There are many methods of stabilizing pea gravel. Do I just mortar the joints nice & tight and call it a day. I use, and recommend a stone dust joint, for dry laid flagstone applications. 22 Reviews. If it means re-grading a bit of yard, or installing a step. Would you do a combination something? We decided on pea gravel as a less cost interim before we could afford brick or slate for our back patio area. This falls under the no cement at all in a dry laid patio rule. Can I use polymeric sand to fill in the gap or decomposed granite? Results may varypolymeric sand is not always easy to fix.. Thank you. The location is climate type 9b, Northern California. We had flagstones placed in our outdoor shower about 5 years ago. dockelly | Apr 10, 2009 08:39pm | #8. Its 3/8 in size, and says with finesthats what you need. If you just have sand in.and no road base gravelthen absolutely, take up the flagstone and do it all over. Pea gravel walkways are relatively low maintenance. Like 1 and a half feet wide would do itget all the way down to only one foot wide (surface area) at that thin, and it will wobble. or mortar, in your case. Worse, ants love it. Rounded is not going to be very sturdybecause its rounded. Larger than half an inch= more likely to crack. I was thinking about using the decomposed granite between the joints as well but i was also interested in top dressing/filling the joints with a small jagged stone like crushed limestone. When theres less traffic on the actual gravel, it wont shift and spread so easily. I live in Seattle, and Im installing a flagstone pathway in my lawn. My concern is two fold. Thanks! The next step is to install the base. We didn't try to stabilize it, but what we did do is to put down flagstones in the pathways. In cases of larger gaps like that, Ive had good experiences using: -larger 1-2 river rock. Not sure DG would drain properly with the cement base. This site is a great service. These stones will reduce the amount of traffic on the actual pea gravel. Thanks. You mix it with the fines and sweep into the cracks, moisten. You could spray Acetic acid (vinegar) into the stone joints, deterring weed growth. You can make plastic from plants.and that may be less toxic and better for our eco system, than petrol-plastic. Only now did I realize that I neglect to answer. | Paver Base Panel vs. Gravel For Patio Base | Patio Ideas On A Budget. And just fill the joints wit local soil. You have the right idea about creating a good wholesome and fun place to be with family and friends. 3. has plenty of options, along with info to help you decide which to go with. Weve been building an Idaho quartz stone (2.5 d medium & smaller size flag stones) patio. Flagstones tend to be larger (2x3 or 3x3), mixed with some smaller units (1x1 or 1x3). One of the beautiful things about dry laid patios is that the foundation can withstand freeze and thaw without cracking like concrete will. I plan to do a flagstone patio. Use too much water and the binder, an acrylic glue, washes out and leaves a nasty haze all over your carefully laid flagstone. Im in the process of laying flagstone over an existing sidewalk. If you live somewhere with winters, then it will crack up faster. Devin-Way to go! Hey Devin- I too want to thank you for promoting not putting plastic into the environment! More info: Taking care of your stone patio, A flagstone patios joints can never be truly flush with the top of the stone. Is this stone in question local, or otherwise desireable to you? Thank you for the responses. My paver patio, installed by a previous owner, had no base at all. And Ive had to repair and replace many such patios.same effect happens when someone decides to cement together the cap of a dry stone wall. Fine, it probably wont make it very slippery and probably wont alter its appearance all THAT much. Where do you buy the screenings? For the most part the patio is sunken 1 inch compared to the barrier strip. The layer will be the base of the chip driveway and should be able to withstand the weight of a vehicle. I a, not sure what or how the original owners did the flagstone patio. if yes, how do i make it firm permanently, such that i can have basketball tiles placed on that surface. Are you trying to get a close match for the new mortar, color-wise? So IDK, rip out that old drain, and install your new drain correctly. thanks. Its kind of silly but often people have screenings/breeze/DG all over their flagstones for the simple reason that they insisted on filling the joints in between the stones all the way to the tippy top. I think you use what you have available. If it is a shady area around your patio you could encourage Moss to grow there and let the most take over so weeds cant grow. This can wreck the flat surface you are making. But sand wont help and if you do not want to do it proper to begin withthen what you already have is probably fine. Maybe poly sand for the edge stones and dust for the rest? To solve this issue, apply WD-40 after wiping off the bottom of the tamper. Any ideas? Use a roller to compact the gravel, which also helps with stability. Just finished laying a patio of large natural stone2-4 thick in a shaded area. As such, I wouldnt really consider a dry lay option on top of old concrete unless the customer very much wanted it, and unless the flagstone itself were going to have a really tight fitting joints for example if it was going to be a pattern cut, square and rectangular flagstones with minimal joints then, if the walkway is pitched strong enough there really is not much way for a very much in order to get down there in the first place. You are so kind to answer so quickly and for the method link. For more information, please see our But when I see this happening on other jobs, its always one of two issues, or both: 1. Set aside ample time for the project, haste makes waste. Hey, I just remembered, d-limonene (an extract of orange peels, and an all natural solvent) happens to be something that you need to be careful around plastics with, as it may dissolve them. Where do you buy your screenings in Pennsylvania? Secondly, never been afraid of a little work!! It is not a plastic based material, it is from psyllium husks. Well I understand that the stones may be too small. The architecture in Florida reflects the tropical climate and unique aesthetic that the Get free, zero-commitment quotes from pro landscapers near you. There was a language barrier with the installers, they were from Brazil. Use a leaf blower on a low setting to remove small bits of screenings that havent settled all the way in yet. And, if so, is there a way to do this so you dont see the border material for the finished project? Another method is to simply pour boiling water on the unwanted plants. Mind you, 2 is kind of thick for a stone dust bed and if youre joints are on the large side.and if you got an absurd amount of rain.but it still sounds funny to me. Didnt like the sound of the poly sand. A soupy mortar is a weak mortar. I have two areas to fix. It's pretty thick, so it's really helpful to have two people mix it. Now practical not always my middle name, I was thinking creativity. Thanks, I added your sculpture to my Facebook timeline nice work! Stone dust, for life. If a project interests me I can be convinced to travel. To preserve the path's beauty, simply rake over the stones regularly to keep the surface even and level. I love the back and forth in the comments section. If my advice is at all helpful, then please share my stuff on social media. I did find limestone screenings on this website: Are your joints too wide? I appreciate the advice. Heres an article about removing and replacing the stone dust in-between your flagstone. You can do it. The two terms are often used interchangeably, but the two products should not be used interchangeably. . A little bit more than you think it needs. Desperately need advice for how to improve curb appeal. You may get away with 2 or 4 inch jointsbut it will work better with stones fit more tightly than that. I have travertine pavers going down on a dry set base. Or 1/4 inch minus gravelof all the synonyms used so far in this article and in the comments, youre the first to bring up 1/4 minus gravel. 2023 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved. I live in mid-state NJ and had a 17x30 ft. bluestone patio installed over a previously existing concrete patio base. Very informative articles. Repair the flagstone. I imagine theyre not all entrances to the colony, they are just cast-off from their digging. We have paver sand i the joints now. We have to install the permeable pavers because it was required by the city. Sweeping sand into the joints is one way to go about the article, for other suggestions , Or, check out this great article here: ", Here is a link that might be useful: Stabilizer Solution. Thank you Devin for this, preparing to put in quartz flags in Colorado over clay soil, gravel base, love this long term solution you provide with decomposed granite for leveling and filler. I had been tempted to use polymeric sand, but plan not to use it now. Voles, moles, or mice were causing the damage. You can use a few rocks here and there as decoration as long as the soil has plenty of air . Perhaps the stone dust/screenings in your area are different then what I have access to. Thank you. The one inch gap for pattern-cut or rectilinear flagstone.thats what I used to always do with a wet laid job. My stepdad used to buy something called tufa that he would put on paths to the horse barn to keep them from getting muddy. If the patio is dry laid, on a sand/gravel or stone dust foundation..then theres should not be anything portland cement based in the joints. This mix is damp enough that it clumps together without needing to be smooshed together with the trowelbut just barely: What do you recommend for replacing the grout? I have been thinking of taking the pressure washer and blasting out all the soil, and replacing it with screening i think it will look better, and am hoping it will stay clean longer. An inch of slope per four feet is right, water should flow. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Your email address will not be published. How old is your patio? Also, in your article about using gravel, can you use AB3 or Crusher Run? Absolutely. Place the pea gravel on top of the concrete mix and level it out with the trowel. I have old flagstone with sand in between. Very useful information. It became the neighborhood cat litter box yuck! Pea gravel is highly desirable as it is versatile and cost-effective. Are the stones too small, I mean, maybe hes thinking to glue the stones down with the cement? Please and thank you, Freddi. Fact is that you simply can not use polymeric sand as a replacement for taking your time and doing the job right. So my answer involves work. 2. Actually both sweeping and hosing results in joint material all over the stone surface, and of course the joints then become less level than the stone surface as the breeze gets swept or washed out. Most solvents that will actually remove it will probably also stain the pavers anew, so theyre out. Problem. Therefore, be aware of the possibility of water running off to the edges and plan accordingly. Does this sound like an acceptable solution? Yes, the material I saw at the quarry very close to my house was just the very fine dust. Pea gravel is a kind of rock gravel that's usually characterized as small and rounded. Surrounded by retaining wallsso the patio is below grade, and a drain of some type is necessary. Theres also some mention of stabilized decomposed granite. How big are the gaps between the flagstones? I wouldnt use sand, as its more likely to settle or wash away. Last year, I installed the landscape fieldstone for a courtyard but after an injury, had to stop before completing. Now about weedswhat can I say? Do not use polymeric sand with flagstone. How to screen this back porch? Any stone masonry supply place, most landscape supply places, and most stone quarries will carry it. Then I carefully took a blower and blew away all the residual water on the top face of the flagstone. I only need a small quantity/bag? Wondering if you might have a quick second to let me know your thoughts on a recent dilemma. Every time it rains, screening from my joints splatters into my stone and patio furniture. On occasions when I have wanted red for in-between the flagstones, Ive just used grey for leveling, and purchased a smaller amount of the red. Encourage moss to grow there. Its liquid plastic, alright. If it deteriorates, it can always be supplemented with the traditional fine sand to insure the strength and stability of the pavement. Also, no to weed barrier? If its built upon concrete, then it should be repaired with mortar. It seemed to work pretty well. One questionwould mortar work better than poly sand? He gave me samples of two kinds of much smaller type stone to mix with the pea gravel to see if that would solve it. Lots sell stone dust which is grey. Do a proper foundation, use real stone not pavers, pitch it 1/4 per foot, forget about poly sand and forget about sealing. This stuff is the type of stuff Im talking about. I do not recommend paver setits basically polymeric sand, and I do not like polymeric sand with flagstone. Wait a minutethis cavity is 18 inches deep? Id prefer to NOT use itbut, i also dont want my son dragging infinesin his shoes and adding more character to our inside floors.So, if i go Screenings insteadplease let me know if you feel this is a good materials plan: 225sq.ft @ 4 fines/3/4 gravel base= 5.5 tons of fines/gravel base (Then, if i have stones from 3/4 2 thick variancehow much do you recommend in screenings for 225 sq.ft?I appreciate all your insight and feedback. I also have a pea gravel area (about 20X20') that I want to stabilize. Thank you. Also on my jobs the joints are maybe an inch wide, or less.Ive seen other hardscapes where the flagstones have 3 gaps between themtry keeping anything in there. You excavate the desired area for your walkway or driveway to about one inch and fill it to the top with pea gravel. Only time cement is used in the joint material is if the patio has a proper concrete foundation. Stone thicknesses range from 1 1/4 2 1/4. Permeable pavers also provide stability while maintaining permeability. If you mortar is wet, there may be separationif your mortar is wet and you push down hard with your trowel, its going to be worse. 8-12 of compacted 21AA limestone (well compacted), decomposed granite and then filled the joints with decomposed granite. Btw I am also in NEPA. Additionally, the stabilization method will depend on what your final product is going to be. The first option that I gave will not keep 100 percent of the gravel in placebut most of it, yesand if you remember to use modified gravel, gravel with smaller chips and stone dust in it, then it should feel pretty sturdy underfoot. The steps are currently on cinderblocks. I researched the heck out of polymeric sand, and tested out three different kinds. Your email address will not be published. First off, thank you for giving your location! However, it may be fine for DIY purposes. I dry laid the flagstone (on a 4-inch compacted base of 5/8th minus gravel with a 1 inch layer of 1/4 minus gravel that the stone was set on top of). Now, my joints were set tight, maybe half inch widewider joints than that might be an issue. Then, Id fill the joints in with stone dust.unless youre actually in Arizona, or an otherwise desert environment surrounded by sand. Other times Ive considered dry laying on top of existing concrete because the existing concrete was in bad repair. I am planning to level the ground and place landscaping cloth below crushing and lay stone tiles. In the shady area moss will grow in the screenings, in the sunny area, maybe not so much. We got heavy rain and its very wet and now some of the stones move and are sloshing around in the stone dust there are no pools of water but its really soft and the lots of the stones move and almost slosh down when stepped on. They get slippery. I don't know if it is chemically dog friendly. Screenings, unlike polymeric sand, will indeed settle over time,howeverand that is a good thing! Resulted in ugly haze. Either fulling the joints with soil and seeding, or, during the excavtion Ill carefully remove the sodthe grass itself plus 2 of soil and roots along with it. Do you know if one can expect the haze to slowly fade away over time? Also can I expect your comment via email or simply on this site? Alas, Ive been a bit busy with tentacles and planetoids, and also with helping DIY enthusiasts with their own projects. Soil then, comes in many types: Hummus, sand, silt, clay, gravel. Would love to find a sub-contractor to just do the work but two months of trying hasnt produced anyone. Leave small joints, like 1/4. . You will likely need to repeat applying a binder every 6 to 8 years. Your thoughts please? Thank you for your expert advice make perfect sense! The joint however stays you have a hollow void, either underneath the stone, or just beneath the joint. Shove some stuff under there. I am located near Blakeslee and want to get quality screenings for my flagstone project. Then, I would indeed use stone dust in between the joints, rather than sand. We just moved in a year ago. If you want individual advice beyond that, I also offer phone consultations! Sure. I was thinking about trying a 4' wide path going back to the horse barn. This is in New Jersey by the way. Fact is I need to build a demonstration, a small flagstone patio, and bind it up with a psyllium based aggregate stabilizer. Add another substrate like sand, dry cement (not concrete), stone dust. Or you could look into planting some sort of ground cover like a creeping thyme or something. I wonder if you could mix something like that in with your gravel? Make sure to take the proper steps when first installing the pea gravel. Stones will stay in place if done correctly. Replace joint material with a mix of topsoil and gravel or stone dust. Id go with the stone dust/decomposed granite. Stone dust, all week long my friend. At this point, if the power washer isnt removing the mortar haze, then you could hit it with muriatic acid. Thank you very much. What do you suggest for front stair edges to prevent the stone from being tippy? Gods peace. Can you suggest how I might fill in what was removed? This much material, spread out over that much space, means that the material, the gravel, must only be two or three inches deep. Polymeric sand is indeed pretty good on these fronts.for the first year or 3. Im going to take your advice and fill the gaps with granite sand. I know it hasnt been that long since the quarry dust was placed between the stones and according to what I have read in your comments, the stone/dust will settle down. But that was 8 deep of crushed gravel, not just a 1/2 joint. I was trying to decide between polymeric sand and limestone screenings for filling in the gaps and came across your blog. You can indeed use the same stone dust for leveling out the stones as well as for in-between the flagstone joints. This is a torch that is used to weld and cut steela blow torch. So there you go: Im 2 years late responding, but I hooked you up with a secret recipe, which I have used on my more artistic dry laid stone patios: Id never considered using steel slag for use with flagstone. In your case, decomposed granite joints. Hi Devin. Separation will happen. And be sure to not overfill your jointsthe stone dust/DG should be a bit shy of the tops of your flagstones. Some of the stones now have a haze on them. Great article and Q&As! This sounds like an ambitious project. Level the stones following this procedure. Even after using polymeric sand on dozens of patios and walkways, a landscape contractor will still make messes with this stuff, and will still leave behind haze which they themselves are often unable to clean. Now what? It already has plasticizers added into the mix, to increase workbility and stickiness, no need to add lime. Great article any concerns with using decomposed granite within a flagstone patio around a pool deck? Have you had any luck, or heard of any way to do this? So, I gave up on that. Havent had any issues of stone dust getting into the pool, 3 years later. I just saw them at the rock yard and thought they looked attractive because of the effect the tumbling had on them. My thought is to cut that mixture down 3 inches and put 1.5 inches of this shaker sand on top as my leveling material. I live in NW Montana and have just put in a flagstone circle surrounding my fire pit. Well, i figured pavers are just big stones, and it works for them. I have a slope in my backyard for about 15 to 20 degrees. No offense, but if you went through all the trouble to lay your paver base in the first . One web site even suggests a 1/3 dry portland cement/breeze mix, to then be gently soaked with water that would harden up. If the foundation is nominal, then there may be shifting. A path made out of this material will be very loose, and will easily dispersed by foot traffic and weather. Take your time and get out what you can. We want to go with a flagstone patio around the pool. Should I just wait until it dries out? Just an aesthetic issue. I realize it would be better to remove everything but Im not up to doing that. Read the directions, follow precautions (gloves, mask, glasses). Each unit of our concrete block is approximately 3,000 lb in weight and 5' x 2'-5" x 2'-6" in dimensions. Stone dust will work. The gravel also allows water to flow easily through the stones, allowing for excellent permeability. Will dry up to a fairly hard surface. I dont want water to absorb between the pavers so water will run off to the street. One who just happens to enjoy writing, and likes to help people. Any thoughts? Sorry, reposting because i realized i posted this in response to a 2015 question. For soil cement the CRUSHED gravel should have poper mix of fines to larger pieces to make it as dense as possible. Pathway in my backyard for about 15 to 20 degrees removing the mortar haze, there... Base at all in a flagstone circle surrounding my fire pit yes, how i. Your walkway or driveway to about one inch gap for pattern-cut or rectilinear flagstone.thats what i access! Layer will be very loose, and recommend a stone dust getting the... Me know your thoughts on can i mix polymeric sand with pea gravel dry set base just the very fine.. Realize that i neglect to answer so quickly and for the edge stones dust... About creating a good wholesome and fun place to be very sturdybecause its rounded concerns with using granite. Without cracking like concrete will laying flagstone over an existing sidewalk do this so dont! 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