ethnic = A non-Anglo person; in common usage, ethnics usually refers to non-Anglo Europeans. On the other side of the coin, a man is known as a bloke. : Excellent! I havent yet proceeded very far down the list here, but I have a comment about arsey. Shes got a bun in the oven; the babys due in three months), although the latter phrase is apparently British in origin. earbashing = To talk non-stop, to talk incessantly, or to tell someone off, e.g. aerial ping-pong = Australian Rules Football; a reference to the high kicks and leaps (such as in marking the ball). ankle biters = Young children. Im going to the bottle shop to get some grog. Its a bit of an old bomb. Addition is Dry as a dead Dingoes dong, Thanks for your suggestions, Russell. Speewah = Somewhere very far away. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. Apple Isle = Tasmania. grog = Alcohol, an alcoholic drink, e.g. Find below our ever-growing list of common Australian Slang words you could expect to find at some point when conversing with an Australian. flat chat = Very fast or very hard, e.g. dig = An abbreviation of digger (meaning friend, cobber, mate). Whilst buggery does not specifically mean hell, it serves the same function as hell as used in common phrase Go to hell. Similar to the rhyming slang term Captain Cook. earbash. Kevin 747 (Kevin Rudd)Kevin 747 = Kevin Rudd (Prime Minister of Australia, Dec. 2007 to June 2010 and June 2013 to Sept. 2013), who used the slogan Kevin 07 for his 2007 election campaign, but the slogan was adapted (by those critical of his many hours of air travel at public expense) to Kevin 747 (although Prime Ministers Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison were later reported as having taken more overseas trips than Rudd, but escaped being labelled for doing so). Lucy Everett Homfray phrase pissed to the eyeballs:, Spewin (adj) objecting to a situation, place or thing causing the person to become vocally angry, agitated or upset. its all over Red Rover = Indicating the finish of something, e.g. Can also refer to someone who is perceived to be a bit mad or crazy. dead-set drongo = Someone who is regarded as a total idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. verb 1. to depart, leave: Come on, let's bail. However, now that you have a bit of Aussie slang under your belt, you're a bit more prepared. shattered = Very tired, exhausted. He caught the wog (stomach bug). dingos breakfast = No breakfast at all. The basics G'day Hello, hi. (UK, slang) male ejaculate; semen (UK, slang) to ejaculate noun (countable, obsolete) A spark. Bush week?. Aussie slang for "sandwich". Distinct from the British usage of the term, where true blue refers to something related to the conservative side of politics. Hi, what about stick your beak in or nosey parker and knackers & knackered, One correction and one addition I tried to learn algebra, but I couldnt get a handle on it. Fuck Off, Were Full sign on a fencefuck off, were full = A nationalistic slogan against immigration, often depicted upon a map of Australia. arseholes = People who are considered to be not nice, e.g. chuck = [1] Throw; e.g. Our pipes [short story by Henry Lawson] noggin = Head, e.g. shell be apples = Everything will be alright, everything will be apples. dropkick = Someone who is dumb or an idiot. Similar to a few cents short of a dollar, a few sandwiches short of a picnic, a few sangers short of a barbie, and a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. Look at that bloke; hes almost falling over; hes blotto. Distinct from the British slang term spunk, which refers to semen. It's like my Australian Slang Dictionary! But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang . I think that blokes been out in the sun for too long, hes acting troppo, Watch out, hes gone troppo! Derived from the phrase tropical fever, used during the Second World War, when Australian soldiers in the Pacific theatre believed that long exposure to the heat and tropical conditions could make someone go mad. These are common words and phrases that have become iconic to Australians. Hes filthy on her for flirting with his brother, Shes filthy on him for spending the night at the pub; similar to dirty on. toey = Restless, e.g. Well, drink Bonox!. All-purpose intensifying adjective. Bazza, Gazza, and Shazza (Barry, Gary, and Sharon). Bananalanders = Queenslanders; i.e. C. J. Dennis not bad = Something which is good, e.g. Bali belly noun diarrhoea, as suffered by travellers to South-East Asia. The Gabba = A reference to the cricket ground in Wooloongabba, Queensland. Sandgropers = Western Australians. Dictionary. Skips = A derogatory term for Australians of British ethnicity; a term that originated with those of Southern European ethnicity to refer to Anglo-Australians. A beautiful tongue made up of colourful metaphors and delicately constructed witticisms, but it is also a language of simplicity. : I don't agree. Ditch, the = The Tasman Sea, as the ditch between Australia and New Zealand; sometimes pronounced as the dutch, as a reference to the New Zealand style of pronouncing vowels. Australia for the White man = A nationalist catch phrase; it was the motto of the influential magazine The Bulletin from 1908 until 1960. Derived from knackers, a slang term for castanets. come the raw prawn = To try to impose on someone, or to seek an advantage, e.g. happy as a bastard on Fathers Day = A reference to someone who is unhappy; e.g. Derived from dinkum. The Newcastle song [music video, sung by Bob Hudson] Use this Aussie slang in your day-to-day conversations and Aussie might think you're one of their own. Fair go, mate! as a demand for fair treatment. Ahhh, the days of Dragon playing at the Bondi Hotel, opposite the beach. Literature, legends, and larrikins. Babylon NG. As the debate continues over whether Australia Day should be celebrated on January 26, this series looks at the politics of some unresolved issues swirling around Australia Day - namely, the republic and reconciliation. bees knees = Something very good. bloke. on the piss = Drinking alcohol, or drinking alcohol excessively. youse = You all; you guys. Top Enders = People from the Northern Territory; Territorians. hes an arsey bastard. coldie = A cold can of beer, or a cold stubbie of beer. A list of significant Australiana (Top) B. Bikkie : biscuit ( also "it cost big bikkies" - it was expensive) Billabong : an oxbow lake cut off by a change in the watercourse. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. Want a lift? bundle = A lot of money, a bundle of money, e.g. Whoever complied this list has never been north of Victoria.. so much great stuff not included, this needs a complete overhaul. it was so obvious that even Blind Freddie could have seen it, even Blind Freddie could have done it. Wilkes A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, and found support for my contention in this part of his entry: I just bought a new car, its sweet as!. Not sure. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Australians dont say cobber thats very Pommy! Can also refer to someone who is perceived to be a bit mad or crazy. Australian Slang is just another product of the colonisation of the world by the British Empire. We believe in a fair go around here; also used as a form of protest, e.g. Thats a big ask. Sorry, I cant lend you any money, I havent got a brass razoo [See the entry: brass razoo.]. rough as guts = Someone who appears to be uncouth, uncultured, and lacking social refinement, e.g. no wuckin furries = Not a problem; an adaptation of No fuckin worries. While Aussies speak English, the dialect and accent are unique to them. Banana bender Resident of Queensland. You know, unbutton the mutton? Ned Kelly beard = A full beard (being a comparison with the full beard sported by the bushranger Ned Kelly in some famous photographs). go bag your head = Telling someone to rack off (telling someone to go away), usually while in a dispute or disagreement. Definitely used as an expression of luck vs skill as in that was pure arse. You know, go where the big knobs hang out. drink with the flies = To drink alone, especially regarding drinking beer alone. supports them), usually used in regards to people barracking for a football team, e.g. Rock music and pop music (videos) To subject (a person) to a torrent of words; to talk at great length to; to harangue. used to describe somebody who has attitude, who has a presence. OS = Abbreviation for overseas (i.e. couldnt raffle a chook in a pub = Referring to someone who is incompetent. Tommo = Tom or Thomas (or the surnames Thomson or Thompson). knackers = Testicles. mucking around = Wasting time, dawdling, mucking about, doing little of nothing. Basically stands for a 'Bastards & Spinsters Ball' and they used to be a way for young singles to meet in country towns. Dont do that again, or Ill knock your block off. deli = Delicatessen, a shop mainly selling cold cuts of meat, or a section in a supermarket where cold cuts of meat are obtained (however, in Perth, deli is the term used for milk bar). Ned Kelly: Australian bushranger The phrase is based on spunky in the sense of spirited, and is influenced also by spunk in the sexual sense. Fair suck of the sav, give him a chance. spunk rat spunked spunkie spunkier Spunkier spunkiest Spunkiest spunk in English dictionary . spunk Meanings and definitions of "spunk" (Australian, New Zealand, slang) An attractive person (normally male). Captain James CookCaptain Cook = Rhyming slang for look, e.g. Based upon the fanciful notion that a person is eating so much that the food is filling up not only their stomach, but also their legs. goog = An egg, e.g. Hes feeling pretty blue at the moment. Pig's arse! Gor blimey, I ate too much, Im as full as a goog. [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. A dingos breakfast has been described as a piss and a look around [ref.] Carn the Blues!. Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. Piece of piss : easy task. List and definition of Australian Slang, Local Lingo and Unique Phrases. Similar to Take a hike. No fricking way! bog in = Indulge freely; same as the expression dig in. bucks party = [See the entry: bucks night.]. Block has a few meanings but the more Aussie one is your head. You reckon you can beat me, do ya? bust up = A disagreement or fight, e.g. Possibly derived from arc welding, whereby sparks fly out (sparks flying refers to an argument or fight). There is also Dont be a Billy. See the following list: Dont ask him to play, hes a bit of a sook. The idea of a life force Contemporary slang, List of lakes in Minnesota This is a list of lakes in Minnesota. bolshie = Someone who is perceived as being very left-wing; an abbreviation from the Russian Bolsheviks (communists), e.g. spunk-rat Australian Slang sexually attractive person [See the entry: bugger.]. I havent seen Dave for ages, I think hes gone walkabout. Gumsuckers = People from the state of Victoria. carn = Strine for Come on, especially used when barracking for a team, e.g. chigger = Tasmanian name for a bogan (from the Tasmanian suburb of Chigwell, which was regarded as a low-class area). Thesaurus. Root Rat. Myer Emporium, Bourke Street, Melbournemore front than Myers = Someone with a lot of affrontery (also spelt as effrontery), audacity, or chutzpah; a reference to the long store frontage of Sidney Myers department store. [See the entries: couldnt raffle a chook in a pub, like a chook with its head cut off and may your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down.]. Fremantle Doctor = The cool breeze that blows in to Fremantle and Perth in the evenings. stickybeak - a snoop, a nosy person, compare British English "noseyparker". A bandicootbandicoot = Used in reference to someone who is very poor or very unhappy, e.g. In earlier times (when New South Wales was the main area of settlement in Australia), it was used to refer to native-born Australians in general (regarding those of British-European descent, as the term did not include the Aborigines). Ben Hall, Captain Moonlite (Andrew Scott), Captain Thunderbolt (Frederick Ward), Frank Gardiner, Mad Dan Morgan, and Ned Kelly were all considered to be bushrangers. point the bone = To wish ill upon someone; from the practice of Aboriginal witch doctors, who would point a bone at someone in order to place a curse upon them. Short for "good day". I cant be arsed to cook dinner tonight. sheila = A woman. Similar to butchers hook, which is rhyming slang for look (the latter is often abbreviated to simply butchers). If your brains were dynamite they wouldnt part your hair = Derogatory phrase, inferring that someone is not very smart. all alone like a country dunny = Someone on their own, or someone who is lonely. (soldier slang WW2) SPUNK - sexually attractive person SPUNKRAT - sexually attractive person of opposite . He donged him on the head. Come and have a cuppa. 'Bruce bailed' = Bruce isn't going to turn up. Have a butchers at this. Less common alternatives are sammo, sammie, and sango. Flag. Bail In the last race, he just bolted it in. Similar to the phrase Up shit creek without a paddle. Ozzie) : Australian Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand Avos : avocados B B & S : Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball - a very enjoyable party usually held in . Point Percy at the porcelain = To urinate (Percy is slang for a penis). Put another snag on the barbie, will ya love?. Have a decko at that!. bewdy = An exclamation regarding something that is great, e.g. digger = [1] Friend, cobber, mate. pissed = [2] An abbreviation of pissed off, i.e. crook = [1] Ill, sick, unwell, e.g. The women are all avoiding him; hes about as popular as a Jew in Germany (derives from the treatment of Jews in Germany during the period of the Third Reich). iffy = Not very good, suspect, suspicious, e.g. billy cart = A cart used by children; often such a cart is used for racing down hills (refers to a small cart that could be pulled along by a billy goat). 1. good looking person (of either sex); 2. bingle = A minor collision or crash, usually a car crash, e.g. Similar to cactus. Thorpedo = Ian Thorpe, the famous swimmer. In army slang, a kilometer is called a click, e.g. Fair go, mate. Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. Phrase/term . ugly tree = A negative reference to someones looks, e.g. Australian English (or Aussie slang, really) is a language of subtle poetry. A modern usage of the term refers to those alcoholic drinks which have a low alcohol content. Get your laughing gear around that sanger. For & quot ; good day & quot ; noseyparker & quot ; ; also used as a piss a... Red Rover = Indicating the finish of something, e.g a whole smorgasbord selection of classic Contemporary. List here, but I have a comment about arsey a bloke friend, cobber, ). Spunk in English Dictionary the porcelain = to talk non-stop, to talk non-stop, to non-stop... A piss and a look around [ ref. ] sammo, sammie, and )! Definitely used as a low-class area ) you could expect to find at some point when conversing an. Spunk rat spunked spunkie spunkier spunkier spunkiest spunkiest spunk in English Dictionary usage. Worthless, e.g dead-set drongo = someone on their own, or Ill knock your off. 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