Sydney 'Living' Seawalls This is associated with above-average wave heights related to Tropical Cyclone Seth and also elevated ocean water levels associated with very high tides, Mr Horton said. For Sydney its not just beach suburbs. Cheers for the knowledge Craig. At this point, the relocation business case doesn't seem to stack up. I am working on a gipa application to try and find out what community consultation they did for the second DA. This would reduce the lateral movement of sand along this stretch of beach, reducing the natural erosion while creating some great banks. I asked a mate who works at MHL this exact question. And this is on a small, weak windswell from the south-east. Ignorant clown. Can't see sand staying around with all that crazy activity. Lake that has been going on for the last 20 years. >>How can you say there is no evidence unless you have the facts to prove it? Perhaps off topic in relation to the above story but thought this video was interesting in regards to how certain structures change the amount of erosion and inundation behind structures from wave/tidal run up. That means that the Feds have all the money, the States some and the councils bugger all. Would suck if you got amalgamated into Northern Beaches council then had to pay tax for this. My parents in NZ were excited when they took out bloodymangroves at the mouth of the estuary where they lived. Such a shame its job wasn't to conserve the beach and public access at the same time. Might chat about it at some point Craig Brokensha, and anyone with deeper connections or insights, feel free to pass me their contacts and we can compare notes and research and discussion points. Sorry Peter but we can't just take you on your word for it. There's only a loss to be made for the purchases. It never stood a chance. Seawalls protect the bases of cliffs, land and buildings against erosion in areas where rapid coastal erosion is beginning to pose a serious threat to. Lindsay Fox is happy as a vegemite as he now has what he wanted all along, more real estate to land his helicopter on. Looks perfect for high tide backwash to spread up and down the beach. It's good to see some enlightened input from Brendan and Angus, both of whom have extensive experience in coastal management from planning and engineering backgrounds. Well go for them, put in your FOI requests and prove what we all suspect; that the council turned a blind eye to save themselves some money and appease a noisy minority. Over the coming fortnight there's a couple more swell forecast from the east-northeast and that'll really put the structures to the test. It's going to be carnage there this morning & yesterday afternoon even, solid 6-8ft sets on a big high, anyone heading down for a look? Most swells will have to wrap around the rock/reef headlands as well as cape Otway before this and nicely wrap the swell into the bays and our coast has been shaped like this for however thousands of years so it is used to it, and this is what us humans observe as the normal state of the beaches as they are quite predictable and dont change much around here. !.Basic, crude, primitive, a fcukn disgrace and no regard for the beauty of the areajust shit!.Year 7 school project standard. Thanks, Lilas, I agree with there being challenges inherent in generalising, but I'm going to resist the temptation to take our shared pedantry down the rabbit hole this time! Probably not council's fault then, happy to blame the owners! It just doesn't make the engineering firms any money or contribute to gross state product under the current economic system. We took the easy way, down towards the ocean and along on the back of the dune. The politicians and land owners actions are an entirely separate discussion and I'm not entering into that minefield! And ALL received in a 3 day period 17-19 July 2017. Honestly he might be correct based on the Manly erosion hahhaa. 42 online submissions ALL supporting the wall but many seem to think it would be a sloping rock construction. Zen interested how Japan just keeps dropping those big Tetrapods anywhere there is coastal erosionlost a lot of surf effective do you think they actually are against erosion? IT WILL NOT FUCKN WORK YA FLOGS.. 5/6 NE SWELL NOW.. a proper ECL .. will destroy it .. this frustrates me .. As a result, if the sea erodes the shoreline (and the tidal level moves inland) it encroaches upon land once part of someone's private land title. Picture: Nearmap A subsequent image of Collaroy Beach from June 8, 2016. development, carparks & roads behind the hind dunes leading to biketracks, walkways, supporting the community including Although ill be constantly monitoring the situation and around at cathedral the beach profile has certainly been getting steeper. Another week, another pumping day in the south-west of France. It's important to also recognise, the wall is entirely on private land. Ben, yes there are submarine cables and the protection zone is there to prevent damage to the cables, but I don't think that would preclude construction of reefs, it just means that any proposed reef design/construction would have to be in consultation with the cable authorities. In Apollo bay there is an area at Marengo where they just tip $1/2 m's worth of sand a year ..there was a report about having to spend $3b to make big bridges and raised roads. Shit.That looks like they are preparing for an invasion. Northern Beaches councils have been sacked for dodgy dealing twice before. Hows the Seawall holding up? I find the whole thing fascinating, I had guys from the council to my face tell me of a future with 52 day heatwaves & in the same breath tell me of being concerened about extreme cyclones & erosion. "We haven't had a flood here for 20 years you say. Caveat emptor..buyer beware. Our services included: Pre-Work Detail Survey for existing surface levels at design chainages. Which is why Ill correct you and call it the Manly Hydraulics Laboratory. Man, that'd get old real quick, happy to pass. Futile. Mind you theyve only been around for a year. My 2c on the buy back scheme - NB Council won't have 50+ million sitting around to buy them all back at once (and NSW Gov wouldn't be in a hurry to give them the rest) so they'd have to do it say a couple per year, but at the same time, that leaves the others who can't be bought back vulnerable and at risk of further destruction if another mega storm decides to show up, which in the current climate you'd have to think is pretty likely. That ABC article is spot on when it comes to waterfront properties. A quick Google informs me that they are part of the State government, either Planning or Public Works, which was news to me because its mainly staffed by UNSW academics and is associated with the uni as a research centre. For example, during sunny conditions in Collaroy beach, constructive waves transport eroded sediments from cliffs and headlands to build up the beach. Completely agree that not all beach owners are cashed up pricks. That's assuming the properties are still worth something to the market. Sorry to sound pedantic but we should clarify exactly what we mean by "Hard Structures" as it's too general a term. How's that space travel and trip to MARS coming along, you blokes? The very thing we live for one the beaches is full of concrete and man made fuck ups. nothings going to stop him on his daily dip. Most of these dunes have been heavily impacted by the La Nia easterlies over the last 2 years causing several car parks next to the beaches to be roped off. A concrete seawall designed to stop coastal erosion is being built from Collaroy to South Narrabeen on Sydney's northern beaches. If the houses go, the road goes shortly after. "The community is not happy." Northern Beaches Council said there had been comprehensive community consultation about the council's coastal zone management plan for Collaroy Beach. It's like companies using buybacks in a crisis. The people responsible for awarding the contracts get huge kickbacks. I'm a huge tree-hugger but they will not stop powerfull ocean waves. What insanity! It's a travesty in so many ways and a very poor precedent for other parts of the coast which will be deemed vulnerable to sea level rise. Rather than a natural ebb and flow of wave energy, a hard structure increases reflective energy and turbulence, making it difficult for sand to settle and accrete. On the release of his latest edit, R-Cal chats to Swellnet about love and other acrobatics. In the end it's all pretty simple though, as most beach erosion of consequence is caused by large/powerful waves. Mr Horton said current conditions have exposed a temporary rock bund that was put in place to protect the construction site, but it will be removed when works are complete. So whats your thoughts about using tax payers $'s to buy back endangered properties from natural erosion and as I asked Zen.are there any solutions other than just moving people property back from the Coast? Thats tens of thousands of homes). Further to the north, sand that was built up in front of properties has been scoured away leaving an eight foot drop-off. From their perspective building the wall before further erosion took place and moved closer to the road was another advantage as was disregarding the impact on the beach for a potentially more permanent solution. To my way of thinking, and with a working understanding of government process, the real issue is the approval process. My NSW water buddy says MHL are coyboys. This is not a defence of the structure or the owners, just recognition that the protection of the main north south artery on the northern beaches was a factor. Taxpayers pay millions of dollars on a asset that will require '000s thousands if not millions of dollars in annual maintenance to protect the value of a tiny handful of multi-million dollar properties owned by multi-millionaires who thought nothing of buying a property directly on a beach for a solution that only kicks the can down or up the coastline for some one one else to deal with. Seawall construction isn't mentioned. 2)How much did the Collaroy Carpark Coastal Protection works cost? It's folly to believe you can hold back the Pacific. Step 5: Construct the Seawall. Spot on tango. In the Doc below, They advised to do more Numerical modeling [Physics simulations] to be sure of the walls effect. The properties were bought in good faith, said one local who wished to remain anonymous, and the owners must feel an obligation for the authorities to protect them, but a seawall is last century thinking.. The finished work is 100 metres long by 13 metres high. Hi Craig, the short answer is I'm not sure as I have been out of NSW too long. I think they saw an opportunity to get landowners to pay for something that they would very likely have to do at some point anyway. I assume this would all depend on the power of the state government/council etc to cap buyback prices, similar to land buybacks for roads, airports etc. and the second last line of your article states- "There's no sense at all in building something like this from an engineering perspective. Angus Gordon, an engineer with fifty years experience in coastal engineering, assumed the same. The fucking vandals bulldozed down one of the last remnants of coastal heath to get their heavy equipment in. People need to be absolutely on top of the approval process in their local area if they want to have a hope of preventing these structures. I think the wall is actually a good warning of exactly what governments mean by "adaptation and mitigation"..expensive projects for the construction industry rather than sound ecological management. One thing about mankind. Willi, how would easterlies impact the Great Ocean Road coast? Guess where that temporary rock wall has ended up! I first noticed them when I went to Nijjima island in the early 90's and asked what were they reply was to protect the land from erosion.they actually had the moulds for the TP's there and just kept making them when needed.. But, I think its just basically supply and demand. There is currently an online petition to stop it extending to the Marquees. There is a common denominator here, "Coastal" engineers with a lack of knowledge and understanding of coastal processes. Adjacent a second wall constructed just to the north, the half finished revetment was torn to rubble with dangerous rebar, boulders and cement being washed into the surf zone. Confirming that they were involved in the initial design only. Furthermore they have facilitated an increase of erosion to adjacent beaches. Not much wriggle room for negotiation, and in a volatile market owners are more liable to be offered (and it's an offer they can't refuse) recompense that sits at the lower end of the scale. Really interesting [and sad] to see this story progress in real-time. @dawnperiscope Collaroy has a long history of property erosion, yet a century after it was first documented theres no consensus about how it should be managed. Super difficult problem, maybe councils could buy beachfronts then lease back the properties. I tear up and swear to myself. Also any factual statements need reference links to scientific papers backing them up if they are to be taken seriously So would you like to inform me as to WHO designed this monstrosity if it wasn't an Engineer? Cheers. High rise apartment buildings demolished when they realised it was the most cost effective and environmentally sound long term solution. I will try and find some pics of my area. The council will be the lone 'interest'. In blustery, unfavourable conditions, people began lining up at 4.00pm Saturday afternoon (27 November) between Collaroy and Narrabeen to form a 'line in the sand' against the seawall's construction. Both Donohoe and Gorden were correct, up to a point: The construction began with concrete piles sunk six metres below sea level, protected by a rock toe. I get informed about a proposed bike lane two suburbs away, questions an aghast Donohoe, but I hear nothing about construction abutting a nearby public beach?, Gordon was equally puzzled: I guess people become frustrated with the bureaucratic process and find ways of not involving the public. Rd: 7th Oct. 1912: c041070001: 1912: Z/SP/C25/1a: Collaroy Park Estate Narrabeen: No boundaries shown: 7th Oct. 1912: c041070002 [1915] Z/SP/C25/2 [plan of Collaroy] Government Rd, Sea View Pde, Collaroy Ave, Main Pittwater Rd, Jenkins Pde, Beach Rd . A development application (DA) before Northern Beaches Council would see two additional sections of vertical wall built 50 and 30 metres in length straddling the South Narrabeen Surf Club. Given Council has already completed protection works on public land, and there's been a lot of talk about the owners' seawall, understanding all the facts is important. Dates announced for Spencer Frost and Guy Williment's film shot in Russia's far east. The concern about the seawall stems from the dynamic nature of sand dunes and how introducing a hard structure onto the foredune interferes with the natural state of flux. I looked into this again yesterday. San Sebastian surfers are fighting a wavepool in their hometown, which is also the hometown of Wavegarden's founder. The engineers would have likely argued against this for the reasons given above (and then some). there is no excuse for purchasing a property on the beach in the last 30 years let alone 5 without an inkling of understanding of the risks. The also don't grow in sand so they won't be of any use to prevent coastal erosion on our open-ocean beaches. The obvious one is disaster relief which will be a given in the medium to long term for the repair of the wall and its impacts to adjacent beaches. Some family recently went through this as their house sat above the construction zone for the Spit / Northern Beaches Link tunnel. "Brendan Donohue, President of Surfrider Northern Beaches, has been talking to us about their famous Line in the Sand protest against the Collaroy/Narrabeen Seawall 18 years ago and we are very excited to replicate that campaign on the Central Coast in the not-too-distant future," Phillips said. Am I missing something with the job title there? This strategy had been used in other parts of the world where poor planning placed buildings too close to the ocean. Yep. (9News) But the structure has divided locals, with many describing it as an eyesore, and there are concerns it may wipe out the beach entirely. It also enshrines a process of community consultation before a council adopts any coastal programs. The main issue is that the cables are protected in whatever is proposed. I dare say the neighbours are on notice too. "community engagement", and my personal favourite "building resilience". For me, the value of these properties is in the negatives and at the very least, its a big fat round calamari. Not to mention the many brutalist houses dotting its once beautiful headlands. The works to protect private homes is being 80% funded by private owners, with Council and the NSW Government contributing 10% each. Will this mean sand depletion north and a build up south? And it was created many years ago when coastal property was much lower in value and the bang for buck was much higher. All of Ramsgate, Brighton, Kyeemagh, Dolls Point, Scarborough Park and lots more will be underwater in 50 or 100 years time. There are many software suits now that can handle very complex near-shore modeling, including sediment transport from wave and current action. Yeah nah. I'm invested now, and want to know the latest. If they approached the landowners then the most they would be offered is market value. Take a chill-pill mate, or possibly the whole packet as it appears you need them. A shame too, as it would probably be a good strategy. If they are falling into the ocean or they require extensive works or continual maintenance, then what is the market value? Though they were quick to remove signs only recently erected on the beach.. To be replaced with signs "Collaroy artificial reef project 2023", This is a glimpse of what a beach could be; following sensible Council planning; (post storms in 1974) eg. Both Brendan Donohoe and Angus Gordon, and other people Swellnet spoke to, admit to being blindsided by the construction. when roads and buildings are about to fall into the sea. And more recently there was a local magazine piece discussing future sea level rises and the Noosa beach rock wall not being able to contain that, plus the homes along the Sunshine Beach to Peregian Beach stretch being at future risk, and councils would be needing to address that. No more excuses for your terrible workmanship anymore. They aint getting crushed. Re: "I don't think that would preclude construction of reefs". And thats being generous. Just take the hit cost wise now and return the area to something close to its previous natural state. Death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Those first couple of staircases looked fucked. Having said that, nature usually finds a way to overcome most "permanent" human structures, and they often seem to forget that the wall isn't continuous.yet. The protest was backed by the growing greens movement at the time and successfully pressured the then Warringah Council to knock back the protective walls. I avoid it because I dont think anyone truly is except for a small % of big players who manipulate the market (or act like the house) and the rest just ride the peaks and troughs. Make his name famous: Peter Horton. The local community group has been protesting against a seawall for almost 30 years. Also, it's a not so secret secret, anyone who speaks out about this have been known to disappear. Climate projections will have some Australian surfers rejoicing, and others not so. Holds more water and replenish the beach? This widely publicized protest was an attempt to promote a pro-democracy, civil liberty, social justice message, and to protest against corporate greed and economic inequality. Proven time and time and time again that sea walls do not work- period. Surf Breaks Inc. Coming to a beach near you ! Shop unique custom made Canvas Prints, Framed Prints, Posters, Tapestries, and more. In 2002, about 3000 people took to the beach to protest a planned sea wall, concerned it could destroy the beach. A seven-metre high wall erected to protect beachside mansions from being washed away has sparked debate among locals in a wealthy Sydney suburb. The Collaroy Beach coastline on May 6, 2016 before major storms swept the shoreline. First red light! Such a shame. Therefore, the group of Narrabeen and Collaroy residents are not successful in addressing the issue of coastal erosion. The most notable benefit of sea walls is that they provide excellent protection against coastal erosion and flooding. Lol. The sooner we (as humans) acknowledge the nature of nature, and work with it instead of against it, the better for everybody. [Just like in Hawaii] Some interesting papers about building seawalls and the effect it has on risk perception in the post Tsunami context in Japan: Littlejohn (2020) "Dividing worlds tsunamis, seawalls, and ontological politics in Northeast Japan" Here is the DA for the wall. Locate courts, tribunals and offices. So they all get their own private beach access. I don't disagree with most of that. They have just invested in an asset that requires 60 years of maintenance. Here's also the appendices and figures etc: Yeah, cheers I've been through them as well. @Craig - Seem us humans have been doing dumb shit for quite a while now. Normally large swells from the SW have very little affect on the beaches around here because the great ocean rd is comprised of Rocky headland after headland. Council and State Government contribute 10% each. Building a vertical [with over-top] wall is about as insane a design as you can get, as stated and proven by all the intelligent people on this forum. Those properties are the responsibility of the owners. GCCC's approach protects both private property and public beach amenity without any visible structures on the beach. Collaroy Stormwater Pipe Outlet Should this critical lens be applied to other topics such as the Coolum wavepool? When a hard structure is introduced to the equation we see an increase in reflective energy andturbulence, slowing the accretion of sandwhile also acceleratingerosion in storm conditions. Perhaps at best, the council acquires the land and owners get a sum to relocate to a 'normal' house west of Pittwater Road (god forbid). Collaroy's existing situation is precarious at best. Newiie Harbour was pumping. I recently tested an Open-Source Wave modeling software called "Celeris" and the result are really good although I didn't go too in-depth with it. Have you done a study already? >>Is that because he has been paid already?? that concrete is a lovely blank canvas for some choice words. Initial reports claim Marcio Friere wasn't wearing an inflatable vest when he was held down in large waves. My comment was maybe too obscure but was meant to be sarcastic. It will improve beach access. It is possible that this is part of the Silverback's Seachange pork barrel rollout. Seems from my research, we have actually made a lot of progress towards physics-based numerical modeling of near-shore/beach environments in the last 20 years or so. High rises to sea walls. A bit like asking journos writing about climate change to include references scientific papers talking about how CO2 is a greenhouse gas. processes currently-exported iron ore, bauxite, and alumina into green. Can't understand why more engineering research isn't focused on solutions further out in the water to dissipate the swell energy before it reaches the shore at full speed. 5 min [P] Call of the Wild skinny dip at yer local Sea-Walljust doing wot comes natural! Well now we know who is responsible for this debacle. Alas this would have meant some loss / damage to private property. OMG!!! walkways to viewing platforms & beaches, selective weed management, planting, education, etc), Give nature a chance, it will rebound & stabilise dunes or else find a new equilibrium.< inland. as the article states coastal erosion has been known since the 20s in that area and has been studied meticulously ever since. Mentioned in a previous article (linked below) - the region hosts submarine cables, so it's part of the Northern Sydney Protection Zone. They have destroyed every built form on the beaches. Pre-existing or failing seawalls (if any) should be removed as part of Step 2. Te Puna Aonui is the joint venture of government agencies that will deliver Te Aorerekura. The track became a road. The National Library of Australia's Copies Direct service lets you purchase higher quality, larger sized photocopies or electronic copies of newspapers pages. Installing the Pilings is the fourth step. Thanks BB. The Collaroy Beach coastline on May 6, 2016 before major storms swept the shoreline. Unlike politicians, scientists are usually very open with sharing their knowledge and data, to help inform the public. This is where I live. The only place for a residence next to Narrabeen Beach was up on the headland. Amongst other things, it is illegal to "establish, maintain or use a spoil ground or other ocean disposal point (including dumping materials at sea)". Look at offshore reefs around all the pacific islands. That's so shithouse I don't know where to start, Zen. Highly unlikely! gsco, I'd have thought that the first hurdle for any enhancement - besides the environmental impacts - would be the issue of access and whether the investment creates something with the most benefit for the most people. Im sure Fraser Island will give some back.. Heard rumours that the Wamberal Seawall has got green light hopefully the central coast council read this article. Bean counters at the local council know this too. They have just completed digging out a new path for the river to follow with excavators and every day Id watch the next morning after high tide their progress would seem effortless and the river would tend to follow the old direction. The NB has always excelled at extreme ugliness. But unlike a rock revetment at Stockton, which gradually collapses into the beach, Collaroy's sheer concrete wall relies on deep foundations to stabilise it. Would be interesting to know the depth as it goes out to sea as well as that gives options for offshore reefs to dissipate the wave energy, therefor preventing erosion. Large waves have a lot of energy and must be forced to break further out to sea to dissipate the energy before reaching the sand shoreline. The Local Government Act allows the council to set a special rate to pay for that. Moreover, the current DA makes no mention of sand nourishment from sand sourced elsewhere, such as deeper water offshore. The Collaroy seawall was in part constructed after a significant storm event in 2016 eroded 50 metres along the Narrabeen and Collaroy shoreline, causing damage to waterside properties. The seawall is probably built over them. This is an example of the walls theyve been placing. I imagine the ocean will eventually claw away under and around and over the structure. At the same time it would put an end to the constant dredging and relocating of sand from Narrabeen Im just saying its a difficult issue, beachwall terrible and if its sets a precedent huge chunks of the coast stuffed. My understanding is that the hard seawall was constructed with the specific intention to protect the private property behind the wall. There isnt much fetch so its only ever weak 1-4ft tops of onshore wave after wave onslaught, this a particular problem at high tide caus most bays and points usually go flat at high tide but under an easterly scenario the easterly windswell pushes right up to the dunes, and easterly swells require lots of wind and from what Ive read on swellnet these large storms if the pressure is low enough will raise sea levels higher than normal. 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Sebastian surfers are fighting a wavepool in their hometown, which is also the hometown Wavegarden...
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