The sixth dimension has a correlate contained within your body. The Sixth Dimension ~ Symbols; Communication It is tempting to call the Sixth Dimension "The Teaching Dimension." The intention, however, of this dimension/entity is not to teach, but rather to provide information and the means to convey it. Finally, it is the the Way home, back to the Creator. This is truly a beautiful dimension to experience, full of halls of light with crystalline purity and tone. They say that in this state temptations can occur, deviate from what is really important and become fascinated by energy, past lives, channeling, etc. 4D beings would be able to do exactly the same things with our universe. As we continue to evolve - we will leave prior dimensions behind. But in the second dimension it is just an ordinary chair. 7) Allow the emotions to be cleared any way they need to. Ra as Ra - as a unified planetary consciousness, beyond polarity, outside of space and time, existing in the experience of unbroken unity - is a pure source of information very "close" (for lack of a better term) to the undistorted infinite Creator, in my understanding, at least. Little did string theory (non-gravitational string theory) know that five or six dimensions arise and could be considered the limit of everything. The truth is that the human body is made up of ten bodies: the physical body, three mental bodies, and six energy bodies. The 6th dimension is the realm of geometric forms and patterns. they condense and form a six-dimensional space with a certain geometry that is too small to be observed. "Know thyself." -oracle at Delphi 5) As you do so it will begin to agitate anything within you that is a block to you integrating your aspects. A look at the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions. 12. Behind these three lie seven dimensions that are not immediately obvious to us. The idea of other dimensions has been a part of popular culture for decades; think Back to The Future or The Wizard of Oz. Invite the relaxationto spread more and more throughout your entire body deeply all the way through you relaxing you more and more, 6. 14. The seventh dimension is pure inner space, not pure white light, but just pure space. Located at the pelvic area, Svadhistana chakra is associated with creativity, sensuality, pleasure, and emotions. The Twelfth Dimension ~ The All That Is; The Source. Other aspects of self in non-matter (light body and other non-physical realms) are included within the sixth dimension. Theorists would say that we are not meant to perceive these dimensions, perhaps because they have collapsed into sub-sub-sub-microscopic dimensions as the universe formed. There are lots of different dimensions, but they can be grouped into three categories. Theoretically, if you could master the other three fifths of the dimension, you could travel to the past or travel to another future. Spiritually, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder before we enter the realms of limitation. When it does, a Cosmic Year has ended. For example, an entire rain forest could be the vehicle (body) of a Group Soul. The Sixth Dimension serves as a 'Multiversal Control Room' which stands at the very top of the Multiversal scale. Trending pages. Awakening the sixth chakra brings a corresponding interest in serving the planet. It is not possible to envision the Twelfth Dimension. Through the eyes of form, a universe is born, develops, matures, and dies. (I am strong and knowledgeable. We relay to you the meaning and awareness that these graphic symbols can provoke in the viewers being. Become aware that your third eye, which is the area of energy in your forehead, is opening and radiating light. The intention, however, of this dimension/entity is not to teach, but rather to provide information and the means to convey it. we were today years old when we found out plants can conduct enough electricity to power 100 lightbulbs.. absolutely incredible.. not ONLY that but apparently they can COUNT and COMMUNICATE. You may cry, breathe deeper, just allow. Some Crystals can access the higher dimensions. We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.The Long-Awaited Shift of the Ages is Upon UsWe have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. Your soul is a high frequency, the blocks, the fears, a low frequency, by breathing in soul you are surfacing your blocks and removing them. The 6th dimension includes all possible extensions of the fifth dimension in space-time. Also commonly referred to as interdimensional beings, they live in different dimensions - in a way that is incomprehensible to us as human beings. Theorists claim that every point in our 3D world (well, 4D if you count time) includes six additional rolled-up dimensions, as shown in this animated visualization. The fourth dimension is in a series of repeating mirrors, endless parallel flying saucers, and countless precedents in an endless sequence of previous dimensions. It was a magical event in the truest sense of the word, requiring ritual protection and greater fastidiousness in walking in the light, leaving the L/L group (Don, Carla, and Jim) little margin for error What makes the Ra contact so singular, whether in comparison to Q'uo or virtually every other source of information available on this planet, is that we hear directly from Ra with little to no human interference, as if they are in the room with us. 18. Many people are still unaware of dimensions or even the idea of leaving dimensions itself. The hard center is matter, the Third Dimension. There are many methods to balance your chakras, but diet is probably the easiest one. Moreover, these chakras represent an intense connection between your mind and your body. 6th dimensional beings This is different from sixth realm of sixth dimension of sixth dimensional beings (Perpetua who created DC multiverse or universe, was mentioned as beings from sixth realm) But it confusing when they mentioned as sixth dimension hence conf Continue Reading 15 Sponsored by Madzarato Orthopedic Shoes While one (or more) of these beings are individually attuned to each living being in the third spiritual dimension, other angels are always nearby and observing (and/or . Who is the strongest 6-dimensional character in DC Comics? In this space, you can see the inner mechanism of the human bodys aura, the inner mechanism of thought-form, the inner mechanism of the astral plane and the super-conscious light body. A couple of mathematicians named Eugenio Calabi and She-Tung Yau have studied geometries such as the folding of extra-dimensional spaces that behave as they do, and the Calabi-Yau Multiplicity thus takes its name. This cycle marks a Cosmic Day. A huge vibrational up-shift (on every level) is what the Earth and her inhabitants are undergoing right now. This body generates gravity, which is actually the third-dimensional manifestation of a ninth-dimensional life force. They are also good with finance. Ask if there is a message for you about opening your third eye pause here for a minute or two and see if you receive any impressions. My term for this sixth dimensional light interface within the bodys energy field is Spiritual Internet or Grace. The skilled instrument, of course, strives to reduce their impact on the information as much as possible, but the coloration is unavoidable. Growth, intuition, clarity, stillness, and openness are the qualities which exist in a balanced Ajna chakra. In other words, in the third dimension you can jump from one point in the fourth dimension to the second. It is the dimension that you go to, to time travel and jump between parallel lives. This light grid system conducts interconnected cellular consciousness via electricity in the body. Meet The sixth dimension: the return to the Divine source - WeMystic, The different dimensions are found in the here and now, 6 smiling Buddhas: activators of prosperity and success, Mercury in our birth chart: how you use your mind. These beings would have the ability to see what lies inside objects in our 3D universe. String theorists say we would never see them if we lived in a 10-dimensional six-dimensional universe. Rather, our atmosphere is an intense field of colored energy. The souls who are able to make contact with three-dimensional beings during their sojourn in the 6th dimension are the seven-dimensional guides, and they come from different solar systems when you complete their cycle of incarnation. Experience Higher, Lighter Energy In 5D, you vibrate in feelings like reverence, beauty and kindness. On the highest level of creation, you are God. In spiritual terms, it is God. When we see in the fifth dimension we see a world different from ours which gives us a means to measure the similarity or difference between our world and other possible ones. They state that the dimensions are 10 and the last one is the state of true awakening, of Self-Realization. Numerologically, the number eleven is 1 and 1 combined. Here they are able to view and interact with lower dimensional vibrational planes. Get to know yourself as a spiritual being, who is limitless, all-powerful, and deeply connected to the Source of All that is. I have had the sensation of hallways within hallways within hallways of light unfolding endlessly within and through me. When someone mentions different dimensions, we tend to think of things as parallel universes alternative realities that exist parallel to ours, but in which everything works or happened differently. From an Eleventh Dimensional perspective, we can see billions of these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of The Void. From here, we can project our consciousness into any form in the universe. (We do not fly, either. 6th dimensional beings pheasant spirit animal. [2] Perpetua, the mother of creation and her three sons: the World Forger, the Anti-Monitor, and the Over-Monitor are the only beings known to reside within the Sixth Dimension. It is where the Universe pours the archetypical molds. For them, the sixth dimension is a state of transit and not a place to settle. It can be said that a point (Frisbee) stretches into a line in time and repeats itself to become a plane. The Ninth Dimension is where the homogenized consciousnesses of the Tenth Dimension arrange themselves into planetary, stellar, galactic, universal, and dimensional consciousnesses. There is no time outside of the fourth dimension, so 3D beings must use this tunnel to gain access to everything that is time and space or past and future. Everyone is here to do their work of learning the lessons their soul came here to learn. All language, symbols, and models start here. These dimensions or entities are also classified by Maharishi Canada as Earth, Water, Air, Radiance (Energy), Akasa (Space), Dick (Direction), Kara (Time), Atman (I) and Manas (Mind) Or mind). Although the ego does not exist in spiritual dimensions, here souls are presented with the exact opposite quality, oneness, and service of the greatest good. Scientists believe there could be much more beyond these three visible dimensions. We base our actions entirely on love, never on fear. This etches our *lives* in stone, rather than sketching them in Light. She technically created the rest, and can destroy and create anything in the multiverse, as she is a Hand. Fifth dimensional beings would appear to us fourth dimensional beings as a thin shell taking an almost spherical appearance. Look no further than Picsart! Consciousness of the 6th dimension as a known ability is difficult to translate into a four-dimensional conceptual understanding. 4) Begin to breathe it in. Therefore, in our view, the fourth dimension, time, from the past to the future, just moves in a straight line. It is where the Universe pours the archetypical molds. A closed Anahata chakra can give way to anger, jealousy, grief, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others, particularly in the form of holding a grudge against someone or something. We incarnate here as androgenous stellar beings. Begin with a deep breath in through your nose and hold it for an instant before letting it go gently out through your mouth. They were extradimensional god-like beings responsible for helping humans experience other dimensions and worlds. As they are the guardians of the matrix of Gaias consciousness. (Actually, Group Souls are even more integrated than the cells of our body; they are more like drops of water in an ocean, communicating by sharing real-life holograms.). Beyond definition, it is always more than we can imagine. ASSOCIATED SENSATIONS WHEN TRAVELING IN THE SIXTH DIMENSION, APPLICATION OF SIXTH DIMENSIONAL ENERGIES, MUSIC WHICH EXPRESSES AND ALLOWS ACCESS TO THE SIXTH DIMENSION, WORDS THAT CONVEY THE VIBRATION OF THE SIXTH DIMENSION We travel by the application of Divine Will. Within them is the potential for the co-creation of all spirits, forms, and universes during that Cosmic Year. The Fifth Dimension ~ Heaven; The Plane of Light; Comradery. There are well over a hundred anchor points on the planet, none of which is of any more significance than any other. (The Christ is just one of the billions upon billions of beings who comprise this dimension/entity.). . 3) Your soul is building in the air around you, do not worry if you do not see it, it is about a relationship between your soul and your body, you head does not need to get it. This is the dimension where angels and beings of light move because within sacred geometry, it corresponds to the geometric patterns of light and energy and life-givers. People with wolf totems can easily form emotional attachments to others. Ascension. In 1997, string theory came to light, which works in six dimensions. Numerologically, the number twelve is 1 and 2 joined. Humans first dimensional consciousness is unconscious to our five physical senses. Become a member of the FGH community, share your thoughts, LOCATION 8. If you have a balanced Svadhistana chakra, you are comfortable with intimacy/sharing with others, have a healthy relationship with your sexuality, and thoroughly enjoy lifes pleasures. The first dimension part of our bodies it is the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. As Group Soul members, we can channel into other forms in other dimensions. For instance, you might say, God is pure, unconditional Love., For that statement to be more true, you would need to add, and then some. In other words, whatever we can say or conceive about this being/state, there is always something more to it - and then some.. To support the spiritual sustenance of the earth, you would energize the Planet Within.. Activating the Spiritual Internet of the cells or the Biochemistry of Grace deeply heals by reinstating light connections all throughout the body. When Muladhara chakra is underactive, it means that you are feeling weak, tired, or unmotivated. They are not necessarily interested in money, as they feel content when they do not need it. You begin to know what the Soul knows and make Soul-guided choices.Simultaneous Time Living in 5D, you move into Simultaneous Time which allows you to see the broader perspective of All That Is. The sixth dimension contains what have been called Light Beings or beings with light forms that embody a minimal density of matter, infused with a great deal of light. The light from the 9th dimension and beyond comes through the 7th dimensional lens of sound which creates geometric forms in the 6th to birth the material world we live in. Olympians (Marvel Comics) are extradimensional beings from the realm . This fifth dimension thus corresponds to the superposition of quantum physics, in which, prior to the measurement, a quantum system can be in any possible state, or rather, all possible states at the same time. average rate per mile for owner operators 2022; Breathe it into every single cell of your body. This is the place of the chemical beings that make up the body. There are liver, heart, brain, and blood cell entities. Each is unique and has a function, yet they are one body. In the Fifth Dimension, one simply duplicates himself to his destination(s). Each now moment is a threshold to new beginnings and fresh choices.Choice The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.Paradox Contradictory truths. The Tenth Dimension is where our spirit comes into existence. I will protect and guide you and give you what you want. Remember? Then they go mentally towards kaif (a state of total consciousness) and in this state of consciousness the fascinating things of energy, visions, etc., are given little importance. You are in the process of incorporating your Divinity and your human-ness as a co-creator in the evolution of consciousness on the Earth.As with all spiritual journeys, there are initiations,portals through which the devotee must pass in order to incorporate the next level of spiritual awakening. There are grand cities of Light with very high consciousness here. Jesus said, The Father and I are one., Indeed, tenth-dimensional beings are, in essence, pure mixtures of the Great Yin and Yang. Other aspects of self in non-matter (light body and other non-physical realms) are included within the sixth dimension. *****If my work has helped you in any way, ple. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.Flexible Structures of the Fourth DimensionNow Time This is your point of power. For example, a tree can easily transform into a wolf. You achieve a quiet knowingness.Higher Mind In this level of living, when the mental and emotional bodies merge, the union activates the Higher Mind and you operate from the mind of your Soul. which is 4.72477 r7, or 0.0369 of the smallest 7-cube that contains the 6-sphere. 19. Loosen any tight or restrictive clothing and lower the lights if they are bright. Our ability to experience beauty down here shows that we live in a loving universe. To use the terminology of three dimensions, time is a plane, and the second dimension moves along right angles to the plane, creating a three-dimensional figure (Figure Three-dimensional Time ). How were chainsaws invented? When Creator wanted to know Himself/Herself better He/She asked for volunteers, and guess who ran to the front of the line saying Pick me, pick me! You did! 16. Let go and dissolve any fear, anxiety, or uncertainty, and any resistanceor thoughts that this wont work for you You can do this by getting in touch with the resistance, taking a deep breath, and exhaling out through your mouth as you let go. A team at Imperial College London claims that they can open a window into other dimensions by sending electric currents through high-temperature superconductors placed in magnetic fields. Just do what I say.) Magic, time travel, karma, reincarnation, luck, psychic surgery, flying, mind reading, disembodied spirits, enchantment, and of course, astral travel, all source from this plane. Usually, someone is there to greet the person, although not always St. Peter. The Cathexis are a race of sixth-dimensional beings from the DC Universe.. Fictional character biography. We are unstoppable, living miraculous lives. It is the state of enlightenment. Strange was confronted by Tiboro. Contents 1 History 1.1 Arrowverse 2 Points of Interest It is the transition from formless to form. Self Realization. They swirl, however, not only vertically (like Earth vortexes), but horizontally, diagonally, and into the past and future. Allow your body to relax more and more. Consequently, strength of Personal Will or Personal Power play major roles in the protection and control rackets. In theory, once you have mastered the fifth and sixth dimensions, you can travel in time and move into another future. 2. The God that you are expresses itself as many different aspects, expressing itself on each and every dimensional level. ANCHOR POINT ON THE PLANET Therefore this dimension is only a passage and monks must concentrate on their path to Self-Realization. Next: TRANSDIMENSIONAL LEVEL 7 > 5. Activation of the Light Body constitutes an evolutionary spiritual practice. In addition, we can travel by moving through the doorway at the center of the star. It is that simple. Beyond the three dimensions are seven dimensions that are not immediately obvious to us, but which can still be perceived as having a direct impact on our universe and reality as we know it. Six-Dimensional space with a certain geometry that is ; the plane of light with crystalline purity tone! Not always St. Peter of these effulgent shells blazing in the Nothingness of the chemical beings that make the! Which is of any more significance than any other potential for the co-creation of all spirits forms. And 5th dimensions would have the ability to see what lies inside objects in our 3D.. ) Allow the emotions to be observed the seventh dimension is only a passage and monks must on. Many people are still unaware of dimensions or even the idea of leaving dimensions itself dimension/entity is not to... Body and other non-physical realms ) are extradimensional beings from the DC... 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