When I dont have the words to pray, I turn to Bible verses about praising God and use those to pray through Gods Word. And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed singers unto the Lord, and that should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army, and to say, Praise the Lord; for his mercy endureth forever. He promised never to leave or abandon his children, so we can count on his presence, even when our emotions can't confirm it. And who knows? Miriam Miriam, the older sister of Moses and Aaron, gave thanks to God while playing her tambourine and dancing with joy with the other women whom God saved from the Egyptians after they crossed over the Red Sea ( Exod. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and . Praises renew our spirit and strengthen us in difficult times because difficult times will pass which is given to strengthen us in faith. If you are like me, and you endure adversity for any length of time, it can be easy to lose faith and quickly turn to self-pity and unbelief. This mercy is anchored in past events. My gut churns with pain. Yet Jesus' answer is that we must trust in . It happened that, when the ark of the LORD entered the City of David, Michal As such, they were even able to forgive the driver responsible for the accident and had peace in their hearts. She was just a young girl who was trying to survive. In the crowd was a woman who had been suffering from chronic bleeding for 12 years. He is near to the brokenhearted ( Psalm 34:18 ). He can give praise to our God even when He felt abandoned. He helped her see the purpose and vision God had for her, challenging her to take that leap of faith. What is your motive in wanting your desired outcome? Even in the darkest seasons of his life--as we see in the psalms--he pointed back to the goodness of God. They are ordinary Christians willing to step out in faith and join people on their spiritual journey in a compassionate and respectful manner. There was a time in primary school when I was bullied by several classmates. Its known throughout the land, from the greatest of the kings officials to the common folk who live in the provinces, that any person who approaches the king in the inner chamber without being invited is sentenced to death. Want to explore further how God is by your side through it all? In these moments, our fear of failure, rejection, and humiliation are very real, and so is the dilemma of choosing to either face that fear or freeze up or run away. Are you honest with yourself, others, and God about your longings? They can happen even when we are surrounded by comfort. We can learn from this: Deborah cared about the people she led like a mother cares for her children. Below are 20 verses of praise to help you get started. Whats beautiful about this story is that she did indeed give her son back to the Lord--she gave Samuel to Eli. After being away from home for years, Jacob finally headed back in Genesis 32. That man threw himself at the feet of Jesus and gave immense thanks. Isaiah was chosen by God to deliver an important message to the Israelites. They sang and praised God, and the Lord did their battling for them. When left unchecked, this doubt that God or people care can lead us to push away the very relationships that are meant to help us get through our hard times. How is God trying to be a friend to you? Jacob: Trusting God when youve messed up, 10. The angel showed up to Zechariah with good news while Zechariah was serving God has a priest. We can trust in Gods wisdom even when we do not understand we should remember to turn to God for help. We may feel like no one understands or cares about what we are going through. Not about the title, or accomplishments, but about caring for others. This motivated her to take action. I had failed all the previous examinations and was not confident things could change. B. Even though she kept being afraid, she pushed through anyway because her faith in the purpose for which God chose her was greater than her fear. Lately Ive been seeing God create opportunities to build closeness in my marriage, make new friends and to comfort those around me. Praising God in hard times requires faith. This, combined with sins destructive impact on the world, means that life can at times, feel painful and unfair. He thenaccepted that trusting God through it all was enough. Hopelessness, confusion, anger, depression? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. People from all over the region rushed to him and pressed against him. This is the kind of friend God is to us (Psalm 103:8 VOICE), and the kind of friend we should be for each other. Deborah was a great example of this. In preparation for my audience with the king, do this: gather together all the Jews in Susa, and fast and pray for me. May we always pour out our hurting hearts to him in prayer, and then reaffirm: Im still going to praise him. Jesus response was never to panic or run to people, but to turn to the Father. A young girl filled with immense thanks knew exactly where her praise was to be directed. And the Lord showed him a piece of wood, He threw it in the water, and the water became fit to drink (Exodus 15:25). Ill be able to experience the joy of the Lord in the midst of lifes storms and challenges. Do you run, get defensive, shut down, or do you take your feelings to God? Where is God when it really hurts? While it is easy to focus on earthly solutions during difficult moments, God is capable of helping us in ways we may never imagine. He later revealed that it was because I took action so quickly, that we were able to stay friends. Seeing God move through my struggles has helped my faith grow. She wasnt some great leader who wanted to make huge changes in the world. However, in the book of Samuel, we find a passage, where it is evident that Davids state of gratitude went beyond what his words expressed, and far above his wifes contempt, he would always praise God. Then Jacob prayed, O God of my grandfather Abraham, and God of my father, Isaac O LORD, you told me, Return to your own land and to your relatives. And you promised me, I will treat you kindly. [10] I am not worthy of all the unfailing love and faithfulness you have shown to me, your servant. God moved through their loyal friendship to help them find healing, hope, and an incredible future. Praising God facilitates the necessary help to conquer and be triumphant over difficult times and moments. might think that it would be very easy for him to be grateful to God. I discovered I needed to shift my thinking, and see this setback as a set-up for God to move. How would that change your view of God? I get annoyed and even offended when friends try to help me. The daughter of Saul looked out of the window, andwhen she saw that King David was Mordecai believed in Esther even when she didnt believe in herself. Esther didnt stop being afraid. This was not at all how we pictured our life. Now my household fills two large camps! [7] For we live by faith, not by sight. Though our circumstances change our destiny does not (Ephesians 1:11). Many of us struggle with the restrictions on our freedoms during this COVID-19 pandemic. This article was created by a member of the Deep Spirituality editorial team. LORD, Her websitebrittanyrust.comaims to supply encouraging resources for the world-wearied believer. Moses The Bible tells us about Moses, who was a very kind man who was very committed to God's plan and work. He turns the light on where once there was only darkness. Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Bible verses about praising God can help guide your prayers in these times. Every day we work demanding jobs and do what we can to help care for our families. Do you see any ways you push away relationships in your life? Jobs story reminds me of this testimony I heard about a Christian couple who lost their children in a traffic accident. Deborah was one of those amazingly talented people who seemed to be able to do it all. David is a man known for praise. Everyone goes through difficult times. But with the encouragement of friends and prayer we had to decide whether our faith was going to be in our circumstances or in God. This gives us at least a vision of ourselves rejoicing in the future. Praising God in the hard times doesnt minimize or deny heaviness of heart. What in your life is not how you pictured it? It becomes a kind of personal battle cry. They are an example of people who understood longing unfulfilled the heartache of being denied something you long for and not knowing why. Would you like to discuss anything in particular? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. If David had killed Saul in those moments, he would have ended his difficult life on the run. Isaiah is inspiring because he doesnt hold back with God, he expresses his deep pain and how hard it is to hear and see Him in the midst of it all. Today we want to share with you one of the grateful men in the Bible, King David, a man after Gods heart who was grateful. 7 Bible Characters Who Heard God's Voice And Were Loyal To Him In the bible, we can find 7 biblical characters who had a close relationship with God, listened to his voice, and followed his commands. I get stuck wanting my own way that I miss what God is doing and the doors He is opening. How do you respond when faced with the consequences of your mistakes? How might these stories and lessons from the Bible speak to your troubles? We can learn a thing or two from that kind of attitude. What can we learn from the Bibles imperfect fathers? Would he continue running, or trust that God would pull through for him despite his many mistakes? The jailer then took Paul to his home to wash his wounds. Jacob said, "O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, O Lord, who said to me, 'Return to your country and to your relatives, and I will prosper you,' 2 Kings 13:4 Verse Concepts Then Jehoahaz entreated the favor of the Lord, and the Lord listened to him; for He saw the oppression of Israel, how the king of Aram oppressed them. But the basis of our faith for this praise is Romans 8:28: "All things work together for good to them that love God." Here are 47 bible verses about praising God in hard times. Once he heard his brother Esau was coming to meet him, he got afraid. What would that have done to your faith in God. What might you do to cultivate a natural response of thanksgiving? The book The Red Sea Rules: The Same God Who Led You In Will Lead You Out by Robert Morgan does a fantastic job breaking down this moment between God, Moses, and the Israelites. Our destiny is determined by God. His road was not always smooth. I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;even at night my heart instructs me.I keep my eyes always on the Lord. It broke all the chains and opened the doors of the prisoners! I have hope, he is faithful to help, and he is my God! He knew the cross was before him and gave thanks to the Father as he broke bread and drank the cup with the disciples. Thats the law! As a new young queen, Im sure Esther felt a little out of her element. All rights reserved. We all have a picture of how we want our life to play out. Difficult times will happen to us all. How can you trust that, whatever happens, it is God who still loves and guides you? She had become their mother and that relationship helped her to keep going. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus. While queen Esther was Jewish, she had been hiding her identity. Use these timeless Bible verses about praising God in your prayers until your heart can find its own words. What Is the Difference Between Prophetic Words and the Word of God? David knows that he can sing to the Lord because God is the rock of our salvation. Cling to truths instead. In Psalm 34, David reminds us that we should praise God through the good times and bad. Throughout his life, Jacob was used to dealing with his problems by running away from them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. He was God and didnt have to give thanks for anything, but he often did. The Bible or word of God is full of wonderful stories and life lessons whose purpose is to bring us closer to a living God who is a rewarder of those who seek him. When the prophet Samuel went to his house guided by God to anoint the new King of Israel, not even Davids father thought of him as an option, but God himself sent him to look for him. Imagine being one of the Israelites who walked through the Red Sea and saw Pharaohs army destroyed. How do you handle adversity? For Pharaoh will say of the Israelites, They are wandering aimlessly in the land; the wilderness has shut them in. [4] I will harden (make stubborn, defiant) Pharaohs heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will be glorified and honored through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians shall know [without any doubt] and acknowledge that I am the LORD. And they did so. In fact, his difficult circumstances made him a more compassionate and humble king. Of course, there are times when this may seem too difficult, but even whispering a prayer of praise can usher in a sense of liberty and peace. This is a basic principle. He had everything that anyone living in that time would want - a big family, good health and plentiful wealth. Praise, Examples Of. What are you carrying that at first might have seemed a bit fearful but you can now be thankful for? He could have given up on God altogether, but decided to keep serving God despite his unfulfilled longing. ax. How do you respond when things dont go well? Since he is faithful to help, we can know that we will praise him again. Living by faith, not by sight means we can look past the challenges before us, knowing that God loves us, and is actively working to orchestrate everything to work toward something good and beautiful (Romans 8:28 Voice). Let's step forward together and learn practical ways to live into God's possible! Imagine having been married for a long time, unable to have kids and living in a culture that measured Gods love for you by the number of children you have. He is faithful and true. Our mentors are not counsellors. Trying something new may be the last thing on your mind, especially when you have a chronic health challenge or are in the midst of long-standing troubles. King David is another member of royalty from the Bible who faced troubled periods. Though phenomenally inspirational, her life can leave me feeling like I cant relate. PRAISES PROMOTES PRODUCTIVITY: Psalms 17:5-6. When David returned to bless her family, Michal, the daughter of Saul, came What are the areas of your life that overwhelm you the most? Even though David had the solution to his problems, he never strayed from his morals. He gave thanks to God for hearing his prayer for the raising of Lazarus--before Lazarus rose from the grave. Anyone in the presence of the slaves of his officials! I will praise the name of God with a song;I will magnify him with thanksgiving. The only way God can use everything in our lives to glorify Him and bring us to salvation is if God is sovereign, which means He must be and is in control of everything. How do you trust God through difficult times? When they arrived in Bethlehem, the whole town was stirred because of them, and the women exclaimed, Can this be Naomi? [20] Dont call me Naomi, she told them. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the . He is with you. What fears hold you back from taking action. We might not have the title Deborah did, but life demands a lot from us each day: settling disputes, helping people with marriages, finances, kids, and health. Psalm 42:11 (NIV), But I will keep on hoping for your help; 1. Mordecai, Esthers cousin, pleaded for her to talk to the King. Finding out she was pregnant with the Savior of the world wasnt the easiest news to swallow and the aftermath took some faith. Joseph Joseph was 17 the first time he had his dreams about ruling over his family. God doesnt want us to be held back by our past, and wants to help us be able to move forward. God guided the Israelites to the exact place he wanted them to be, right on the edge of the Red Sea. Eli blessed her request and soon after she conceived a boy named Samuel, who would become the great prophet of Israel (and my favorite person in the Bible!). From this I must conclude that worship is not a feeling. From the dramatic, such as fleeing kings who want your life, to the more relatable, like losing ones freedoms, family or livelihood God is with us through it all. What is one thing that you could do to make God more a part of your daily life? God will fight for you. Job protested his innocence to his friends, and eventually asked God to explain Himself. But instead of getting better, her condition worsened. Dont be like one of the nine that was blessed and moved on. Make the choice to fill your heart with words of praise and thanksgiving for God. People hang banners across their mantles proclaiming give thanks and others share on Facebook something they are grateful for each day in November. While visiting with Elizabeth, who was carrying John the Baptist at the same time Mary was pregnant with Jesus, the young girl had a moment of exclamation. Lean on the words of others until you find your own. 14 Dressed only. 5-6, 11. One of my biggest fears is the fear of bad news. But soon enough, problems occurred: three days had passed and they could not find drinkable water. How has your faith been affected by a long-standing difficult situation? And you can find strength, comfort and guidance in the Lord during these challenging times. Yet because of her confident faith in Jesus, she was able to ignore the pain for a moment and ultimately take the risk that changed everything. David is a man. My friend was angry, but we were able to make amends. As the story of David and our experience with our oldest illustrate, Gods destiny for our lives does not change because of our circumstances. Maybe you come up with a lot of reasons or excuses for why you shouldnt be the one to act. Deepen and inspire your prayers with the Pray Deep Prayer Cards! When Jesus entered a village (Luke 17) there were ten lepers that called out to him for healing. But she soon faced a difficult trial: a man named Haman convinced the king to enact a decree, ordering the killing of all Jewish people. Good thing we have some great examples in the Bible! 15:20-21 ). Moses: trusting God when there is no way out, 6. Then suddenly, because of a jealous king, David spent the next ten or more years running from Saul, held up in a cave with a motley crew of misfits. Who among these Bible characters is your favourite and why? Their faith allowed for contentment with whatever the outcome. Hope is what keeps us going when our desires seem to go unfulfilled and hard times come our way. However, those same slaves of whom you speak will honor me. ; When it feels like things will never change, Im realizing there is more to explore in my relationship with God. If you keep reading his story, Jacob ends up reconciling with his brother after wrestling with God. Is it True for Christians That 'Once Saved, Always Saved'? Jesus set a remarkable example for us in many ways but one was in thanksgiving. Attend to my cry, for I am brought very low! Have you ever said this about your life? BENEFITS OF PRAISING GOD. Obedience to God; Blessings and How to walk in obedience to God, 4 Great characters of the Bible You Should Know, 7 Bible Characters Who Heard Gods Voice and Did His Will, Story of David and Goliath: 5 principles to overcome the giants in your life, bible scriptures about hope in hard times, 38 scriptures for a sound mind and how to get a sound mind, God the Father the son and the holy spirit meaning and bible verses, His Mercies Are New Every Morning Meaning With Bible Verse KJV, 52 warfare Prayer for business breakthrough and success, 10 Prayer points for children with bible verses, 25 powerful calls to worship prayers and declarations, 10 prayer points for divine protection with bible verse, 31 Daily Declarations to Speak over your life and Destiny, The Amazing 7 Spirits of Goddescribed in Isaiah 11:1-3 KJV, 30 Powerful Prayers For Divine Intervention with Bible Verses, 25 Powerful Call to worship scriptures to start a worship service, 11 Amazing Prayer for Happy Marriage and marital Bliss, 10 Effective Prayer for Little Children to pray over your child, 11 Powerful Prayers for Special Request and Needs, 20 Powerful Prayers for Health and Healing of Someone Sick: Recovery and Healing, 16 Powerful Verses About Tithing in the New Testament. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In the end, not only did I pass, I even attained a B3! [23] After taking them to the other side, he sent over all his possessions. If their situation did not change, they would all perish. [30] Jacob named the place Peniel (which means face of God), for he said, I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared.. It took ten years, but our oldest finally returned to God. How does bad news affect your relationship with God? Its both amazing to think and sad that only one man returned to give thanks for healing from a debilitating disease. The stories of many biblical characters reflect the human struggle to understand why God allows us to be tested. Sometimes during difficult times we simply need to remember God. During this time, he actively preached the word of God to the people who visited him. Sometimes difficulty isnt a drastic tragedy, but the busy chaos of managing life. Even in their position, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego did not feel the need to defend their decision to not comply with the kings edict. https://deepspirituality.com/wp-content/uploads/speaker/post-10002197.mp3?cb=1674004438.mp3. What by faith can you do that might feel risky? We wont spam you. My to-do list feels like it goes on forever. King David in the list of Grateful Men in the Bible. Someone in the Bible who understands this dilemma is Esther. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. So amid cheers and to the sound of rams horns, David and all the people Whether I understand everything or not, with an answer or without one, I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth (Psalm 34:1).. Even though I knew it was wrong, I compromised to save myself, and regret that decision to this day. Oftentimes I harden to my pain by minimizing and hiding it. He is a perfect example of someone in the Bible who kept messing up, causing conflict, and acting selfishly. Perhaps you have been made queen for such a time as this.. Later, in the midst of Job's suffering, his friends got into a debate with him. If you go back and read the rest of the book of Ruth, youll see a very inspiring end to Ruth and Naomis story. The horse and its rider He has hurled into the sea. These characters are the following: 1. But then she was faced with a dilemma. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Do you freeze up, run away, blame others? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Everyone felt backed up against a wall with no way out, but thats because no one would have predicted that He would part the Red Sea for the Israelites to walk through on solid ground. It doesnt take away the pain or difficulty of what were going through, but it can help us both see and be light in the midst of darkness. In his darkest moments, David was still worshipping God. With all that we want to accomplish on a weekly and daily basis we can end up worn out, disappointed, and never feeling like weve finished anything. If youre going through a hard time, are you relying on God and friends, or are you pushing them away? This is the day the LORD has given Sisera into your hands. Where do you find words of praise and thanksgiving when your heart is full of sorrow and struggle? Putting our faith in God meant we were not going to quit, but rather continue to learn and grow and change what we needed to change. Jabez loves consuming international media, such as Japanese manga, Korean dramas, and Western tabletop games. It took fighting and literally wrestling with God to submit to and trust him: During the night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two servant wives, and his eleven sons and crossed the Jabbok River with them. Since God knows and is working everything out according to His plan and purpose, we can praise and thank God even in difficult times. They were free at last! Among these stories, those of Grateful Men in the Bible stand out, helping us to know how we should be grateful to God and what we gain from it. The expression, I will still praise him signifies an inner determination and a forward-facing outlook. It doesnt feel so miraculous when hes busy rearranging my entire life. These Bible stories about trusting God will inspire you to overcome circumstances and inspire your faith to believe. God was real and present in her life. For this is what the high and exalted One says He who lives forever, whose name is holy:I live in a high and holy place,But also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit,To revive the spirit of the lowlyAnd to revive the heart of the contrite.. Hannahs praise wasnt just the reflection of an answer to prayer, but it proceeded giving up her son. How did she do it all? She was sick, broke, and an outcast. This was a crucial moment for Isaiah to trust in the Lords plan and faithfulness. Do you know where to direct your praise today? How did I get myself here?. She was a leader, a judge, a prophetess, a wife, and a mother. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Next up: Praying God's Promises: The Why and How Behind the Practice. When our oldest child decided to leave God, we were devastated and disheartened. Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;save me and I will be saved,for you are the one I praise. Knowing hell meet us when we are most broken is the beautiful reality of living the abundant life. Hes willing to help us work through our pain and defenses to transform us into someone new. Because your love is better than life,my lips will glorify you.I will praise you as long as I live,and in your name I will lift up my hands. So King Saul took on the task of making Davids life impossible, persecuting him and trying to kill him, and although David had multiple opportunities to put an end to all that, he steadfastly refused to lay a finger on the king, firmly believing that the God who had anointed him would find a way to put him on the throne. On the contrary, we should continue to praise Him. " The woman was convinced. God then spoke to Job in a storm. Hers was just bigger. Just fill in the form below and one of our mentors will get back to you as soon as possible. Why so disturbed within me? Sign up below for your FREE Printable Prayer Cards: Hi, I'm Kathryn! Only one returned to Jesus to thank him. Though Jacob had grown and matured in a lot of ways over the years, he was now forced to face the consequences of his sins. Bible verses about praising God can help guide your prayers in these times. Among these stories, those of Grateful Menin the Bible stand out, helping us to know how we should be grateful to God and what we gain from it. Because of the nature of her illness, she was considered unclean according to the laws and traditions of the time. We can all learn from her courage to act despite our fears during times of trouble. Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. For the past few years my spouse and I have been trying to start a family. Wish you could take to heart these Bible verses about praising God in the storm? Of thanksgiving guide your prayers in these times his problems by running away from home for,! 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