16:15-22), as well as describing the events that followed the conclusion of the offerings on the Day of Atonement (cf. This will enable us to get a feel for the ceremony as a whole, before we move to an examination of its parts. 11-19 The priest was to take a goat and do with its blood for the people what he did with the bulls blood for himself. In particular, I would encourage you to read through the Book of Hebrews in the next day or two, seeking to see those ways in which Christs death surpassed the sacrifices and ministry of the Aaronic priesthood. According to Jewish tradition, Adam sinned on this day; therefore, atonement had to be set on this day. So, too, the believer is saved and sanctified through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, but the suffering, sickness and struggles resulting from sin will not be eliminated until Christs return. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. The people could never enter into this privileged place. While the rites described in Leviticus 1-15 were individual in application, the Day of Atonement described in Leviticus 16 symbolized atonement for the sins of the whole Israelite nation and was a day when the entire house of Israel fasted and rested. 7-8). The text describes what he had to do in that regard. (K) 4He is to put on the sacred linen tunic,(L) with linen undergarments next to his body; he is to tie the linen sash around him and put on the linen turban. It is most holy to the LORD (Exod. Nevertheless, the lot of the Christian is present difficulty (cf. All rights reserved. 16:16). This serves as a chronological clue, indicating that the commandments given here must have come shortly after the death of Aarons sons. Leviticus 16:29-34 and 23:26-32 and Numbers 29:7-11 present similar injunctions to observe Yom Kippur. The remaining four which are mentioned Ex. Do Those Who Commit Suicide Go To Hell? Their highest use was seen on the Day of Atonement. III. Inasmuch as the day of atonement was a day of sorrow, humiliation, and repentance, the high priest was not to be clad in his rich pontifical robes, but in the simple sacerdotal vestments which were thought to be more appropriate to this occasion. George Bush, Leviticus (Minneapolis, Klock and Klock Publishers [reprint], 1981), pp. You must never downplay your sinfulness before God. You see, the evils of our nation are those practices and pressures which constitute our world (as in, the world, the flesh, and the devil). To this day, Jews all over the world celebrate the Day of Atonement. II. 16:11 And Aaron shall bring the bullock of the sin offering, which is for himself, and shall make an atonement for himself, and for his house, and shall kill the bullock of the sin offering which is for himself: Again this is reiterated in verse 6. It is deliberately placed in the heart of the book of Leviticus, which is itself at the center of the Five Books of Moses, in order to help to . Be . 5:3-5; 7:14-25; 8:18-39). The fat of the sin offering was burned on the altar (v. 25), and the remains of the bull and the goat were taken outside the camp, where they were burned (v. 27). The possibility of these goats returning to the camp is just one more indication that this Day of Atonement was not permanent,75 and that there was a tentativeness about what was accomplished on this day. 29-31. On that day, the high priest was to perform elaborate rituals to atone for the sins of the people. ver 32; S Ex 28:42; 29:29, 30; Lev 21:10; Nu 20:26, 28, Nu 26:55, 56; 33:54; 34:13; Jos 14:2; 18:6; Jdg 20:9; Ne 10:34; Est 3:7; 9:24; Ps 22:18; Pr 16:33, S Lev 4:17; Nu 19:19; Isa 52:15; Eze 36:25, Ps 51:2; Jer 33:8; Eze 36:33; Zec 13:1; Eph 5:26, NIV, Beautiful Word Bible Journal, Galatians, Paperback, Comfort Print, NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Full-Color, Red Letter: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation, NIV, Journal the Word Bible, Double-Column, Red Letter Edition, Comfort Print: Reflect, Take Notes, or Create Art Next to Your Favorite Verses, NIV, Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible, Red Letter Edition: Bringing to Life the Ancient World of Scripture, NIV, Biblical Theology Study Bible, Comfort Print: Follow Gods Redemptive Plan as It Unfolds throughout Scripture, NIV, Verse Mapping Bible, Comfort Print: Find Connections in Scripture Using a Unique 5-Step Process. The chapter ends with the commandment that this day of atonement is to be practiced yearly, forever (16:29, 31). 71 There is a difference of opinion at to whether the altar in verse 18 is the altar of incense inside the veil or the altar of burnt offering outside. The issue is not whether or not there is physical healing in the atonement, but rather when we can expect the full manifestation of healing. Jewish tradition has it that the goat was led to a high cliff, and then pushed backward, over the precipice. Here the animals specified were domesticated animals named as the proper beasts for sacrificeox, lamb, or goat (cf. 1-2 Those who read the entire chapter will note that the only person allowed to perform the sacred rite was the high priest, who at that time was Aaron. The offering of the Day of Atonement is more extensive than the normal offering of the priest. A reminder of it was given on the first day of the seventh month, the Feast of Trumpets. The people of Israel as a congregation, vv. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The people were clean. Remember, too, that the sacrificial system was provided to atone for unintentional sins, not intentional sins. Leviticus 8-10: Religious Officials (Priests) The text moves us from the descriptions of the various offerings, and the guidelines concerning them, to the commencement of sacrificial offerings by Aaron, the high priest. 26-31; 1. (11) Aaron then entered the tent of meeting, removed his linen garments, washed, and put on his normal priestly garments, (12) The burnt offerings of rams, one for Aaron and his family and the other for the people, was now offered (v. 24). Some seem to think that ignorance is bliss. It is not true. 10:22a). One cannot help but think of the 13th chapter of Johns Gospel, where our Lord took off His garments, and stripped down to the garb of a slave, so as to cleanse His disciples. Leviticus 16:11-14 describe the purification offering that Aaron . The day of atonement as described in Leviticus 16 shows us several things: All people have sinned against the commandments of the LORD. This was the only fasting period required by the Law (Leviticus 16:29; 23:31), the Day of Atonement was a recognition of man's inability to make any atonement for his sins. Leviticus 16:19 Then he shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times, cleanse it, and consecrate it from the uncleanness of the children of Israel. forms of sin as well. 33-34). The High Priest God has provided us the Lord Jesus Christ, who has done all the work, not just to cover our sins, but to take them away. 32). The people could not come this near ever. 12He is to take a censer full of burning coals(X) from the altar before the Lord and two handfuls of finely ground fragrant incense(Y) and take them behind the curtain. Additional regulations pertaining to the feast are outlined in Leviticus 23:26-32 and Numbers 29:7-11. But this did not negate the need for certain people from the Levitical tribe to serve Gods people as mediators of sorts. (BA), 29This is to be a lasting ordinance(BB) for you: On the tenth day of the seventh month(BC) you must deny yourselves[c](BD) and not do any work(BE)whether native-born(BF) or a foreigner residing among you 30because on this day atonement will be made(BG) for you, to cleanse you. In chapter 4, the blood of the bull is sprinkled only on the horns of the altar of incense, but in chapter 16 the blood is also sprinkled on the mercy seat itself. Leviticus 16 describes atonement on many levels by many actions. Christ is vastly superior to Aaron, and to all the high priests of Israel. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Rev. Thus, he entered the Most Holy Place a second time on this special day. 28; 39). (7) The goat for slaughter, the goat of the peoples sin offering, was sacrificed, and its blood was taken into the Holy of Holies and applied to the mercy seat, as the bulls blood had been (v. 15). The majority of this chapter is given over to describing the process by which the high priest would make atonement for himself (cf. press on., In this very brief editorial response from 1897, Christian Standard commends the work of Booker T. Washington and refutes the assertion that he is a Campbellist., Contact us at cs@christianstandardmedia.com. On both these occasions (John 13 and the Day of Atonement) there is a symbolic representation of the kenosis, the setting aside of our Lords glory and splendor, so that the work of atonement could be accomplished (cf. 11:11-14) and for the people (cf. Golden Text: "He shall make an atonement for the holy place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of . Aaron did not know of Christ, but he did accept that he could not pay for his own. (BH) 31It is a day of sabbath rest, and you must deny yourselves;(BI) it is a lasting ordinance. 13 And he shall put the incense on the fire before the Lord, that the cloud of incense may cover the mercy seat that is on the . The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But a wise man is he who listens to counsel (Prov. 29-34, Introduction 11-28 Aaron himself could only draw near to God, that is to the Holy of Holies, but once a year. Uncleanness (mentioned three times in our printed text) can sometimes refer to ceremonial impurity, but here it is an equivalent to sin. So before the people could be forgiven, the one who facilitated that forgiveness for the people had to be forgiven. (8) Cleansing was then made for the holy place (v. 16), seemingly by the sprinkling of the blood of both the bull and the goat. This would thus be the only religious holiday which was characterized by mourning, fasting, and repentance. In this way, he will purify it and make it holy again from the Israelites' pollution. The day was one on which the high priest labored to the end that the peoples sins would be covered by the sacrificial blood for a years time. Moses, the author of the Pentateuch, was also the author of this psalm, in which he prayed, Thou hast placed our iniquities before Thee, Our secret sins in the light of Thy presence (Ps. For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens; who does not need daily, like those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins, and then for the sins of the people, because this He did once for all when He offered up Himself. Provisions for the Perpetuation of the Day of Atonement: Verses 32-34. When Aaron came out of the tabernacle he was to take some of the blood from his sacrifice and some of the blood from the peoples sacrifice and sprinkle it on the altar of burnt offering. I would differ. Only he could perform this function, a ritual that he had to repeat each year. Aarons sons died while in the tabernacle, specifically while they were burning incense. But when our Lord was crucified and His blood was shed for the sins of the world, the veil which formerly kept men apart from God was torn asunder, signifying that every believer has full and unlimited access to God. Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i More, Getting Spiritually Fit 1 ( Corinthians 9:24-27), Steps to Biblical Reconciliation (Luke 17:1-4; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21). 4:13-14, 27-28; 5:2-5). Bush, pp. Even more emphatic in this chapter is the fact that the Day of Atonement was provided by God to cleanse His holy dwelling place, the Tabernacle, and the holy things associated with it.76 That for which atonement is made is that with which God came in contact, that which had become defiled over the past year, due to the sins of the people and their priests: And he shall make atonement for the holy place, because of the impurities of the sons of Israel, and because of their transgressions, in regard to all their sins; and thus he shall do for the tent of meeting which abides with them in the midst of their impurities (Lev. In other words, it may be that you need to be born again, to be saved. You married men know that dreaded day as well as I do. 31 It is a sabbath of rest, and you must deny yourselves; it is a lasting ordinance. The most dreaded evil for Israel was the absence of Gods presence in the midst of the people. (AK) 19He shall sprinkle some of the blood on it with his finger seven times to cleanse it and to consecrate it from the uncleanness of the Israelites.(AL). From: Bible Treasury: Volume N3. Atonement theories abound in our day, and because of what is at stake we must do our best to understand them. The goat is a picture of Jesus: He is represented as satisfying the heart of God for us and rendering God free to love us without any restraint at all by his justice. This was a Sabbath day celebration, which meant that no work could be done (Lev. This blood was especially to be applied to the horns on the altar, and he was to do this seven times. "Yom"means "day"in Hebrew and "Kippur"comes from a root word that means "to atone." [b](U) 9Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering. 32-34), Ezra (Ezra 9), and Daniel (Dan. 13-14). They were commanded to remember this ordinance as a permanent statute, by humbling their souls (v. 29). Major People Moses Aaron Priests Major Events God gives His people instructions on how to carry out types of sacrifices (Leviticus 1-7). (2) Verses 20 and 33 speak of atonement for the Holy Place, the Tent of Meeting, and the altar. Since the altar of incense is a part of the Tent of Meeting there is no need to specify it, while there would be a need to specify the altar of burnt offering, outside the tent. A. Noordtzij, Leviticus, trans. The Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16). It is noteworthy that in this passage, the warning about offering strange incense immediately precedes reference to the Day of Atonement, just as Leviticus 16 introduces the instructions concerning the offerings by referring to the death of Nadab and Abihu, who were smitten of God for offering strange fire (cf. 11Aaron shall bring the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household,(W) and he is to slaughter the bull for his own sin offering. We gratefully rest in His finished work. Some thoughts by Burgess Walter Today, this Holy Day is called "Yom Kippur" or the "Day of Covering." It is a day when sins are confessed and the Lord's forgiveness is asked for. Library Home > Authors > William Kelly > Lectures on the Day of Atonement > Leviticus 16:11-19, The Incense and the Bullock, Part 3 (#142802) Leviticus 16:11-19, The Incense and the Bullock, Part 3. Leviticus 16:20-22 All the iniquities, all the transgressions, all the sins were placed upon the head of this goat. God said, For it is on this day that atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you; you shall be clean from all your sins before the LORD (Lev. Israel was to be a kingdom of priests (Exodus 19:6). Q. Proud member The Day of Atonement speaks to the importance of God"s forgiveness of us and was at the heart of Israel"s calendar. The Day of Atonement was known as a Sabbath, no matter what day of the week it feel on. Also known as Yom Kippur, it is the most holy, solemn day on the Jewish calendar, occurring annually on the tenth day of the seventh month (Tishri) in the Hebrew calendar. To leave the goat living, roaming about the wilderness, must have caused some uneasiness and insecurity. Since we who are New Testament believers are priests (1 Pet. Only a few days remain to complete Christian Standards annual survey designed for every Restoration Movement church (Independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ). Present similar injunctions to observe Yom Kippur events that followed the conclusion of the week it feel.! As mediators of sorts you need to be set on this special day Israel as a Sabbath of,. With the commandment that this day of atonement: Verses 32-34 of the LORD the of! Priests ( 1 Pet Ezra ( Ezra 9 ), Ezra ( Ezra 9 ) Ezra... Over the precipice Sabbath day of atonement leviticus 16:11 19 no matter what day of atonement was known as a clue... 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