"When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.". Now I affirm that on the face of the scriptures no candid person can deny that Exodus is professedly given as the history of the matter; Deuteronomy as a subsequent recital to the people, without the least aim at reiterating the words, which would have been the easiest thing in the world; for even these free thinkers do not pretend that the Deuteronomist did not possess Exodus. Nothing irritates me more than to have people make foolish charges against God.I was-had a young man come in when we were back over in the little chapel and he was you know, "God led me do this and God led me to do that and God led me here" and then he's, you know, "God led me out there and I almost starved to death. *Because this is such a beautiful prayer to pray for your immediate family, the people of God, or to bless others as well as yourself, I have used the plural "we/us" but you can also use the singular "I/me" while praying! All is perfect in its own place, and the imputation of self-contradiction as baseless as it is malicious and irreverent. For we must remember that the sabbath does not mean a seventh day, as some persons (I am sorry to say) equivocate; but the seventh day and no other. "The saying pleased me well, and I took twelve men of you, one of a tribe: and they turned and went up into the mountain, and came unto the valley of Eschol, and searched it out. Now therefore, hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you. 8-10. "Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Jehovah God of your fathers giveth you. Power supernatural has not the smallest value, nay, is to be shunned rigorously, if it weakens consciences as to the true God. 1. Plainly then the savage knows quite well that it is unjustifiable to steal. It is not therefore a question of how far the offerings, etc. One of the most weighty duties is not properly a moral question at all, but depends simply on the commandment of God. Who went in the way before you, to search you out a place to pitch your tents, in the fire by night, to show you by what way you should go, and the cloud by day ( Deuteronomy 1:33 ). God would "give his angels charge concerning him;" and what a fine proof it would be that He was the true Messiah, if He threw Himself down from such a height, and withal the angels preserved Him! It was only eleven days journey from Mount Sinai to Kadesh-barnea, and about the same from Kadesh to the plains of Moab where the people now were, but they had taken forty years to get there. And then comes the exhortation to beware of corrupting themselves by idolatries, by the likeness of any creature. 5; John iv. Verse Deuteronomy 1:6. Ver. The Israelites realized nothing of the kind. It seems needless to say that this is altogether short of Christianity; and as we have referred to the difference of a Jew and a Christian as to the sabbath-day and the first day of the week, so as to this. The constant stubbornness of the people was the reason why they were not allowed to enter Canaan. 4. In the harvest there is the gathering in of the good and the extinction of the evil; but the vintage knows nothing but vengeance from God. Hey, it's time to go in and begin to possess that which God has promised unto you." The law-giver sets before them the manner in which the law dealt with themselves, in one feature particularly, which he presses on them. Why should they not rejoice? To apply what now occupies us here, give me the chief, fundamental, and most salient points of Christianity, and I will show you that these are the very truths that Christians are most in danger of forgetting. It is not the death of Christ with all its solemn, however blessed, issues. Such is the principle: no sparing friends, relatives, "wife of thy bosom," could be tolerated. God said that He's not gonna deliver them into your hand" and how that they armed themselves anyhow and went up against the hill of the Amorites and were pursued by them. And in it, I must recognize that this old body of flesh, with its desires, has been crucified that it should no longer rule over me but that I now can be ruled by the spirit of God.Now Paul describes his wilderness experience in the seventh chapter of Romans as he talks about seeing the law of God, consenting that the law of God was good and determining to fulfill the law of God. If one were simply a man, one must have to do with the place and state of Adam fallen. He lost patience with them and in so doing brought Gods punishment upon himself (34-40; see Numbers 20:2-13). (f) In the second year and second month, Nu 10:11. But there never was a system that more thoroughly pandered to the evil heart of man, and gratified it in its violence against others, and in its corrupt lusts for itself, than that frightful imposture. THE CHURCH'S DANGER - to abide at the mount, to settle down into a state of apathy or simple receptivity. In Deuteronomy 5:14 is the addition, 'thine ox nor thine ass,' as well as the clause, 'that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou.' "Can you call Him Father?" Where the world or the flesh governs, the trial is not felt. Read: Deut. He did not just write Deuteronomy for the generation of Israelites about to enter the Promised Land but for later generations as well, including our generation. How good is our God, and what a witness of His grace! iii. The sermon that appears in The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, vol. The Christian is not a mere man, nor is he a Jew. None ever honoured God's word as Christ did. The book of Deuteronomy discloses it. It is no use talking about Israel: the first object is God. a. I know God will do it; I do not require to put Him to the proof. We know well that, if God made known His acts unto Israel, He made His ways known unto Moses. Once more obedience is pre-eminently the matter, and this too as delivered men once bondslaves, but now free to obey (ver. I am persuaded that above all the Christian, who has a still nearer relationship with God, is the very last person who ought to exercise a choice in self-will. [Note: C. F. Keil and Franz Delitzsch, Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament: Pentateuch, 3:284.] It is the king's mountain." What have I to ask beside? "But the Lord heard the words of your complaining, he was angry and said, "You're not to go in". In growing up as children, they weren't as aware of the hazards of the wilderness.And so Moses is sort of recounting for them. Oh, I'm getting close because I realize now I can't deliver myself. And see the land, what it is; and the people that dwelleth therein, whether they be strong or weak, few or many; 19. I do not regard this as evincing the spirit of obedience, but rather a spice of self-confidence. We know well how the family is apt to trench on generous feeling, and how it is apt to shut itself up to no more or better than a refined selfishness. There are deeper feelings in the heart than joy. 12-18; ^C Luke XIX. If the rigidly literal meaning of the phrase 'God spake these words' is not adhered to in the case of the one record, it need not in the case of the other. 21 et seqq.) If it were merely a question of man, nobody would think of choosing for another. When such a death is really before one in service, then perhaps the difficulties would be incomparably more felt; for the Lord does not call to such a course or end to gratify human nature, or to give an opportunity for glorifying man, but always for His own glory. And that which I could not do because of the weakness of my flesh I find that God has done for me and has made provision for me through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you suspect a rogue is in your employment, you may test him by marking a piece of money to see whether he steals or not: am I then going to mark something for God to see whether He will keep His word or not? What a horrible thing, what a horrible thing to say about God and against God; God hates us. The hardest thing to find now in a Christian is real intelligence about Christianity. A Summons To Advance . Moses reflected on the past mainly as Israels history stands revealed in the earlier books of the Pentateuch. There is thus a presentation of a faithful God, whose demand was for a faithful people." What shall we drink? And then he really started getting on God's case. There may be lands where everything morally is at the lowest point, and where therefore a wrong is less severely estimated than elsewhere. *. It is not to be doubted that the words cited from Deuteronomy were the very best that they were chosen according to divine perfection. And it is obvious, beloved friends, obedience depends on this that we really do what God commands us now that we are doing what is suitable to our present position and state. 10. 9. Here we see that God had a most deliberate choice in the smallest matters as well as in the greatest; but He begins with what most nearly touches His presence. There are two places noted by the name Rekam in the very bounds of the land,--to wit, the southern and eastern: that is, a double Kadesh. Yet he discourses not to them concerning military affairs, the arts and stratagems of war, but concerning their duty to God; for, if they kept themselves in his fear and favour, he would secure to them the conquest of the land: their religion would be their best policy. II. So they began the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, which Moses begins to rehearse for them in chapter two. This is then what he was pressing. And thou shalt love Jehovah thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. But in Deuteronomy the point is to centralize them all around Jehovah Himself. I pray that by Your grace, I would choose to live a victorious life that trusts Your Word, submits to Your will, and honours Your name in every eventuality of life. Did He warrant Israel to coerce Sihon with threats of vengeance or win by cajolery? John Edgar McFadyenIntroduction to the Old Testament. In comparing the allegorical Canons of Philo with those of Jewish traditionalism, we think first of all of the seven exegetical canons which are ascribed to Hillel. In the one case there was the thorough sifting and scrutiny of God with whom most? Israel's stay at the mount was good while it lasted. They came to a place, they said, "Awe my, this looks like a good place to pitch our tents". It was a question of His authority, not of that which a man might intrinsically discern. Such is the point here in the seventh chapter. This is the plain gist of the book. 24. and we have seen the sons of the Anakims there ( Deuteronomy 1:28 ). "Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover in any of thy gates, which Jehovah thy God giveth thee: but at the place which Jehovah thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover at even, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou camest forth out of Egypt. The first and introductory address of Moses to the people is here commenced. Whereas, even in God's dealings with a nation after the flesh (and such is the truth as to Israel here), there was an admirable check on man and witness of divine government, though the law made nothing perfect. With this they did not at all like to comply; and thus the same spirit which declined to go up in obedience to Jehovah refuses to go back in submission to Him. 24; 2 Cor. The broader character of the book, with its aim of bringing forward the people, and consequently the tribal divisions, rather than particular families, fully accounts for this. And mark this; that it is not only joy in the Lord, but calling others to joy (ver. It is making God less than a man; for if he could not be content without it, how much less the living God? Next follows the account of their fear before God's solemn words, their promise to obey, and the mediatorial place which the people desired and God sanctioned for Moses. He did not assume knowledge of Israels history that is independent of the biblical account nor did he recount events previously unrecorded. 5-8; 1 Cor. In the first section, i.-iv. What did not so much manifest obedience is left out, though it might have an important spiritual meaning in its place; for certainly other feasts (as the feast of atonement, for instance) had. deuteronomy 1:6 prayer points. All this then precedes another lesson. Rekam, and that Double. . Again, in Deuteronomy 5:16 two new clauses are supplied, 'and that it may go well with thee,' and 'as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.' i. p. 42, note 4.) Not at all, but His own people. 1. Hence there is a tone of exceeding seriousness, as well as of chastened affection; there is a solemnity founded on the grand dealings of a God whose faithful and holy hand was now ushering them into His land. He may not at all have understood at the moment what was working in the people; but all is told out. And he wrote them in two tables of stone, and delivered them unto me.". This is the point here, and thus we see the connection with all that has gone before. And when they had situations that were too difficult for them to handle, that Moses would handle those cases. These bear chiefly the character of logical deductions, and as such were largely applied in the Halakhah. ii. What love there was in this, if by any means he might impress obedience on the people that were just going into the land! It is exactly so here. "And thou shalt remember all the way which Jehovah thy God led thee these forty years in the wilderness, to humble thee, and to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no." maro itoje harrow house; cupid shuffle artist net worth; lakeside garden centre warminster menu It is ever the same duty of submission to God's will. Now the life of the spirit begins with the death of the old nature, the old man, which is the position that we must take by faith. They would not go up when Jehovah bid them, and when He commanded them to turn back, they wished to go forward. What we have here is not a repetition; it leads us into things secret what wrought in the people and hindered their blessing. Thou shalt sell me meat for money, that I may eat; and give me water for money, that I may drink: only I will pass through on my feet." 8-10. It is long since the oracle declared that God had given Christ the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession (Psalm 2:8). Hence the language differs most sensibly even from the joyous scene of blessing of which the feast of weeks was so redolent. "And so Moses sort of rehearses for them some of the problems that he had as God was dealing with him. In comparing the allegorical Canons of Philo with those of Jewish traditionalism, we think first of all of the seven exegetical canons which are ascribed to Hillel. For although he may allow himself a dispensation to take from others, let a man steal from him, and it will soon be seen whether he does not condemn the wrong. And they took of the fruit of the land in their hands, and brought it down unto us, and brought us word again, and said, It is a good land which Jehovah our God doth give us. The Israelites thought to settle the whole matter with God by saying, "We have sinned;" but then they proved that there was nothing settled, nothing right; because what really pleases God is this the acceptance of His good will, whatever it be. In Psalms it says, "And they limited the holy one of Israel by their unbelief" ( Psalms 78:41 ). Israel's stay at the mount was good while it lasted, There was a danger that Israel's stay at the mount might last too long, The conquest of which is commanded by God, Early in the year 1857. and all this kind of stuff.Well, it's obvious God didn't lead him. What is meant by a moral law is that which one can pronounce on from within even without a prescription from God. Nobody likes this. W. McGarveyThe Four-Fold Gospel, In the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles. (October, a.d. Jehovah their God did not make Himself visible to them by a similitude. This then is the leading truth of Deuteronomy. vi. Behold I have set the land before you,Deuteronomy 1:8; Deuteronomy 1:8. British Library, Harleian MS. 5596. And we're looking at the obstacles rather than the power of God to deliver us from those obstacles. The orders which God gave them to decamp, and proceed in their march (Deuteronomy 1:6; Deuteronomy 1:7): You have dwelt long enough in this mount. In Deuteronomy 6:1-25 we find the first of those texts which our Lord quotes. But Jesus knew God Himself as Moses never did, and by His use of it put honour on the book that makes plain how in a state of ruin the one saving principle is obedience. The discourse itself. We are also shown the astonishing patience of Jehovah, and with that which might be difficult to understand if we did not look to the moral scope of the book the destruction of the first tables, the writing out of fresh ones, and the place in which they were to be kept. "Rise ye up, take your journey, and pass over the river Arnon." Deuteronomy 28:1-14 Prayer Paraphrased - - I am blessed in the city and I`m blessed in the field! Behold, Jehovah thy God hath set the land before thee: go up and possess it, as Jehovah God of thy fathers hath said unto thee; fear not, neither be discouraged. This supposes a heart that knows God; and certainly so it is with Moses. Ye have dwelt long enough, c. Exodus 19:1-2 and left it the twentieth of the second month of the second year, so it appears they had continued there nearly a whole year. But nobody knows about the sabbath-day unless Jehovah command it. [It was now eighteen months since Jesus had visited Jerusalem, at which time he had healed the impotent man at Bethesda. Look at the way in which Jehovah treated even these enemies of Israel. 17; 1 Kings Lewis BaylyThe Practice of Piety, The Mountainous Country of Judea. "5. And as for the children of Ammon, they too had passed through similar experience. These figures Moses was inspired to give as a whole to the people, entirely apart from the question whether they were or could be carried out according to the letter while passing through the wilderness. Yet it would be hazardous to assert that it is the exact original. Because they had not a particle of confidence in God. This he tried to conceal from One, all whose ways were obedience, venturing to insinuate what a noble demonstration of His Messiahship it would be. I have called it therefore an abstract typical system; for the value of it does not at all depend on the fidelity of the people to it. "And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep and do them." Is not this very notable? (Exodus 20:1; Deuteronomy 5:22. Hence, while he fails not to show that Jehovah was with himself, and how Joshua was to displace him, he does not hesitate to set before all the story of his own shame, so to speak. I. They were about to go into the land to enjoy it; but "Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one. Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.--From the beginning of the second month of the first year of the exodus (Exodus 19:1) to the twentieth day of the second month of the second year (Numbers 10:11).This was the period of organisation, in which the people received the . So these are the words which Moses spake unto all of Israel on the side of Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea ( Deuteronomy 1:1 ). In the first section, i.-iv. It was very important, therefore, that these men judge fairly (Deuteronomy 1:17). Although there were eleven days journey before them before they would arrive at Kadesh-barnea, nevertheless, lest anything should delay the people, who were naturally but too indolent, tie stimulates them by setting before them the ease with which it might be accomplished, telling them that they had but to lift up their feet and advance, in order to attain the promised rest. By their unbelief '' ( Psalms 78:41 ) a spice of self-confidence thorough sifting and of... No use talking about Israel: Jehovah our God, whose demand was for a faithful people. situations... Stands revealed in the second year and deuteronomy 1:6 prayer points month, Nu 10:11 honoured God 's word as Christ did of... All have understood at the obstacles rather than the power of God to deliver us from those.. Is real intelligence about Christianity can pronounce on from within even without prescription! C. F. 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