said Jehovah. ii. 3. They went in male and female. 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Abel, Enoch, Noah, we have already seen. Read the Scripture: Genesis 1:26-28. 98. The word of God is before them. The Anthropomorphites were too gross in seeking this resemblance in the human body; let that reverie therefore remain entombed. Therein is the choice that man was given, because having been created with the capacity of choice, it is no value unless there is something to choose.But again, in honoring and respecting my choice, if I choose that I don't want to know God, I don't want to serve God, I don't want to love God, then it would be manifestly wrong for Him to force me to go to heaven where I would have to love Him, and have to be with Him, and have to serve Him. For in laying hold of the three faculties of the soul enumerated by Aristotle, the intellect, the memory, and the will, he afterwards out of one Trinity derives many. The first group shows how God created the basic spheres of operation (light and dark; sea and sky; fertile land), the second how he created the features within each of those spheres (lights of day and night; creatures of sea and sky; creatures of the land).This simple creation story, though not intended to be a scientific account, is not in conflict with science. "By ruling as one, male and female fulfill the purpose of God for which they were created. Eden was to be the scene of the moral trial of man. If you are speaking in the intimacies of the family, you do not adopt the same language towards your parents, wife, child, or servant, still less towards a stranger outside. *, *It is deplorable but wholesome to see how superstition and rationalism agree in the grossest ignorance of man's condition before the fall and through it. ., p. 112; Wenham, pp. But into the proof of this we cannot now pause to enter. If the Holy Spirit, as in Exodus 20:11, refers to heaven and earth made in six days, it always avoids the expression "creation." In the statement given by Moses every minute point beautifully exemplifies the propriety of the word of God. Chapter 1. And God saw that it was good. It is that of sovereignty. them", which shows that the name "man" is general in the 27-27; Oswald Allis, God Spake by Moses, p. No, it was the simple question whether God was really Jehovah-Elohim, whether He was a moral governor or not, whether man was to be independent of God or not. Scripture is plain and profoundly true: "And Jehovah-Elohim said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: therefore Jehovah- Elohim sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground whence he was taken. 3 And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light. So what did God do? Christ only is the express image of God's person, as the Son of his Father, having the same nature. Genesis 1:27 is a summary of God's creation of mankind on the sixth day. Next to Christ Himself, and what we have by and in Him, there is nothing of greater importance than the confession of the truth, both that God created, and that His creation is in ruins. [Note: Waltke, Genesis, p. "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth." Not a word of this again occurs in the previous chapter. Who was God talking to? All Commentaries Videos Images Devotionals Other Translations Sermons Related Scriptures Podcasts Blogs. That man was made male and female, and blessed with the blessing of fruitfulness and increase. And Jehovah had respect unto Abel, and to his offering. Marvelous accident! It is not concerned with the sort of investigation that modern science is concerned with. Now comes the first mention of evening and morning, and of days. And God said, Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. In conclusion, the food of both man and beast is pointed out in Genesis 1:29, Genesis 1:30, exclusively from the vegetable kingdom. What is important for us to know is what did God say. And if natural science cannot boast that in any one of its many branches it has discovered all the phenomena connected with the animal and human organism of the existing world, how could it pretend to determine or limit the changes through which this organism may have passed in the course of thousands of years? "And God said, Let us " The plural word [~'Elohiym] is used here; and the most logical understanding of it is that of seeing in it a foreshadowing of the doctrine of the Trinity revealed ages afterward in the N.T. For the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.". Hence man was wise in his mind, holy in his heart, and righteous in his actions. It is hopeless to attempt any derivation of the name, as it must have existed before any of the verbs and nouns from which commentators attempt to give it a meaning; and the admh, or tilled ground, of which we shall soon hear so much, evidently had its name from Adam. 00:00. 119. Human lusts and passions were not yet in question, but they soon followed the desire of having what God had forbidden. It is God that does all, whether it be for the earth, the air, or the waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 164-72.] introduced into it as into an house ready prepared and furnished He directs the ark to be made. Nevertheless present consequences take their course, and in a certain sense mercy too is mingled with them, as is the case habitually, I think, in the government of God; for man as he is is just so much the less happy as he knows not what it is to labour in such a world as this. Ed. If so, the shift to poetry may emphasize human beings as Gods image bearers. "Secondly, in Genesis 1, man, the image bearer, is the object of Gods blessing. * Consequently we find that as man had hearkened to the voice of the siren, and had eaten of the tree of which he was commanded not to eat, the ground was cursed for him. Not merely with the elements of his body will he reappear, which is quite true, but besides he will reappear bodily in connection with a soul that never died. * If the book were in each of these different subjects written according to that most perfect keeping which pervades scripture, and which only God is capable of producing by His chosen instruments, I am convinced that, as Elohim simply in Genesis 2:1-25, so "Jehovah-Elohim" in Genesis 1:1-31, would have been wholly out of place with their respective positions in 1 and 2. That man's creation was a more signal and immediate act of divine wisdom and power than that of the other creatures. 163. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day (Gen 1:15-23). He was gone from God. So God is a superior trinity. We can see afterwards how verified the curse was, as it will be yet more. His condition was that of a sinner, and he looked not out of himself to God. Genesis 12 - 50 : The history of the Patriarchs. It was addressed to the serpent. All the delays of God now proceed on the fact that the first man is in sin. he followed her, as he has often since, into the broad way of evil. Believers have constantly called it a "promise;" but it is not uninstructive to see that scripture never does. As they stand, they are in exact harmony. (h) Tikkune Zohar, correct. In truth only God is competent to pronounce; and this He has done. And the evening and the morning were the third day. Those who embrace the theory that Eden lay on the Shat-el-Arab consider the Pison and the Gihon as mere branches of the stream formed by the blending of the Euphrates and the Tigris (or Hiddekel). In the account of the accomplishment of the divine purpose the words swell into a jubilant song, so that we meet here for the first time with a parallelismus membrorum, the creation of man being celebrated in three parallel clauses. This explains why adherents of the Abraham religions express a spiritual craving for God or . ); this subjection might have been accompanied by a change in the organization of the animals, though natural science, which is based upon the observation and combination of things empirically discovered, could neither demonstrate the fact nor explain the process. Here, then, are the great points of conformity to God in man, namely, reason, speech, will, and power. Explanation and Commentary of Genesis 1:26 On the sixth day, God created the crown jewel of his creation, mankind. At the same time, it was so far involved in the effects of the fall, that the natural decay of the different animals was changed into a painful death or violent end. But when God's word is humbly and prayerfully studied, the evidence will not be long withheld by the Spirit of God, that there is a divine depth in that word which no mere man put into it. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the fowl multiply in the earth. 119. The intention of Almighty God in the creation of man is revealed to have been the placement of man over the earth and all that is in it, an intention frustrated in part by man's rebellion in Eden, but finally realized despite all hindrances and delays in the era of the "new heavens and the new earth." Genesis 1:26 It is not too much to say that redemption, with all its graces and all its glories, finds its explanation and its reason in creation. The creation of the woman apart from the man (as no doubt every other male and female were made separately) would have been a sterile and unimpressive fact. It is the Creator originating what is around us; consequently it is God, Elohim, who alone could be spoken of as such in ch. Thus it is seen at once that, instead of these wonderful communications being merely earlier and later legends put together by a still more modern editor, who tried to make something complete by stringing together what did not aptly fit, on the contrary, it is the Spirit of God who gives us various sides of the truth, each falling under the title and style suitable to God, according to that which was in hand. Nor indeed is such dealing according to the revealed nature of God. But there is no word coupling the introductory statement of verse 1 with what follows. So, I think of my ears when I think of hearing.Now, I know that God can hear, but it doesn't necessarily follow that God has ears. I. So we find what shows the folly of this yet more in what follows: "And they that went in went in male and female of all flesh, as God commanded him; and Jehovah shut him in." a. The language is invariably used in the most perfect manner. How true of the energetic Japhetic race that pushed westward, and not content with the east, pushes round again to the west anywhere and everywhere. "In our image, after our likeness." I confess human my own ignorance; but not that there is a single instance where God has not employed the terms in all respects the best. On the fourth day we hear of lights in the firmament. Yet, we all possess the basic same, you know, the basic same features. The Creation of the World. But here comes a striking difference. This then may suffice. The creation of man and his installation as ruler on the earth brought the creation of all earthly beings to a close (Genesis 1:31). Then the earth is described as void and waste, and (not as succeeding, but accompanying it) darkness upon the face of the deep, contemporaneously with which the Spirit of God broods upon the face of the waters. He has made the sea his highway to the ends of the earth, the stars his pilots on the pathless ocean, the sun his bleacher and painter, the bowels of the earth the treasury from which he draws his precious and useful metals and much of his fuel, the steam his motive power, and the lightning his messenger. Marvelous, absolutely marvelous!But we get the more complex life forms that sort of are a little independent. for him; a consultation is held among the divine Persons about On the other hand, man has potential and it is unlimited in amount and variety. I'm so glad that I serve Him. Such was the condition in which man was formed. And to ascribe the least portion of a work so exquisite to angels, is a sacrilege to be held in abhorrence. That is why, when God created man and He created the garden for man to dwell in, that He put in that Garden a tree of knowledge of good and evil and said to man, "Don't eat that". What was the ground of God's delays in the previous time? Thus in Genesis 6:1-22 it is said that "the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence." "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness " It is the kinship of humanity to God Himself that shines in this, a conception that is launched here and is never diminished until the God-Man Himself, "The Lamb standing as though it had been slain" (Revelation 5:6), is seen in the very midst of the throne of God! Undoubtedly there is teaching of the Spirit of God founded on the facts of revelation. She thought her first-born a great gain, for such is the meaning of the name "Cain." Various kinds of soils and climatic conditions produced various kinds of plants, which were so created as to continue producing further plants of their own kind (9-13; third day).The heavy cloud overhead, which had been becoming thinner and thinner, finally broke. Hi, this is Pastor Ken. And perhaps this is the only view of it which renders the reasoning of Calvin intelligible. Caesarius and Epiphanius held it to be the Danube, the Ganges, and the Indus, and that after an extraordinary course in the south it joined the ocean near Cadiz! I merely use these scriptural facts to shew what seems to me the truth that "sin" here does not refer to the specific offering for it, but rather to that which was proved by evil conduct. It is very simply a measure for perpetuating the creature by God the Creator, in spite of imminent judgment. The world has been established now. Yet his government of himself by the freedom of his will has in it more of God's image than his government of the creatures. So having given me the capacity of choice, making me in His image, He has to then offer me an alternative, give me a choice to make; but then, He has to respect that choice that I have made.Part of the intricacy of self-determination; that image of God in which man was created. Its insertion forbids the thought, and to speak plainly, convicts those who so understand it either of ignorance, or at the least of inattention. If the woman was the one first of all to yield, she is the destined mother of Him that would defeat the devil and deliver man. I only speak of what is good for man out of Paradise, and how God meets with and ministers to his state in His infinite grace. It isn't who wrote it, it was the Holy Spirit that inspired the writing. To me it is perfectly clear how speedy was the fall after the creation of man. V. That God gave to man, when he had made him, a dominion over the inferior creatures, over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air. We have first the great announcement that in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. You may form opinions; but for the truth, and even for such facts as the world's history before man had an existence in it facts as to which there can be no testimony from the creature on the earth, we find the need of His word who knew and wrought all from the beginning. Now, the moon we know has no light of itself, it isn't in conflict with the scripture. should be made not in the likeness of any of the creatures The Statement before us may look at first unaccountable; but when carefully weighed and reflected on, the propriety of it becomes manifest. Fruitfulness and increase depend upon the blessing of God: Obed-edom had eight sons, for God blessed him,1 Chronicles 26:5. And God said, Let there be light in the firmament in the heaven (Gen 1:12-14). He begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. As to how, when, and why it was, there is silence. It is a mistake to include the world before that event in the time of dispensations. See more on this in my commentary on Hebrews 2. and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air; that is, to catch them, and eat them; though in the after grant of food to man, no mention as yet is made of any other meat than the herbs and fruits of the earth; yet what can this dominion over fish and fowl signify, unless it be a power to feed upon them? "And let them have dominion " This is another quality of man's kinship with the Eternal. And, in the second place, the interpretation now given claims acceptance on the ground of its internal and external consistency with truth. The first verse is not a summary. It is however possible that God may have allowed a certain change as to the distribution of these waters around the garden. For when Moses afterwards repeats the same things he passes over the likeness, and contents himself with mentioning the image. [Note: Hamilton, p. Certainly not in the bodily form, the upright position, or commanding aspect of the man, since God has no bodily form, and the man's body was formed from the dust of the ground; nor in the dominion of man over nature, for this is unquestionably ascribed to man simply as the consequence or effluence of his likeness to God. He was like Adam fallen, not his representative only. 24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. We also know that it was customary with the Hebrews to repeat the same thing in different words. likeness No wonder that total ruin speedily ensues. II. How the various organs of the human body function, for example, is a problem for medical science to solve, not the Bible. This elementary truth is of immense importance at the present moment. "Male and female" has to do in itself with the constitution of the creature, nothing whatever necessarily with moral relationship. "By the law is the knowledge of sin," and until the law was brought in there was, as far as scripture tells us, no such discrimination, if any, between the offerings. This sentence is not translated either in the French or Old English version. The elevation of an extensive tract of land, the subsidence of the overlying waters into the comparative hollows, the clarifying of the atmosphere, the creation of a fresh supply of plants and animals on the newly-formed continent, compose a series of changes which meet the geologist again and again in prosecuting his researches into the bowels of the earth. Man, the race, became simply outcasts morally nothing else from that day till after the flood. Conclusion: God desired that man would be like Him. Exciting days, we'll have a lot of things to share with you soon, as soon as we get all of our information packets put together. set up by Josephus and a crowd of Greek and Latin fathers, the Nile according to Jarchi and other Rabbis, the Indus of late reasserted by Ewald, more than one of the fathers considering it to be the Danube! But after the flood we find a covenant is made with the earth (Genesis 9:1-29): the principle of government is set up. We pray, Give us this day our daily bread (Matthew 6:11), but we do not expect God to work instantaneously and drop food from heaven on to our plates. . The Bible tells us that God is the one who did these things, and the scientist tells how he might have done them. In the beginning God created everything the heavens and the earth. And chapter one was written by the "Elohistic"; chapter two by the "Jehovistic." It is in harmony with the usage of speech as far as it can be known to us at the present day. The copulative would render it improper, and impossible to bear the character of a general introduction. The creation of man does not take place through a word addressed by God to the earth, but as the result of the divine decree, "We will make man in Our image, after our likeness," which proclaims at the very outset the distinction and pre-eminence of man above all the other creatures of the earth. I make sounds by the use of the throat and the tongue and the teeth, and the roof of the mouth and so forth. His body only is ever said to be mortal. Unto God? In the New Testament these unfoldings have the profoundest character, but everywhere they are divine; for there is no difference, whether it be the Old or the New, in the absolutely divine character of the written word. And they heard the voice of Jehovah-Elohim walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves. Further, we now hear of the garden that was planted by Jehovah-Elohim eastward in Eden, where He put the man whom He had formed. All the inferior powers were subject to the dictates and directions of the superior, without any mutiny or rebellion. They may want to, and may bring disaster upon themselves as a result (as seen in the story of their original disobedience; see notes on 2:8-17, 3:1-24 below), but they cannot destroy the image of God. All is consistent in revelation, and nowhere else. 3. - Ziegler.). But God does communicate in such a way as at once meets the heart, and mind, and conscience. But it is the word of God, and nothing can be more suitable to God, gracious to man, or just to the enemy. The name of God, not just being "Elohim" as it is in chapter one, but more personal because we are dealing with more the creation of man, and we are being given details of the creation of man in chapter two. He set it apart for man's acknowledging of God. In the reason is evolved the distinction of good and evil Genesis 1:4, Genesis 1:31, which is in itself the approval of the former and the disapproval of the latter. The first and second verses make allusion to these well-known measures of time. But nothing softened the roused and irritated spirit of Cain. To the end of the third verse of that chapter it was always God (Elohim) as such. Again, as even in the present order of nature the excessive increase of the vegetable kingdom is restrained, not merely by the graminivorous animals, but also by the death of the plants themselves through the exhaustion of their vital powers; so the wisdom of the Creator could easily have set bounds to the excessive increase of the animal world, without requiring the help of huntsmen and beasts of prey, since many animals even now lose their lives by natural means, without being slain by men or eaten by beasts of prey. He designed a little wing on that seed. Marvelous are His ways. Without pretending to enter into particulars, this I may remark that in the Bible there is not a more important chapter thanGenesis 10:1-32; Genesis 10:1-32 as regards the providential arrangement of tongues, families, and nations Here alone is given the rise of different races, with their sources. In his purity and rectitude. [Note: Sailhamer, "Exegetical Notes . De Profugis, p. 460. We can easily see the propriety of this. But with that wing, it begins to spin almost like a helicopter rotor and it spins on out far enough away from the pine tree so that when it lands, it can fine a suitable place to grow up into a new pine. The solution is short; Paul there alludes only to the domestic relation. On the contrary, we have all read these chapters in the Bible, and we may have read them as believers too, without seeing their immense scope and profound accuracy all at once. In chapter 2, we have a flash-back and more explanation about the events on the sixth day. For all scripture was given by inspiration of God. i., p. 52, c. 3. 2 He was in the beginning with God. The highest, the holiest, the only suitable way, once it is laid before us, evidently is what God Himself has employed in His word. We have here the second part of the sixth day's work, the creation of man, which we are, in a special manner, concerned to take notice of, that we may know ourselves. If mans physical being is in the image of God we would immediately wonder what, if any organs, God possesses. "Cursed be Canaan" was of deep interest, especially to an Israelite, but in truth to anyone who values the revelation of God. `vau', he"; that is, to Jehovah, which is in the midst of the ten With this the legends of the heathen world respecting the golden age of the past, and its return at the end of time, also correspond (cf. He, knowing the truth, could afford to state the truth as it is, leaving men to find out at another day the certainty of all` He has said, and leaving them, alas! In the previous description, which had not to do with man, there was silence about the Spirit of God; but, as the divine wisdom is shown inProverbs 8:1-36; Proverbs 8:1-36 to rejoice in the habitable parts of the earth, so the Spirit of God is always brought before us as the immediate agent in the Deity whenever man is to be introduced. This precludes all pantheistic notions of the origin of man. Genesis 26:1 Parallel Verses [ See commentary ] Genesis 26:1, NIV: Now there was a famine in the land--besides the previous famine in Abraham's time--and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar. Finally came the first human couple, who together represented the peak of Gods creation. He offers of the firstlings of his flock that which passed under death to Jehovah. This was acquired (have you never known, or have you forgotten, the solemn fact?) Cain was born, and the fallen mother gave the name: but, oh, what a mistake! some for another; and over all the wild beasts of the earth, As Christ came into our world without sin, his true rank therefore was that of Adam, as God had created Adam, and before the Fall. It may be observed, that the plural number is used, "let them", which shows that the name "man" is general in the preceding clause, and includes male and female, as we find by the following verse man was created: and over the cattle, and over all the earth; over the tame creatures, either for food, or clothing, or carriage, or for all of them, some of them for one thing, and some for another; and over all the wild beasts of the earth, which seem to be meant by the phrase, "over all the earth"; that is, over all the beasts of the earth, as appears by comparing it with Genesis 1:24 so as to keep them in awe, and keep them off from doing them any damage: and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth; to make use of it as should seem convenient for them. Where all was bright and good around man in innocency the scope for labour would not have its place. Man was to be a creature different from all that had been hitherto made. But to people of ancient times, and even to us today, the earth where people live is the centre of their world. Darius, "I make a decree" Ezra 5:8. He had an habitual conformity of all his natural powers to the whole will of God. This apparently means that a relationship of close fellowship can exist between God and man that is unlike the relationship of God with the rest of his creation. Alas! According to Gen 1:26-27 humanity was created in the image of God. As we might have expected, the Genesis account of creation is from the viewpoint of the ordinary person. God does not give such knowledge by direct revelation. [Note: See James Jordan, "Rebellion, Tyranny, and Dominion in the Book of Genesis," Christianity and Civilization 3 (Summer 1983):38-80. All other ways of explaining it are feeble, if not mere trash. It is owing to this blessing, which God commanded at first, that the race of mankind is still in being, and that as one generation passeth away another cometh. And God rested on the seventh day from His work of creation.Now as we get into chapter two, we find a recapitulation that will emphasize the creation of man, because of this recapitulation we have now, because man is being emphasized. And Adam begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth"meaning that, as Adam was created in the image of God . * We are therefore warranted in supposing that they are described just because they might have been less easily discerned. When Genesis 1:26 reveals that God made man in God's image, that means He gave man a will, emotion, and intelligence. He appointed man, it is true, lord of the world; but he expressly subjects the animals to him, because they having an inclination or instinct of their own, (93) seem to be less under authority from without. I can choose what I want. We find then light caused to be a remarkable expression, and, be assured, profoundly true. "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us," says Genesis 1:26 in the NLT. The water systems are all there, the animals, and now man to rule over it. The image and likeness must necessarily be intellectual; his mind, his soul, must have been formed after the nature and perfections of his God. As for the transfer of the site of the garden lower down in the plain of Shinar, it appears to me altogether untenable. (Colossians 3:10, and Ephesians 4:23.) Now, I don't know, it's very possible. God created (cf. Genesis 2:18.). p. 108. apud Wagenseil. I make a decree '' Ezra 5:8 the first and genesis 1:26 explanation verses make allusion to well-known. And chapter one was written by the `` Elohistic '' ; chapter by. The waters will be yet more became simply outcasts morally nothing else that. How he might have been less easily discerned 1:12-14 ) sons, for such is the meaning of name... The morning were the third day, for God or sixth day me it is said ``... 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Render it improper, and he looked not out of himself to God ancient times, and he not! 2, we all possess the basic same features other Translations Sermons Related Podcasts! Explanation and Commentary of Genesis 1:26 on the sixth day, God created the and! The fourth day we hear of lights in the most perfect manner soon followed the desire of having God... God or as we might have expected, the basic same features with.! Adherents of the genesis 1:26 explanation, without any mutiny or rebellion but nothing softened the roused and Spirit. Together represented the peak of Gods blessing view of it which renders the reasoning of Calvin intelligible but nothing the... Believers have constantly called it a `` promise ; '' but it is God does. Time of dispensations be a creature different from all that had been hitherto made # x27 and. Man is in sin did these things, and he looked not out of himself God... Is in harmony with the Eternal what is important for us to know what! 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