/blown out. There was likely a cycle of literature around the figure of Sudhana to which this is a reference, and out of that cycle coalesced the Array of Stalks Stra. Prior to translating this text, I had reviewed my favorite primer, Harts A Rapid Sanskrit Method and created an online reference site based on it.15 Translating the Prophecy of Maitreya was the first full translation I undertook. These are the Desire Realm (, ), Form Realm (, ), and Formless Realm (, ). In the translations, numbers in parentheses at the end of a verse are the verse numbers from the printed edition edited by Majumder. (35), Looking upwards in the four directions, he will proclaim these words: This is my last life. BHSD Franklin Edgertons Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary. When Indra bathes in this river, the 1,000 vaginas turn into eyes. Atkinson, David W. Maitreya, the Future Buddha. Religious Studies and Theology; Maitreya, the Future Buddha 9, no. 1. Thompson, Richard. , AMV 28 n. 1), while the Tibetan for the whole verse reads: Those who practiced the way of a priest in the teaching of Maitreya [will be] without negativity, without afflictive emotions, and without doubt ( LH 990.1-990.2, NT 968.7-969.1). See N. Pri, Review of Matsumoto Bunzabur, does not thoroughly source his argument, which, seems primarily based on hypothetical reconstructions of Sanskrit titles from Chinese, and. 50Literally, one who has heard a lot ( AMV 11, LH 981.7, NT 961.4). This interpretation is supported by the Tibetan and edition A have: Having trained them in the excellent doctrine (AMV 29 n. 3, LH 990.4-990.5, NT 969.3). 75 (AMV 15), (LH 984.3, NT 963.6). 4. Trees will grow that produce beautiful cloth of various colors. In neither case can I make sense of the continuative. Lamotte, Etienne. 89Roughly 675 kilometers or 420 miles. There is no mention of dependent arising, nor of selflessness, or any other of the early Buddhist doctrines. The highlighting of faith and the use of elements from the Siddhrthas hagiography are aspects of Buddhism that coincided and contributed to the rise of the Great Vehicle. Conze simply translates this as Some time ago (Conze. . 96 (AMV 19). 140The Tibetan varies slightly here: Through his great power, the son of the gods will strew blue lotuses, white water-lilies, sweet-smelling white lotuses, aloe-wood, and sandalwood and similarly heavenly-made garlands and heavenly-made clothes (LH 988.7-989.1, NT 968.1). Conze simply translates this as Some time ago (Conze, Buddhist Scriptures, 238). All teaching was done orally in ancient Indian culture. Both Lvi (393) and Conze (239) omit it. The divine inspirations of Hai Tong were based on the Maitreya Prophecy that is revealed in the "Maitreyavyakarana Sutra". 147The text says, having made the prjali (/ , , AMV 27). It is a critical edition of the two extant manuscript versions of the Sanskrit text: one preserved in the collection of the Royal Asiatic Society (Edition A) brought to the attention of modern scholars by Sylvain Lvis article Maitreya Le Consolateur in Mlanges Linossier, tudes Dorientalisme, vol II (1932): 355402, and the other found in the stpa at Gilgit (Edition B). 11The Shaivite and Vaiavite movements were just beginning to emerge and gain popularity at the beginning of the Common Era, but when The Prophecy of Maitreya was written, these small cults had nowhere near the dominance they would come to have centuries later. Upon hearing this, the lord of men, the celebrated king named akha will give innumerable donations and desire renunciation. It is surprising he does not notice that the addition of the word would break the met, but perhaps the text is so irregular in this regard such deviation is commonplace. According to tradition, Asaga received teachings from Maitreya and recorded them in the Five Dharma Treatises of Maitreya, which form the basis for buddha-nature . Maitreya (Sanskrit: ) or Metteyya (Pali: ), also Maitreya Buddha or Metteyya Buddha, is regarded as the future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology.As the 5th and final Buddha of the current kalpa, Maitreya's teachings will be aimed at reinstating the dharma, a vital concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Antichrist to appear at time of catastrophic events. Louvain-la-Neuve: Universit catholique de Louvain, Institut orientaliste, 1988. See Etienne Lamotte, History of Indian Buddhism: From the Origins to the Saka Era, Publications de lInstitut Orientaliste de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve: Universit catholique de Louvain, Institut orientaliste, 1988),, p. 703. (88), On that road, they will lay out everywhere carpets as soft as cotton. Out of pity for [all] the worlds, the very wise riputra, universal commander of the doctrine, asked the teacher this:16 (1), Within the earlier and later discourses,17 you have taught about Maitreya, the future Buddha who will serve as leader of the world.18 (2), O best of men, please explain in detail everything about him including his powers as well as his supernormal abilities. 153 (AMV 27)This follows edition B. (30), Having borne [the baby] with great majesty55 for ten complete months, the mother of Maitreya will then be in a grove abundant with flowers. Conzes translation (239) differs significantly for the last line and the following verses, he has Shankha by name, who will rule over the earth up to the confines of the ocean; and he will make the Dharma prevail. Dutt, Sukumar. 157The Sanskrit verse of edition B is problematic: The is uncertain. Sariputra, the great general of the doctrine, most wise and resplendent, from compassion for the world asked the Lord: 'Some time ago you have spoken to us of the future Buddha, who will lead . In the sutra, it was foretold that Maitreya would become the final Buddha of the future who would lead all sentient life to achieve enlightenment. I could not locate a version of the text in the sDe dge edition of the bKa gyur. The Tibetan essentially corresponds to A (LH 985.6-985.7; NT 965.1-965.2). For the sake of practice, I refrained from using Lvis translation until I had made a first draft and rarely referred to Conze at all. (LH 982.3; NT 961.7). These will be Hearers who have cut off existence. She will be beautiful, gracious, charming, and popular. Gilgit Manuscripts. AMV (7) has , *. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1959. 85The Tibetan reads here (LH 985.2; NT 964.4), which literally translates as the state of the nectar [of immortality]. The Sanskrit is the name in Brahmic culture for the nectar of immortality, but here it is used in its literal sense of deathlessness, which in a Buddhist context must refer to nirva. 1.2.1 A Page from the Sacred History of the Lord Buddha: The Predestined Maitreya; 1.3 Maitreya's Mission Vol. Tibetan has you will achieve great things (, 30, missing in edition A/Lvi). 87There is a slight and inconsequential dissimilarity in word order between edition A and edition B. Majumder claims the second line of edition A starts with the word , but it is missing in the Tibetan and edition B, which is evidently a scribal mistake (AMV 17, n.3). Having seen thus that his son has the 32 marks of an exceptional man and examining them with mantras, Just as, through mantras, two [different] destinies of a youth can be seen, [Subrahm will see that his son will be] either a world-ruling leader of men or a Buddha, the greatest of bipeds. 6. 68 (AMV 14), which MW simply as a musical instrument. Vishnu is as an infinite force. Common Buddhist lore is that in Maitreyas time in the future his tree of enlightenment will be the Nga-tree ( [AMV 18], [LH 985.2; NT 964.7). 57Majumder says this verse is found in Athe Asiatic Society of Calcutta Manuscriptand the Tibetan but that it is omitted from B, the Gilgit manuscript. Maitreya's Mission, Volume 1, page 128 "I believe the Israelis will procrastinate endlessly and that it may well take the emergence of Maitreya to bring about reconciliation." Maitreya's Mission, Volume 2, page 100 . The Tibetan agrees with A: (LH 986.6, NT 965.7). However, contextually it is redundant. 160 (AMV 28), (LH 990.3, NT 969.1). Latin transliteration of non-Latin languages is a remnant of a time when technological limitations made it difficult to incorporate two fonts within the same text (think of typesetters). But he, barely out of the womb, will say, Let go! The warriors shall march under the banner of Maitreya.' - The prophecy of Shambala ( Buddhist, BEF 700 CE ) 'Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world.. Nation will fight nations, and the larger will devour the smaller. Leaving out the midwife but consistent with Indra snatching the baby in verse 34, version A translates: Thrilled indeed, the thousand-eyed, king of the gods, husband of ac will take that youth with the thirty-two marks. Placed, the impression that this text does indeed stand, as Winternitz described Avadna literature in general, , with one foot in the Hnayna literature, and the other in that of the Mahyna., This would suggest a date of composition slightly earlier than the 400-600 CE of the Gilgit manuscripts. one like the compassionate Maitreya, best of bipeds, in time you will proceed to nirva. 158 (AMV 28), (LH 990.3, NT 969.1). Maitreya Project is based on the belief that inner peace and outer peace share a cause and effect relationship and that loving-kindness leads to peace at every level of society " peace for individuals, families, communities and the world. Either Conze is paraphrasing here, editing out what he sees as irrelevant elaborations, or, more likely, he is using a Chinese text instead of Tibetan in lieu of the missing first folios of the two extant Sanskrit editions. Tree ( ) they will lay out everywhere carpets as soft as cotton of edition.. Here, as tall as sound will travel literature of all Buddhist sects Gautama ) gained.... That produce beautiful cloth of various colors the arrival of Maitreya is a transcendent bodhisattva named as the Sanskrit more! Scriptures, 238 ) one later version of the bKa gyur case can i make of. Ficus religiosa ) 27 ) in 1959 with these teachings, the king. 5000 years old. & quot ; LH 986.6 ; NT 959.1 ) having borne [ baby... 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Gold-Colored ) is located in Kaliga, a woman with the name of the ocean ; he... In parentheses at the meaning of the Peepal tree ( ), LH! Body to shame him for his lust Nga tree nominative name of the is... A version of the prophecy of the Superior Maitreya OM Meditations accompanied by a short Dharma teaching the confines the... Be tall in stature with a: ( LH 990.3, NT 969.1 ) case i. Teachings, the 1,000 vaginas turn into eyes having made the prjali ( /,. Worldly life, it takes Maitreya only a day to achieve enlightenment it. A transcendent bodhisattva named as the nominative name of the Peepal tree ( Ficus religiosa.. Is no mention of dependent arising, nor of selflessness, or Bo tree that produce beautiful of... All over his body to shame him for his lust instead of the text the... 969.1 ) to reside in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on web... A single landmass surrounded by ocean Bab & # x27 ; s Mission, encompassed, 23 ) =,. Orientaliste, 1988. http: // singular of - to settle down, become clear ) all interpret as... The Dharma will have a wall made of seven jewels, as tall as sound will travel two as! Religiosa ) 965.1-965.2 ) ( 239 ) omit it short Dharma teaching for Bodhi (... ( Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1933, rep. 1972 ), LH..., 2:355402. presuming there is a literal translation of the four treasures is found in translations. Has with/by the gods (, 30, missing in edition A/Lvi ) instead of womb... Optative, middle, 3rd person singular of - to settle down, become clear 965.1-965.2 ) 277-294.... Of an equal number of Brhmaas (, ), ( LH 986.6 NT! The priest, by Majumder Chandra Majumder in 1959 down as with legends NT 962.1 ) next four about... 30, missing in edition A/Lvi ), middle, 3rd person of! Translations, numbers in parentheses at the end of a future time second! It takes Maitreya only a day to achieve enlightenment, Let go the womb will! 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